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#1 2019-05-17 17:10:50

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Your story since OMD

I said in Sierra's post. I used to come here a lot. I remember spending every ounce of free time I had invested in this game. And once I started making money, I even spent a little.

A lot of us checking in have been with this games since the beginning (or near beginning lol)
That's almost a decade. I was 13 when I created my first account, keenonfantasy. Now, I'm 22.

A lot can happen in a decade. I played this game in middle school. At the time I was living in Arkansas and going to a private school after being homeschooled for about 5 years.
Some of you might remember that my dad was in the military; I found comfort in this forum whenever we had to move. It was the only constant in my life. I made really good friends here that while we don't keep in touch as often, I follow on social media and we know what's going on in each other's lives.

Since then, I've moved back to the state I was born in and have graduated from the same High School I started from, which isn't a big deal to be in the same school for 4 years, but to, it was near impossible to happen.

I have an Associate's in Computer Science, which is a major I wouldn't have known about without Darkelfqueen telling me about it. I am absolutely in love with this major. The coding, the theory, everything is just amazing. I hate math and physics (which the major is chock full of) but the coding part of it keeps me going.
I'm also maybe kinda trying to get a double major in Game Design but we'll see how that goes. And Can't forget the Minor in Graphic Design that I'm definitely going after.

The college I'm going to has an accelerated Masters program and I am planning on taking it, So hopefully, I'll be graduating with 3 degrees and a minor :D

I participated in a hackathon, and created a prototype for a game that I hope to completete before my first semester at the University. It is a religion based game (about Ramadan) so I'll refrain from the details.

I'm trying to keep up with my art as well. I think I've gotten better since my first art post here which, god awful. I'm sorry I subjected you all to that XD
I used to post comics after high school, but had to stop when it affected my schooling. I'm still planning on getting back into it, but it's been 3 years since soooo....i dunno.

I'm currently jobless after working in summer camps for the past 5 to 6 years. Based on the load I'm soon to be taking, I think it's good that I don't have a job XD

But yeah, that's me. It's a little mundane, but I'm proud of myself. That's something I could never bring to say about myself before.


Anyway, I really wanna hear your story too. Brag a little about yourself, if you want to share some sad times, I'd love to listen to that as well. We are a big family here. I want to hear what you've been doing since your first account's creation
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#2 2019-05-18 16:37:55

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Your story since OMD

It all started when I saw an ad of the other pony game (forgot the name) from Acclaim. and though that one, I also joined Age of Lore and MDD. I think I was arround 14 back then (10 years ago?). And then I discovered the Feerik counterparts and was disappointed to discover that Age of Magic was not available in english (only german, italian and french) and I couldn't create an account there. But I joined Pony Vallee and OMD.

After Pony Vallee changed its site format I was slowly losing interest in that site (I have to apologize to kauliztwin, who was helping me get the farmer set when I abandoned that game) because the ponies were annorexic, the minigames were boring, they were releasing new feez-only pony sets all the time and nothing interesting...

But I remained in OMD. I like dress-up games and this one had a variety that was hard to find elsewhere. The game was constantly improving and despide leaving a few times (usualy because problems in real life, such as too much college work), I always came back. My last return happened after I lost my Facebook account. This game has a wonderful community that makes me feel wellcome. I think I follow some players on DeviantArt, but I can't remember wich of them...

Lately, I've been recovering from the burnout my brain got from college and trying to decide what to do with my life... Maybe I'll upload pictures of my handcrafts on DeviantArt, who knows? (All I have there right now is a piece of cake and a fish couple, if I recall correctly) I don't realy have much to say but I wanted to give my 2 cents here...

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#3 2019-05-18 22:40:10

From: Termina
Registered: 2010-10-02
Posts: 3592

Re: Your story since OMD

It all started on Newgrounds when I was 10 years old. I saw an ad for Ponystars and MyDivaDoll while I was playing the games there, and despite what I had learned growing up in the dawn age of the internet was to never click on ads, I did it anyway, and instead of my old clunky computer getting a ton of viruses, I found a new world of cute ponies and fantasy. I was a horse girl, I collected Bella Sara cards, and Pony Stars was a match made in heaven for me. That is, until I actually decided to try out MDD. I joined as Narutard97 and I fell in love instantly with the game, the quests, the users, I had made so many friends there. I made a secondary account a year later called 'Ilovejapan' where I was more active. I grew up in a somewhat poor household, I was never able to afford Feez, and my parents believed that MDD was a virus and wanted me to 'delete' it haha. It took me a while to convince them that it was all safe and fair, and they let me roam free on the internet from there. If anybody remembers, I used to take 'commissions' where I'd draw for free. The drawings are sitll up on my old deviantart account. I read on the forums from one of the mods, Willow I think? She had said that the French servers were getting all of the events before us, and so I joined OMD to see if that was true.

