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#1 2011-10-18 20:25:01

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

you all, tell the truth:

do you realy think feerik pays attention to our suggestions?
or do you think we have to suggest over and over and suggest that they make us pay for the service several times before they even think of hearing us?

do you think feerik/OMD team does their best to satisfy us players?
or do you think we need to rebel and post the same plea in the forums of all versions of this site and send several e-mails to them in order to make them hear us?

do you think they're responsible with bugs/issues solving?
or do you think they take forever to fix such bugs/issues and only do so because they begun to lose money?

so, how do you think feerik is doing? good job? annoying patience abuse? are they nice people?

time to show what you think of OMD/feerik's job!
if you love what feerik/OMD team do, say why you like their job so much
if you're annoyed and hating it a bit(or even a lot), say why do feerik/OMD gets you so annoyed


edit[bold removed and a few mistakes fixed]

Last edited by darkjewels (2011-10-19 02:53:30)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#2 2011-10-20 00:43:46

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

I think they're doing a good job.  I don't know how much they pay attention to our suggestions, but i've seen over the couple of years i've been playing they have made lots of updates & changes to make this game better.  I think even some have been stuff people have suggested - whether or not it was because of a players suggestion, who knows..  I dont think anyone needs to "rebel"  Just enjoy whats being offered..  :)


#3 2011-10-20 01:09:41

From: China :3
Registered: 2010-01-16
Posts: 2585

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

They are doing a very good job. But in some areas, I think they should improve. :D My opinion.

#4 2011-10-20 15:06:21

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

I'd say that as a rule, they do pay attention to what we have to say... as far as what we submit as a ticket.  I think that though, what we submit sometimes it out of their control to fix, even though whatever that issue for us was... it was/is a valid issue.

Personally, to me it seems that they are coming up with more things that requires the player to use RL money.  And I don't like the amount of diva bucks you get for the FEEZ.  Thirty diva bucks for 150 FEEZ.... that's TOO low. 

As for the bugs, I sometimes feel like those are over-looked if it seems the bug is not really 'that bothersome.'  i.e: certain clothing/furniture/items appearing in front of other things no matter how many times you put it behind something.

I think they need a filter for names when people create new dolls.  Some of the filthy names I've seen should never have seen the light of day.  And come on people/dolls... how stupid or uncreative is it to have a name with the letters: stfu... that's juvenile and unkind and shows a lack of intelligence.

I really would like to know how those in the admin positions feel or how those who are above them feel.  Do all of them feel that what they have to say falls on 'deaf ears'?  Remember how one of our past admins tried to persuade them to NOT delete OMD.  To delete that site that had thousands of items that players used real life money on... to me... that shows a lack of caring and it shows that it's all about the money.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#5 2011-10-20 16:35:29

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2407

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

sierradane wrote:

Remember how one of our past admins tried to persuade them to NOT delete OMD.

I think I know whom you are referring to...I think. :)

I've been debating about whether or not to reply to this post since it was first posted.  I have decided to finally share some of my thoughts and feelings about Feerik. 

As a business, I think they are brilliant.  They have come up with what I can only assume is a very lucritive business (aka: mega money maker.)  The majority of additions they make to this game in particular, are not really done for the customers, but rather to enable them to make even more money.  Good for them...after all, that is what a business is about and they do it well.

From my past experience, tickets submitted were dealt with quickly.  If an issue could be fixed, it was.  I have not submitted a ticket in ages, so I do not know how they are currently handled.

I do feel those on the OMD game design team have listened to some of our suggestions - we now have male dolls included in flirts, we are no longer lonely dolls in our lofts (as we have various other dolls), they have created moving objects (gifs) and so on.

The artistry/overall look of items has improved drastically - so much so that they felt the need to update some of the very first items created to match the current level of artistry.  The artists are very talented, indeed. :)

As for their handling of "The Event" (as my son calls it), I think they failed horribly!  When I was still able to do so, I asked point blank at one point, "Are they just waiting until enough time has passed so that they no longer have to acknowledge us or do something for those of us who lost so much?"  I was foolish enough to believe the answer of, "No. Absolutely not. They will be doing something soon, they're just trying to figure out what."  Now, unless they have something coming for our one year anniversary of "The Event", I think I was right all along. :( 

I, and I am sure others, still have a lot of bitterness/saddness/anger, etc. over their handling of "The Event."  I understand why it happened, and it does sound like it was unavoidable, but I feel the way they handled it only made a bad situation worse.  Of course, as a business, they really didn't lose much, did they?

Those of who spent money before, continue to spend money (even me, who swore at the beginning of the year to never, ever give them one red cent again.  Yet, here I am about to spend real life money again.)  So for them, what did they really lose?  Certainly not customers, as this site just continues to grow.

