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#1 2020-05-13 17:05:13

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

[Replay Quest] Dollz-Express

Hello, dollz!

We are in the year 1890. The luxurious Dollz-Express train is about to leave the capital for its maiden voyage.

Its journey will pass through the great cities of Europe while its passengers will enjoy its comfort and its luxurious amenities. Its final destination: Constantinople!

And you have the opportunity to participate in this incredible journey!

Great gifts await you! As you progress through the quest, the gifts will be more and more beautiful!

You will also have to answer riddles to win bonus gifts!

At the last stage of the quest you can get the animated room of the travel tab: The Train!

Warning: there is no extension to this room.

Throughout its journey, through the rewards of the stages, the train will be upgraded with furniture and furnishings for the greatest comfort of your passengers. A cabin, a lounge bar, a bathroom and a restaurant will be avaliable to you at their respective stages to enhance your room's design.

The train's decorative elements are modular and adaptable to all kinds of configurations to give free rein to your desires and your imagination!

And of course there are many more gifts to be won throughout these steps!

To access the quest click the button in the Special Offers corner:

Discover the color variations of the items you will need for the quest in the Victorian Shop:

You have until Sunday, at 11:59pm (Paris time)to participate in this quest.

Are you willing to travel with OhMyDollz?

#2 2020-05-13 17:07:18

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

Re: [Replay Quest] Dollz-Express

Special thanks to Fairykisses for posting the quests total cost and answers originally.

Quest Name: Dollz-Express
Store Used: Victorian Shop
Two Endings? No.
Job? No.
Room? Yes - The Train.
Talent? No.
Total cost: 239 $$$
Full Guide: … 42#p325542

Bonus Answers:
1. Agatha Christie
2. 1883
3. kouign amann
4. 1891
5. Emile Zola
6. 7
7. 81h30

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