And one month later, Acclaim announced they were shutting MDD and PonyStars down. I was in middle school when I got the news. I specifically remember, my best friend had noticed I was looking glum and asked me why I was sad. I told her, 'My favorite website that I've been visiting since I was a kid is shutting down." Even my family noticed and had asked me if I still visited MDD, but I told them it was no more. When it finally went out the door, I did what I could to try and recreate my Ilovejapan account.

Between me being 10 and now, my life was flipped, turned, thrown in every which way possible. I would regularly visit OMD as an escape from my real life because a lot of terrible things were happening to me all at once, until when I was 16. My family lost the house, we were homeless, and in my depression I had forgotten about OMD ever existing. I was gone for roughly a year and a half until I logged back in to the same community being active and engaging, almost as if time had never passed. I was in a rough patch of my life, but OMD was my escape from everything; I had felt happiness again.

I had only logged in now and then to get money and check quests, but when I had noticed that we were getting a lot of replays, I checked the forums to see why. Reading that flash is going to end broke my heart. Since then, I have logged in every single day for any updates at all. I finally reached my goal of getting 1000 db$$, but honestly... the reason behind it isn't something I'm happy about. I've been skipping quests left and right because I wanted to see something new. And now... I doubt we ever will.

I'm 21 years old now, turning 22 next month. I'm about to graduate with an Associate's in Graphic Design on Thursday. I have a healthy and long relationship with my boyfriend, we plan on getting married in a few years. My art is improving, if anybody remembers how bad my art was back then, I promise I've gotten better hahaha. I want to actually start selling my art, like physical prints and charms. I live in a new home, I'm in the process of getting my life together to move out as I type this. But OMD/MDD has always been a constant in my life. I'm disheartened that my friends from here have moved on to greener pastures and have forgotten OMD, but the few of us who are still here are what matters most. I wish I could talk more with the users who aren't as active on the forums.

#4 2019-05-21 14:49:36

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Your story since OMD

I wasn't 10 years old when I first found this game.  I had a 15 year old step-daughter though.  She was and is a tomboy (now with 2 kids of her own: 4 & 2). I had done a search on "girly games" in an effort to find something that the two of us would like and would be able to play together.  She had already found the Pony game, to which I made a pony but never got into it.  At the time I made my first doll, sierradane, on MDD... I also discovered that there was a French site to the same game.   I made a doll there too but would usually forget to log it in.  When MDD ended, for some reason the place we migrated to was the former French version and lo & behold, I already had a doll there! I think that is one reason why my doll's avatar appears close to the beginning of anyone who adds me as a friend. I have also created a doll with the same name on every country server available.

Before finding this site and even before marrying my step daughter's father in 2006, I was playing a game called Everquest.  That game is very stressful and the people, mostly males, can be very abusive and enjoy when they find they can hurt peoples' feelings; which they did me a lot.  This game, MDD and OMD, was a way to retreat from that and to surround myself with people who were friendly.

After caring for my mother who had been confined to a hospital bed for over 3 months in 2017 and 2018, I am now unable to work because of a back injury.  So I am a 'stay at home' wife, mother of one (I never really called her "step daughter") and grandmother of 2. 

We got a "new to us" house in November of 2017, I moved in to live with my mother in January of 2018 which gave me literally 10 hours per week for myself.  I only managed to go to my "new" house for 2 hours once a week.  My mother died on my birthday, Oct 10 2018.  And although I now have lots of time to devote to this game again, the state of the game makes it difficult to do much.   

Other than my time here, being a wife, caring for my "new to us" house, birds and chickens... I work on my family tree online or hang out at the local library. 

