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#1 2021-05-06 19:21:28

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Call to Designers] Decorations and animals of spring

Translated by darkelfqueen
Dear Dollz,

Spring colours our lives with flowers and symbolizes the renewal of life. You'll need to be creative to present great spring creations.

Prepare your fabrics, sewing machines and your most beautiful creations for a new Fashion Show: Spring Decors and Animals!

The wonders of creation are at your fingertips: from May 06 to 16, send all your creations on the theme.

You are free to create anything you want as long as it fits into the theme! Decors or animals, let go and let your creativity express itself!

Do not hesitate to create with the help of a multitude of pieces, the most original creations will be rewarded with special prizes!

Your items could be selected to be part of in-game events very soon.

You can offer up to 10 objects, created maximum 3 months ago!

Reminder: Please do not use VIP objects in your creations. If your creation has VIP elements, it won't show up and can't be sent.

Dollz whose participation has been selected will of course be entitled to a reward!

Ready for the challenge?


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