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#1 2010-12-17 01:15:01

From: Right here
Registered: 2009-10-12
Posts: 156

Guideline for behavior on OhMyDollz

Rules/Guideline for behavior on OhMyDollz

This site is for players of all ages, so material that may offend others should be avoided.
This applies to all areas of the game, including the board, comments, private messages and your "Who Am I?". Further details can be read in the Terms of Service to which you agreed to abide by when you signed up.

The Guidelines:
- Do not post anything that is PG-13 or adult in nature. This includes photos, art and text (messages, or blogs/posts).

- English is the only language that is allowed on the board and in the game.

- Do not mention or discuss your orientation. It is irrelevant here. This is NOT a dating site.

- Do not mention or write about religion or politics. It is irrelevant here.

- Do not post images or posts about blood/gore/cutting. Anything that violates the body is not welcome here.

- Do not link to any outside web site, as the content of these are beyond the control of Feerik.

- Do not use swear words. Hiding/substituting some letters in the words does NOT make them acceptable.

- Do not claim to be a moderator or an employee of Feerik.

- Do not ask for another player's password.

- DO NOT GIVE YOUR PASSWORD TO ANYBODY. The are NO exceptions to this rule. Feerik employees do not need your password. They will never ask you to confirm your password. They will NOT send messages asking for your password EVER. Moderators have no right to your password, so never give it to them either. This also applies People promising Feez if you give them your password. You will not get any Feez from them. Most likely you will lose your account.

- It is forbidden to give Feez and codes, even as contest prizes

- Do not do anything to disrupt another player's enjoyment of the game.

- Harassment due to race, gender or any other reason is not acceptable.

- Do not cheat by harvesting votes through "competitions".

- Do not cheat by voting for yourself in the main game.
For the rules regarding voting in the Fashion Show, please read the relevant FAQ here:

- Do not send chain mail. Any mail that asks you to send it to another person is chain mail.

- Preferably vote from one account only. If you do use voting accounts, these must not mention that they are a voting account, though they can state other dolls belonging to the same player. They must not instruct the voter to return votes to your main account.
See here for more information:
It is against the rules for a player to give multiple votes to another player's doll on a single day.

-Above all, show other players consideration.

There are several moderators who will, upon discovery of a violation of the rules, take action.
This can range from asking you to remove offending material or to adjust your behavior, right though to referring the problem to Feerik for permanent banning and account removal for serious offenses.

Last edited by gothgirluni (2016-11-22 11:33:30)

GothGirlUni - Former Moderator for OhMyDollz

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