I once believed that customer service was everything to a business.  Now I know better.  The true mark of a successful business is to be able to create a product that the customer wants - wants so badly - that they will overlook being treated like garbage at times.  So again, as a business, Feerik is king.

P.S. you are the one who posted this question, I find it odd that you have not included your thoughts to the questions you asked.  I look forward to seeing your thoughts and feelings on the topic you posted. :)

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#6 2011-10-20 18:13:02

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

willowskye wrote:

sierradane wrote:

Remember how one of our past admins tried to persuade them to NOT delete OMD.

I think I know whom you are referring to...I think. :)

Indeed indeed, you are correct

P.S. you are the one who posted this question, I find it odd that you have not included your thoughts to the questions you asked.  I look forward to seeing your thoughts and feelings on the topic you posted. :)

I too am interested in that answer.

Also, I would like to see others posting what they REALLY think.... and not the "I think they are doing marvelous" type of 'kissing up' post in hopes of them liking those better than those who 'tell it as they feel it.'   I don't think anyone should be afraid to voice how they really feel, as long as it's in a manner that is not slanderish or hateful. 

And it will be interesting to see what happens, if anything, on December 1, 2011.  Maybe all of our previous items will mysteriously appear?  Oh my oh my oh my... to think of ALL those things... and all that money.... probably I should say.... "don't even get me started on THAT subject" ;)
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#7 2011-10-20 20:37:13

Registered: 2011-03-15
Posts: 33

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

sierradane wrote:

Personally, to me it seems that they are coming up with more things that requires the player to use RL money.  And I don't like the amount of diva bucks you get for the FEEZ.  Thirty diva bucks for 150 FEEZ.... that's TOO low.

I couldn't agree with this more.  I've spent a little real life money here, and I'm happy with everything I've bought with it, but I can't help but feel a little short-changed with the FEE'Z to Dive Bucks conversion rate.

sierradane wrote:

I think they need a filter for names when people create new dolls.

Absolutely agree.  But then some of the 'Who Am I's I've come across have been terrible, too.  Not just cursing, which doesn't bother me personally but it DOES bother me that younger family members of mine visit this site and are able to view the dross that some players come up with.  One I remember particularly well was a page dedicated to finding 'fake people'.  The owner of the page was actively encouraging others to join her in hunting down people she believed were fake and subjecting them to abuse via their comments section and PMs.  I'm not sure there's much that FEERIK could do about that, though, without setting up a witchhunt of their own.

The only real problem I have at the moment is the complete lack of timley communication (That's right people, Eadwynn's back on her favourite subject!).  Whilst I'm a great advocate of helping oneself (ie checking the French forum for fashion show themes etc) I'm also a believer in companies communicating with their customers.  I won't get started on the fashion show debacle itself, nor will I draw comparisons to the infinitely more organised and structured French version (ahem) but I will ask, once again:

Please, please, please could we just receive 'News' items at the same time as the French players do?  It's not an unreasonable request, and it's one that has been made a hundred times or more before this.

In short, I think FEERIK do a great job with the game itself (almost constant new content, from shop items to adventures and so on) but need to pick up their game on the 'behind the scenes' stuff.


#8 2011-10-21 04:03:48

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

P.S. you are the one who posted this question, I find it odd that you have not included your thoughts to the questions you asked.  I look forward to seeing your thoughts and feelings on the topic you posted. :)

now here i am ;P
well, based on the non-rejected-nor-added-suggestions(and on how long it took us to convince them to let us replay 1 out of 3 old quests for 150 feez, as if they weren't wanting to let us access those items ever again), i sometimes feel like they don't pay much attention on our suggestions and...

eadwynn wrote:

Please, please, please could we just receive 'News' items at the same time as the French players do?  It's not an unreasonable request, and it's one that has been made a hundred times or more before this.

...i almost comented this in the header post(is it how you call?). they seem to have a prefference for the french players, even thought they do a lot of USA-related quests/flirts rather than France-related themes i even asked myself if they only care about the suggestions from the french version before i posted this...

i've never seen OMD/Feerik staff(other than coments from the french version[mainly] of sarah) comunicating to players, and the comunication between staff and players, in my opinion, is very important to help the game improve. i know games that are growing fast and healthy because of the comunication between the staff and the players... acctualy, i have no idea what's the name/nickname of Feerik's founder... if it was a riddle, i'd say he/she has the word Feerik in the midle of his/her name

as for the bugs, other than the message box, wich is NEVER fixed well, they're indeed doing a good job. BUT PLEASE, IS IT THAT HARD TO FIX AN IN-BOX BUG? the in-box is among the most important tools in a MMO. how dare they leave this feature bugged and never fix it?
i lost count of how many times i did not reply a message soon because of this bug! it says i have new messages, but i never do. i check for a week, everyday, no new messages. then i forget to check for weeks and when i do, there are messages from the last month... WE'RE NOT SUPOSED TO NEED TO CHECK OUR EMPTY IN-BOX ALL THE TIME!

in general, it's a good site/game but it still needs to improve A LOT...

sierradane wrote:

Personally, to me it seems that they are coming up with more things that requires the player to use RL money.  And I don't like the amount of diva bucks you get for the FEEZ.  Thirty diva bucks for 150 FEEZ.... that's TOO low.