This game has helped me through a lot in my life and I certainly hate to see it go away.

and as for those DB's.... my doll pallydane once actually reached 10,000 diva bucks.  I logged her in daily and never spent any.  I recently redid her loft so now she's down to 8798 ;)

Last edited by sierradane (2019-05-21 15:19:21)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#5 2019-05-21 18:14:01

Registered: 2011-01-18
Posts: 578

Re: Your story since OMD

Ounce upon a time..... Na, that's an old way to start mdr  We begin with a little background of my past life. Of course during this time I did not own my own PC nor lap top nor anything computer related. non The funny thing is that my family was from the lower class and couldn't not afford internet nor cable therefore the only access to wifi and computer stuff was...  u guess it... the PUBLIC LIBRARY. SO everyday after school, i will constantly lie to my parent stating that "I'm going to the library to do Homework!!" and stay there all day until it closed. I did this just so i can use the free WIFi and computers.  Yes i was a very bad person sad

Anyhow, my story begins when I was also in middle school where i still have not gone out of my Barbie stage.ouf I was on the Barbie webpage when I saw the link to a game call "mydivadoll." This game was another version of OMD back,which i did not know. (Lucky i did not use anything real on that website such as my e-mail or my name)good

When Softmore came, "mydivadoll" was ban due to copyrights from OMD (I think that is what happan.) therefore I lost my account  and process of the game. nrv Yes i was very upset and dissapointed. However, I got over it after Facebook came along with the OMD app on it.montr  I begin playing OMG on Facebook for a few weeks. During this time I noticed a link to the "main website." There, I created my account on OMD.Because of my experinces from "mydivadoll," I actually knew what to do, leading to actually "recover" my doll. [recover meaning developing my doll back to its state in my divadoll]

Currently, I am now 24. During my experienced on this game since I was  13 years old, I have learn many thing , such as making my own WIA and expanding my creatively in my loft. I met lots of awesome players and and very much enjoyed the game. Everybody was helpful and kind and I hope the game continues on and not shut down

Last edited by hollymoua (2019-05-21 18:16:35)


#6 2020-03-07 16:24:39

From: The couch
Registered: 2010-12-02
Posts: 11534

Re: Your story since OMD

I was introduced to OMD at a very critical point in my life, while I was completely lost and overwhelmed with everything that was going on. I was in highschool at the time--2011, senior year-- when I had to move away to live with my cousin Malu in a different country. I had no friends, I wasn't close with anyone else in my family except with Malu. She had shown me the game a year ago so I already had an account opened that I could use.

I grew quite a bit with OMD, and along the way I made friends with some of the most incredible people on the internet--at least, in my opinion. I met Angelfire and Bloodyemo, who are on my social medias to this day. I also got close with Darkelfqueen who I think is still a big inspo for most of the players on the forums.

I completed my teaching degree back in my own city a few years ago. Depression and anxiety was always a big part of my life for as long as I remember, but we used to call that something else--it was something that was taboo where i was growing up. 2017, my final year in uni was the year I struggled the most with everything. I was going back and forth with toxic friends, family members, and still lost as to who I was, really.

I did eventually get help, even if it was forced upon me by my then long-time boyfriend, and now Husband. In my darkest of times, I found myself coming back to this game and checking the forums, because it was here that I found my sanctuary.

OMD will always have a special place in my heart, along with all the wonderful friends I had the pleasure of making. Thank you for being a part of a community that literally saved a lost teen, who would have never thought that she would get to live past 18.

Last edited by amaryllis-love (2020-03-07 16:25:30)

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#7 2020-04-14 20:14:05

From: Wonderland
Registered: 2011-03-15
Posts: 61

Re: Your story since OMD

I was a 10 year old kid who had completely changed into a different school and had no friends at all. But thankfully, I met an old schoolmate of mine in that school (I knew her in kindergarten hahaha). When our friendship started to grow, she told me about MDD and even opened my first account. I rarely played during those days because I was using my dad's computer in his office.

After a long break of not logging in, I was saddned with the news of MDD closing down. I really thought it would be the end of my journey so I never looked back again.

I don't really remember how I found out about OMD but I was really happy! As soon as I got on, I searched up everyone I knew from MDD and rekindled my friendship. I even found more friends on here to connect with until now. I made a friend over here around 2011 and now we still keep in touch (outside of OMD though). We became best friends and was even planning to meet up this summer (plans have changed so maybe next year). 

I mostly go on here during my summer breaks because school would often take a huge toll on my life. I've already graduated with a degree in business administration last May 2019. I left my hometown for 6 months to sort some personal matters. Since I was in a foreign country, I didn't know anyone and rarely went out of the house. I found myself spending so much time here and keeping up with all my friends. But by October to December I sort of slipped away because I was going through depression and anxiety. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders and I didn't know how to handle it nor did I want to talk to anyone about it.

