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#1 2020-03-02 20:55:08

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

[Replay Quest] Dollz Tube

Hello the Dollz!

After several years of work, you are now a Vloger recognized and appreciated. You can even live this passion, a chance!

Discover a unique quest, Wonderful, full of mystery and magic content!

Beautiful gifts await you! As you progress in the quest, the gifts are more and more beautiful!

The last step of the validated quest, you will get the lower part of the Duplex room with his theme! If you have the room, you’ll earn his extension.

And of course many other gifts to win through these steps! Special and unique gifts!

Important: The refund for this quest will not be active for this replay!

To access the quest, click in the special offers:

Discover the variations of colors of the objects you need for the quest in the Winter Shop!

You have until March 8h 23h59 to participate in this quest !

Enjoy the last time of winter on OhMyDollz!


#2 2020-03-02 21:54:24

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

Re: [Replay Quest] Dollz Tube

Last edited by jenzg11 (2020-03-02 21:58:00)


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