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#1 2023-06-13 21:02:09

From: Forever youngville
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 562

News from the FR site

sarah wrote:

Hello dollz

The spring atmosphere makes delicate and graceful ideas bloom. The talented Morino offers you a new outfit in her shop, inspired by flowers and the sweet season.

Harmonious colors, light fabrics, and elegant details, the graphic designer knew how to sublimate the natural beauty of flowers through this new creation.

For your creativity, she has offered her many accessories in several sizes and colors, enough to personalize your outfits and decorations with these new and beautiful flowers. … leurs2.png

Find these items now in the Stylist Center shop … list-1.png under the acronym https://www.!

Flowers embellish your outfits with Morino!


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