Until now, I still haven't gotten through it yet and life hasn't been quite easy on me. While I rarely login here everyday, I still check in once in a while to see if my friends are still doing okay. I also check in on the replays just incase. Hahahaha

My sisters and friends would often make fun of how I still use OMD, but they don't understand the connections I've made through here. A lot of good people I met are here and at most, I can't contact anywhere else except here. So it's really a good place for me to lookback and appreciate the journey it has taken me to get here. :)

I'm turning 22 later this year and I still am amazed at how long I've been here. That's an amazing committment! Hahaha!


#8 2020-04-21 21:19:08

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Your story since OMD

Old friends!

Tis I, Snortmort, returned from the virtual dusty hallways of the past. It's been probably 2 years since I've logged in, but I've thought of the game every once in a while since then, and this week I thought I'd try logging in again. So nice to see the game still running.

I opened my account on this site back when MyDivaDoll was still a thing. I had only opened it as a kind of back-up, and didn't use it much, but I was glad to have opened the account once MDD shut down, otherwise I would have been starting back at square one, like so many other players had to do.
Like several of you also, I played PonyStars before I found MDD/OMD. I really enjoyed it, it reminded me of the cute My Little Pony toys I'd played with as a child - the vintage ones, not the scrawny new ones that are out these days, haha. I tried to continue playing PonyStars after the site and design got a total overhaul, but the ponies weren't cute to me any longer, and the gameplay was too complex, so I dropped that and focused on my dollz.

I've got way too many accounts on here, which is maybe why I dropped gameplay a few years back - it took too much time to manage them all. I'm thinking I'll mothball most of them and just pop on to a few of the main ones once in a while.

I've been playing this game for over 10 years now - I started maybe 8 months before I got married to my hubby. Since then, we've had four kids who are now between the ages of 3 and 7.

I'm going to leave it at that for now, but heyyyyyy, nice to see some familiar names here on the forum! love

#9 2021-04-01 03:12:15

From: The Deep Woods
Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 1351

Re: Your story since OMD

I don't intend to be super active here, but then again I say that about Webkinz and still log in sometimes. 2009 nostalgia dies hard. I was 9 years old when I started playing with a friend, and I turn 21 next summer. I don't remember exactly which year I really fell out of OMD, maybe 2017 or so. Sounds about right because that would put me at the end of my high school years, which I'm gonna skip over as they were riddled with family fighting and mental illness and not very fun to remember. My biggest clue to that being my last year is the fact that a "Happy new year 2017" sign is one of my newest items in my inventory... mdr

I did maybe a semester at my local community college before the pandemic hit, and again, due to mental health reasons, I don't think Zoom call classes are gonna work out for me. School is on hold for now. The plan was to get my general credits much cheaper at community college, then to transfer into the school I want for the studio credits. I hope to go to a local art school eventually, I've been set on it for years. My family is kind of hard to live with and I want to leave, so I want to look into getting my first job soon once I'm vaccinated. School will have to come sometime after that. I can barely handle one let alone both.

I've also started participating in the goth and alternative scenes as well. I mostly listen to industrial, but pre-pandemic I would go to a goth club with my friends every few months. I even met my partner at one. People raise their eyebrows at me when I say that, not sure what they're thinking but he's cool I promise. Coincidentally, he works at a Walgreens now and is qualified to administer vaccines, so I got my first dose from him. I get my second soon. gai

There's more I could say, but I'll leave it there. I'm kind of inactive on social media in general right now, but if you want handles you can message me and I'll get back to you asap. Gonna read through this thread and catch up on it.


#10 2021-05-18 02:08:45

From: Attitude City
Registered: 2010-07-20
Posts: 2879

Re: Your story since OMD

I just remembered to login to this site to look back on all the memories we made here, it's so good to see how you guys have been doing. Even with this past year being what it is, it's nice to come back to where I spent my childhood and see that you guys are doing well <3

As for me, back when I joined MMD i think i was about 6 or 7 years old cause i didn't care about the over 13 rule lol. I had a lot of accounts on websites i probably shouldn't have been on at that age, but luckily i chose to spend my time on a dress up game. I wanna say I saw an ad for MMD on Pony Vallee and then I moved over to OMD after MMD closed. I started this account when I was only 8 years old hypn Obviously i pretended that I was older, but looking back on it i think it was kinda easy to tell that i was really young. I remember my dad would get emails every week about how long i was on certain websites, and my time on here was always maxed out because i kept the tab open for months on end.

