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  •  » [Replay Quest] The Cannes festival will take place on Ohmydollz!

#1 2020-05-19 17:49:12

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009-09-30
Posts: 1364

[Replay Quest] The Cannes festival will take place on Ohmydollz!

Hello dollz,

Because of the risks of coronavirus infection, the real Cannes Film Festival will unfortunately not have its usual extravagance, its red carpet, its stars its crazy evenings, at least not in the real world. Fortunately on Ohmydollz we have been spared this scourge and we have every opportunity to celebrate cinema together. Take good care of your dollz!

The Cannes Film Festival 2015 quest

You've just finished your first real shoot, or you're finally playing one of the leading roles. You hope that this film will finally be the springboard to success!

The extension of the animated Newlywood room as well as a second theme are available in this quest! But that's not all - The Movie Star career also appears again!

The Cannes Film Festival 2013 quest

As the producer's assistant for the "Doll’z Studios" you work behind the scenes of a film creation, and the inside scoops are a part of your everyday life! In other words Boulevard de la Croisette has no secrets from your doll!

During this quest you can earn 5 tokens as well as 10 object multipliers.

For the occasion of these replays the stores linked to these quests will be open during the whole event!

The replays of these quests will be available until Sunday, May 24th, at 11:59pm (Paris hour).

To access these replays click on the button in the Special Offers section:

You can return to the replays selection page until you have validated the first step.

Experience adventures on OhMyDollz!

#2 2020-05-26 00:04:58

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

Re: [Replay Quest] The Cannes festival will take place on Ohmydollz!

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