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#1 2021-10-04 03:45:12

From: Untied States
Registered: 2011-05-30
Posts: 178

Permanent Flirt - Need Help

Hello everyone, I have seen others make similar posts, but I thought I would post my own question to see if anyone might be able to help. I am currently working on completing all of the permanent flirts or was at least trying to. I am currently stuck on the level with Rodolf (not sure on the level, but the prize is a blue elephant holding a pink heart). I was able to buy the hair and the skin color, but I am having issues buying the dog and the outfit that I need yet to finish it. Every time I click on any of the items to purchase I keep getting an error message... I am kind of bummed out.

I took a screenshot on my computer, here is the link:  file:///C:/Users/fryer/Pictures/Screenshots/Screenshot%20(9).png

Do any of you know where these items are in the store? Maybe I can go that route and try to purchase them? (Trying to be hopeful).

Thanks for any and all help! I appreciate it!

“Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.”

#2 2021-10-05 00:47:41

Registered: 2019-05-03
Posts: 56

Re: Permanent Flirt - Need Help

Alot of quests, flirts etc are having those issues, honestly, it looks like you will just have to wait. They appear to slowly be getting to them as they go. As for posting that picture? that is the address on *your* computer, so without *your* computer, we can't see it. to post a pic, i think right clicking the pic on the website, and clicking copy image address or something similar will get you the link you need to post a pic we can all see. Good Luck!


#3 2021-10-05 13:41:08

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3287

Re: Permanent Flirt - Need Help

Here is the permanent flirt guide:

It is incomplete, but what is posted might be a flirt that is close to the one you are on.  I have completed all of the flirts on my doll quinnmcdane, but when I looked in her MY THINGS, I couldn't locate a blue elephant holding a heart.

jenzg11 might have might have some info about this issue. She had been trying to work on adding that info or at least, gathering the info to complete the above post.

There is a button on the top row of most computers that says: PRT SC or something similar.  When you have what you want to copy, hit that button.  Then open your Paint program on your computer or whatever you have that is close.  Click on NEW then right click the empty space.  Your picture you took of your screen.... the screenshot... will go in that space.  then you'll need to save that file to your computer.  Then.... host it at a place and finally, post that URL of your image.  I use imgur  it's free.


right click on the image of the gift and it should give you the option to copy the link which is what I did for this item:

The image that shows up is using the above URL with the work "thumb" replaced by "big".  I've added a tag on the front and closed the tag at the end.  There's an option below the box in which you are typing in these forums that says:  that shows you how to do things with the coding.

Last edited by sierradane (2021-10-05 13:49:25)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#4 2021-10-06 03:06:07

From: Untied States
Registered: 2011-05-30
Posts: 178

Re: Permanent Flirt - Need Help

“Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.”

#5 2021-10-06 21:23:54

Queen of the Supernatural
From: Crystal Realm
Registered: 2010-09-09
Posts: 742

Re: Permanent Flirt - Need Help

I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say those are from the Basic shop, as I have dolls who have the skirt and dog and those say that's where they come from. However, I cannot find either in that shop, now, which should be considered a bug  as the items are missing from their store. You can buy the dog from my Firewater's loft. The skirt is a yellow color and not pink.

You can get the helmet if you search under all Doll Accessory and then go to Sports, it's on the last page.

Oh! I found the skirt. Again, search under all Bottom items in stores, then on Short Skirt, it's on the last page. The blouse is found the same way. Search all Tops, then Top with Sleeves; it's on the second to last page (or page 74.)

Can't seem to find the shoes, looked under Shoes, then Boots (assuming those are boots) and just couldn't see them. Just like the dog. Can't find him in the stores, either.

The French server is also having problems it seems:

Using Google translate, players mention missing items and such. Sarah says the module for the flirts and make over section are old and hard to update without messing the newer parts of the game up. Hopefully they can at least get the missing items back into the game's shops.

Last edited by lady0filia (2021-10-06 21:56:01)

It has gotten cold, brr~ Happy Holidays to you and yours!

#6 2021-10-07 00:37:03

Registered: 2019-05-03
Posts: 56

Re: Permanent Flirt - Need Help

Some of the flirts/levels i have been waiting on just worked, so if yours dont work now, keep trying, they should work soon


#7 2021-10-07 03:39:42

From: Untied States
Registered: 2011-05-30
Posts: 178

Re: Permanent Flirt - Need Help

You all are the absolute best!! love Was able to find all the items and complete the flirt! In the process I also found out the game works better on my smartphone, then on my laptop. On my cell phone I was able to find the dog and the boots. So that's definitely something worth passing on to others in the future.

I really appreciate you all for the help! Just made my week.

“Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret.”

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