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#1 2020-05-15 19:29:54

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

[Packs] Norse Gods!

Hello Dollz!

Discover these packs inspired by Norse mythology to get the two deities - Loki and Thor.
The two handsome gods are at your disposal to watch over their domains in your Asgard and Viking rooms.

These packs are made up of exclusive items, past collector items, but also item multipliers, tokens, gift vouchers and $$$!

Packs' content:

The “Loki” pack consists of the character of Loki with his removable outfit, an exclusive section of ice wall, an exclusive mountain decor, 5 object multipliers, 30 $$$, 10 gift vouchers, 10 tokens and some past collector items to represent the Norse god of deception.

The “Thor” pack consists of the character of Thor with his removable outfit, an exclusive Asgard wall section, 5 object multipliers, 30 $$$, 10 gift vouchers, 10 tokens and some past collector items to represent the Norse god of thunder.

The "Odin" pack consists of a Viking collector's outfit for your doll, mountain decor, past collector items from the other two packs, 5 object multipliers, 30 $$$, 10 gift vouchers, 10 tokens.

These packs will be available until Sunday at 11.59pm.

To access the packs, click on the button in the Special Offers corner:

Have a nice weekend on OhMyDollz!

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