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#1 2021-06-10 18:32:47

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

[Replay] Quests in space: Space Opera and Sarah in space

Unofficial Translation by Darkelfqueen

Hello dollz
Our team invites you to discover the wonders of space through two quests that will take you on a journey outside our atmosphere.

Amazement and adventure await, ready for a little trip to space? The stars are waiting for you!

Sarah in space

The mini quest "Sarah in space" has been reimplemented so you can enjoy it without flash.

Sarah's dream has come true! Is she now one of the stars? aboard the MS-OMD-5051 space station! It has now been several months since she joined Thamos P. on an incredible journey into space. Take advantage of an interview with Sarah to learn more about the living conditions in space and win lots of goodies!

Space Opera

Year 3255, technology has surpassed the power of our imaginations, but our Dollz is still bored, dreams of adventures, of interstellar journeys to the ends of infinity, and of visits to new human and alien colonies?

At the end of the quest you can get the “Terra Dollis” and “Outer Space” rooms and if these rooms are already in your possession, you will get the expansions.

During this replay, the quest store will open for the duration of the event!

You can replay these quests until Sunday, 11:59 PM PST.

Ready for a little trip to space ?!


#2 2021-06-10 18:36:36

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Replay] Quests in space: Space Opera and Sarah in space

Quest Guides:

Sarah in Space

Special thanks to Rheasilvia for the guide!!

Quest Name: Sarah in Space
This is a mini quest!
Full Guide:

Space Opera

Special thanks to rheasilvia for posting the guide originally and Sierradane for the quiz answers and total.

Quest Name: Space Opera
Store Used: TV Show Shop
Two Endings? Yes.
Job? No.
Room? Yes - Interstellar Space and/or Terra Dollis.
Talent? No.
Total Cost: 209$$$ for one ending or 259 $$$ + 150 Fee'z for two endings
Full Guide: … 27#p325627

Bonus Answers:
1. Star Wars
2. The Death Star
3. Wormhole
4. Firefly
5. Caprica
6. Darth Vader


#3 2021-06-10 18:38:04

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012-03-21
Posts: 51772

Re: [Replay] Quests in space: Space Opera and Sarah in space

Please note that there is a currently known issue with the quest(s) on the US server. It's been reported to the best of our ability so approach with caution.

More details: … 71#p343571


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