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  •  » [Stores] Two new outfits in the Lovers Cupboard!

#1 2021-04-22 18:19:00

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Stores] Two new outfits in the Lovers Cupboard!

Translated by darkelfqueen

Hello dollz,
Today, two new outfits from the talented Altairia complete the cupboard on the theme of romantic outfits.

Check out these outfits inspired by love and romance, in two new, opposing styles!

Each outfit is made up of 5 elements. Open the Wardrobe to receive 5 random items from the available outfits (no duplicates possible, unless you already own everything)!

Find the Magic Cupboards at the OhMyDollz shopping center or clicking the image below:

And you ? What's your favorite outfit?


#2 2021-04-22 18:22:04

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Stores] Two new outfits in the Lovers Cupboard!

You can check which outfits are currently a part of the cupboard by clicking on 'Check content' under the cupboard.

But for your convenience, I'm including them below:

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  •  » [Stores] Two new outfits in the Lovers Cupboard!

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