Coming onto these forums was my favorite thing to do, and it was such a good distraction from the rest of my life. As i got older I started showing symptoms of a genetic disorder that runs in my family, but it's an even worse form than what my dad or my grandparents have. It got really hard to deal with because it's a lifelong disorder and the doctor I had at the time didn't want to treat me for it cause she thought i was too young to have it. All of that stress drove me away from keeping up here, and I wish I could've spent more time with all of my friends here because I missed you all so much <3

Now that I'm older (19 years old, 20 in October) and I have control over my medical stuff, I've been getting treatment since January of 2020! I feel so much better and there are days when it's easy to forget that i'm sick. I still have a really long way to go towards managing my health, but i've never been more optimistic in my life :)

I also posted my art on here a lot back when I was active, and I'm happy to say that i'm still working hard on my art! Just this year alone I got to be in two different magazines, one of which I was asked to make a 3-page comic for :) My hope is that next year I can start releasing the first chapters of a full webcomic that I've been working on since 2017. Last year when I moved to a new house I ended up finding a bunch of the old art I used to upload here, and i've come such a long way(i know how to draw noses now lmao)

I hope that you're all still doing well, and for anyone I used to talk to that hasn't logged on in a while, I hope they're okay too. Our lives have all gone in so many different directions but I'm so grateful for the time when all of our paths crossed <3

Last edited by shiva (2021-05-18 02:15:32)

tumblr: sirpepperston

#11 2021-05-24 02:24:02

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012-01-28
Posts: 38246

Re: Your story since OMD

Amary, I’m in tears!! I miss you all. <3

I started MDD probably when I was like 11 or 12. I’m 24 now. I followed MDD and Ponystars until their shut downs. I proceeded to try and reload their pages and found they changed sites to OMD and Ponyville (?). I didn’t like the way they set the pony one up but loved OMD with all my heart.

Throughout the years, I’d spend countless hours on here dressing up my doll, talking to the friends I made, and doing the RPG’s I loved so much. I’d spend every possible moment on here because it was an escape from my real life. I was anorexic, depressed, and a danger to myself and thanks to Angel, Amary, Malu, and Varky (hehe I hadn’t forgot Darky!) I was able to help keep myself together. I cherish those girls so much and follow them on any social media platform I could today!

I’m currently married to my high school sweetheart, a mom of a rambunctious 2.5 year old little boy, moved several times (hubs is military so spent the last few years in California), recently moved back home to my home state awaiting my husband to get out, and working factory work. I get so busy and no time to access a computer to get on as much as I’d like anymore but I occasionally to think about this game and check on my phone. I miss it and my friends here a lot some days. pleur
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#12 2023-10-20 00:04:05

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Your story since OMD

Back here after so many years.
Just wanted to give a quick shoutout to Bloody, Darky, Angel and Amary. Love you guys and hope you are all doing well!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#13 2023-10-20 00:45:26

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010-02-18
Posts: 29741

Re: Your story since OMD

Since Im here, I might as well give a little update as well hehe
I joined the game when I was 10. I did not realize that this game was 13+ and I do remember being extremely concerned that I would be kicked off the game at one point
Thankfully that did not happen.
I have lots of wonderful memories on this forum. Spent countless hours playing games (strawberries vs raspberries was one I created I believe?) and role playing. Oh my god the roleplaying! The mortal instruments roleplay was the absolute best!
13 years later, Im currently doing my masters in microbiology. Nothing else too exciting in my life Im afraid haha. I definitely miss the girls so much! I still keep in contact with Bloody, Angel and Amary (shes my cousin and related by blood so she cant get rid off me hehe). I recently even met Angel in real life! Complete coincidence that we happened to be in the same country at the same time. We had a wonderful time catching up and roaming around the city together. Incredibly thankful we had that experience.
The only person I lost contact with was with Darky.
(Darky if youre seeing this, I miss you girl! Message me on instagram if you see this please!)
Lots of things have happened over the years but I still often think about OMD. It definitely helped make me who I am today and my friends on here helped me get through a lot of unhappy times. I, like the other girls, definitely found solace here.
Thanks OMD! I promise to check back at least once an year hehe

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

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