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#1 2020-05-31 23:11:39

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2406

How to get your BUGS/other issues fixed

It seems the only way to get your bugs/other issues fixed in any consistent or timely manner is to report it directly to the french board. >>> <<<

I wouldn't bother filling out a ticket either, as it appears those are being ignored/unanswered.

You will need to have an account on the French OMD site to post on the French board. If you do not have an account, and do not want to start one, then you can ask a moderator to post your bug on the French forum for you.

If you do have an account and can post on the French board yourself, please make sure to indicate the issue is on the US OMD server, give the name of your account that is encountering the bug/having an issue, and state clearly what your bug/issue is.

Just a bit of background so you can understand that this is not coming out of the blue, and why going forward, it's probably your best bet to have your game issues dealt with:

For years now (I'm talking several many now I can't even give you an exact number because it's been that long), this site will get a GM (game manager.) They are the ones who fix bugs and deal with the technical aspects of this game. They are the ones we moderators send your issues/bugs to so they can be dealt with.

The problem is that after a few months, the GM will take a vacation in the Bermuda Triangle. As in, they'll just disappear. With no word or warning. Then, this site goes back to having no GM. Players and mods alike start to become more and more frustrated as bugs and other issues go unfixed. Finally, after mods asking/begging/pleading for a GM, or players complaining directly on the French board, we will get another GM. Things will be fine a for a short time and then BAM! Bermuda Triangle time again. Wash, rinse, repeat. I even explained this to our last GM and asked her to not just disappear on us. She assured me she wouldn't. But, she did.

One of our players encountered a bug back in February. Despite my sending emails about her issue to the last known GM (who we last heard from in December or January, I think), the player finally had to go the French site herself to have her bug fixed.

After her bug was fixed (almost immediately after posting), I tried to follow up with someone one the french board, but I was just given the brush off. No one has contacted me, either on this board or thru my email. No one has bothered to inquire as to what outstanding bugs players might be having.

The US server has no GM. Even if they do send us another GM, repeated history shows they will eventually disappear again. So, it seems if you encounter a bug/issue and don't want to wait months and months for it to hopefully, eventually be fixed, you're better off just reporting it on the French board directly.

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