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#26 2011-08-19 13:36:28

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Since I haven't said it yet. Thank you for this. I can get back one of the rooms I lost now. I can't wait for it to be repeated with the other rooms.


#27 2011-08-19 15:52:26

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3288

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

I like it that they are offering these rooms again and I can only hope they will offer not only these again, but the others. 

However, that being said, I don't like that they are making us pay 150 FEEZ to have the opportunity to do this.  I would love to have all of the rooms that are offered since I had two of them before.  But there's just no way to afford this unless and it's a shame.

I still feel like by Feerik shutting down the other site, we were cheated out of the real life money we had invested in it and I think it's not right that they are making us spend more real life money to get back what we had already bought.  I know I shouldn't complain and I know they are in it to make money.  But I still see it as almost a ponzy situation.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#28 2011-08-19 16:37:48

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

sierradane wrote:

I like it that they are offering these rooms again and I can only hope they will offer not only these again, but the others. 

However, that being said, I don't like that they are making us pay 150 FEEZ to have the opportunity to do this.  I would love to have all of the rooms that are offered since I had two of them before.  But there's just no way to afford this unless and it's a shame.

I still feel like by Feerik shutting down the other site, we were cheated out of the real life money we had invested in it and I think it's not right that they are making us spend more real life money to get back what we had already bought.  I know I shouldn't complain and I know they are in it to make money.  But I still see it as almost a ponzy situation.

Realistically speaking we were never going to get those rooms again without paying feez. There would be no incentive for Feerik to offer them otherwise.

Given that Feerik's line on the situation was that old flirts (and therefore the rooms that come with them) would never be able to be played again, I am super grateful for the chance to get just one of them back. I'd have paid an extra 150 $$$ to be able to get the other back too.

I am hoping they do this for not just the room flirts but some of the seasonal ones like the Halloween flirts.


#29 2011-08-19 20:49:08

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

I'm hoping they'll do something like this for Halloween, like as a special treat for us.


#30 2011-08-19 22:46:35

Registered: 2010-12-22
Posts: 47

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

This is so awesome! I'm wayy too happy about this lol :) I hope they redo the Mysterio Square, Miss Ohmydollz, and the Rockstar adventure! But I think I'm having a problem accessing the adventures. Whenever I click on one, it doesnt lead to the quest page... I don't know what to do quoi


#31 2011-08-20 04:22:16

Registered: 2010-08-27
Posts: 9

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

hey. Does anyone know how much you have to spend in the Best Friend quest to get the room and everything?


#32 2011-08-20 09:19:28

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 98

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

mika853 wrote:

hey. Does anyone know how much you have to spend in the Best Friend quest to get the room and everything?

Ok, so I made a guide for The Best Friend adventure.

Step 1
Mary is single...
My best friend Mary has just been dumped by her boyfriend! He went for a silly blonde girl with no brains... He thinks that her awful laugh is cute! What an idiot! No panic! I'm coming mary! I'm going to cheer you up!

What I need:
Cost: 7+5=12
Step 2
Mary is spending a few days at my place.
Mary is really upset, I can't let her cry and be all by herself at home! That's it, I've decided to invite her to stay a few days back at my house. She really needs to get over that boy !A grilled Marshmallow night should do the trick!
What I need:
Cost: 5+3+20=28 [TOTAL:40]

Step 3
DVD girly night!...
What beats a girly DVD night with ice cream and chocolate cookies to forget those loosers called boys! We will spend the night singing like Bridget "All by myselffffffff" eating and enjoying chocolate icecream! Being single isn't that bad!
Tomorrow, we will have to go to the gym to fit into those jeans hihihi!

What I need:
Cost: 5+15+7=27 [TOTAL:67]


Step 4
A new arrival in my loft!
Mary came back really excited from the hairdressers: " I completely fell in love with a cute little puppy at the pet store! You know that store near the hairdressers.. You understand that I can never trust a guy again! At least I won't live and get old alone, my dog will always be there! At least, he will be FAITHFUL!"
Well, she might have lost it a bit there but if a puppy can bring her smile back, I can only be happy for her!: ''Ok Mary... Let's go buy this puppy!"
What I need:
Cost:  10+7+10+3=30 [TOTAL:97]

Step 5
Shopping Spree!
This morning, Mary is very depressed and feeling blue! She feels too fat and that nobody wants her!
When a girl starts feeling down about her weight, there is only one solution to boost her morale: Shoping Spree!
A shopping Spree will cheer her up! No doubt!

What I need:
Cost: 25+10=35 [TOTAL:132]

Step 6
Here comes the Dancing Queens!
I am happy! I think Mary is much better! Plus we found and bought beautiful dresses yesterday! We are going out tonight and party! This might be a chance to find her a new boyfriend, who knows...?
This is the plan: Body work, makeup, tryouts, restaurant and clubbing!
There is no doubt now, we are the dancing Queens and we love the Dance floor! Wouhouuuu!
What I need:
Cost: 30+12+5=47 [TOTAL:179]

Step 7
The Roommate!
What a funny night it was last! Mary is healed that's for sure!
We had so much fun these past few days that we are really sad to separate now...
After a few tears , we laughed like crazy!
Then came an idea: What if she was my roomate ???!!

What I need:
Cost: 20+15+10=45 [TOTAL:224]

You succeeded in the last step, you are now going to get a new flatmate! Choose what your friend will look like. Take your time to think! Once you have chosen her look you won't be able to go back! So choose carefully!

Hope that helps ^.^


#33 2011-08-21 17:53:37

Registered: 2010-08-27
Posts: 9

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!



#34 2011-08-22 01:10:14

Ancien joueur shootingmoon

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

Really want to do the Angel and Demon one. love Unfortunately, I have neither the Fee'z or the Divabucks. sad


#35 2011-08-22 09:57:56

From: There, where I fly
Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1562

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

I hope they will let us replay that school adventure. There were very cute things in it. The same about Haloween quests.


#36 2011-08-22 20:02:11

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

i have an idea for next time feerik does it:
to (re)do 1 quest: 150feez
2 quests: 150 + 250 = 400feez
3 quests: 150 + 250 + 350 = 750feez
so we could (re)play all of them if we wanted to(an yes, that expensive or feerik wouldn't see any advantages on allowing us (re)do all of the 3 old quests)

arg! why can't i simply send a sms to buy feez? i'm not giving my cellphone number to any sites! nrv

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#37 2011-08-23 22:14:00

Registered: 2010-12-03
Posts: 337

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

thank you, Im very happy to recover the best friend doll >.< !!


#38 2011-08-26 14:49:49

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

anyamalfoy wrote:

No you'll only get one room on the Angel or Devil quest.

I finish the round where I get the Heaven room and you can get the Hell room if you pay 150 fee'z. You don't just get the one. Now I am very happy for now I can get both.


#39 2011-09-08 17:47:15

Registered: 2010-09-16
Posts: 41

Re: Play an Old Quest on OhMyDollz!

When will the maqical forest-quest apear again!!! star


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