100% agreed! MDD had this thing too, but at least we had the choise to buy more bucks for more acclaim coins(and it was far cheaper if you had to/wanted to buy lots of bucks)

And it will be interesting to see what happens, if anything, on December 1, 2011.  Maybe all of our previous items will mysteriously appear?

i HOPE they do so. i want my quest items back and the acclaim coins i had there would turn into a useful amount of Feez... maybe we'd need to proof that the account was ours, but still.

(if anyone wonders)there's a small story of why i decided to post this topic, by the way:
when i was organizng my loft, after i've completed this last quest(and after i checked my in-box after forever), i got extremely annoyed because my doll makes it harder for me to organize the items(mainly when she's wearing lots of accessories) so i was going to post a sugestion of a hide buttom, but it was in the already suggested list... so i decided to post a discussion topic about that, then it developed in what we're discussing now xD

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#9 2011-10-21 09:25:37

Ancien joueur Amberleigh

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

Your comments/ suggestions are very important to us!  I read all of your comments and relay the message to the appropriate person.

In regards, to "the event", I am very sorry for what happened.   But because of legal issues we will not be able to credit your account.

As for the "mail" bug, we are in the process of fixing it, and we are very sorry for any inconveniences!

I want to make sure you have the best experience on OhMyDollz, and all comments/suggestions  are appreciated!


#10 2011-10-23 17:37:24

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

Amberleigh wrote:

In regards, to "the event", I am very sorry for what happened.   But because of legal issues we will not be able to credit your account.

What would REALLY help us to understand this situation better, is to know ALL of it.  What type of "legal issues" ?  Why exactly did they feel they needed to delete the previous US site?   

Please... Please... just tell us.  I think we at least deserve to know exactly WHY all of that happened and why they feel they cannot compensate us in some form.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#11 2011-10-24 07:32:53

Registered: 2011-03-15
Posts: 33

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

Amberleigh wrote:

Your comments/suggestions are very important to us!  I read all of your comments and relay the message to the appropriate person.

I don't think any of us -really- doubt that, Amberleigh, but it's so frustrating to see the same issues crop up time and time again and to have them fixed just to return soon after (the mail box) or to have them seemingly ignored (like running the fashion show the same way as on the French site) over and over again.

If they aren't being ignored, then is there any way we could have a system to have responses to suggestions?  Some players have had some really -great- ideas, but have had no response as to whether their idea is viable or not.

I'm not saying that every idea we come up with should be implemented, but it'd be really nice to see some kind of input from FEERIK after the suggestion has been put forward.

Sierradane wrote:

Please... Please... just tell us.  I think we at least deserve to know exactly WHY all of that happened and why they feel they cannot compensate us in some form.

You hit the nail right on the head, Sierradane.  Whilst you feel you have a right to know (I feel the same way about another game that disappeared at the same time as'the event'), legally you don't.  And most likely there are definite reasons why FEERIK can't/won't tell us about them.  I had a lot of time and money spent on that other game, so I can certainly sympathise with you with regards to wanting an explanation.  It might be that the only one we'll get, though, is 'legal issues'.


#12 2011-10-24 11:13:33

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

sierradane wrote:

Amberleigh wrote:

In regards, to "the event", I am very sorry for what happened.   But because of legal issues we will not be able to credit your account.

What would REALLY help us to understand this situation better, is to know ALL of it.  What type of "legal issues" ?  Why exactly did they feel they needed to delete the previous US site?   

Please... Please... just tell us.  I think we at least deserve to know exactly WHY all of that happened and why they feel they cannot compensate us in some form.

Due to legal issues they can not. I can tell you the reason has been revealed in the press. I would suggest going to the ponystars facebook page/twitter as it has been posted on there. Keep in mind it is not Feerik they are talking about but the previous owners of MDD.


#13 2011-10-25 00:40:54

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

anyamalfoy wrote:

sierradane wrote:

Amberleigh wrote:

In regards, to "the event", I am very sorry for what happened.   But because of legal issues we will not be able to credit your account.

What would REALLY help us to understand this situation better, is to know ALL of it.  What type of "legal issues" ?  Why exactly did they feel they needed to delete the previous US site?   

Please... Please... just tell us.  I think we at least deserve to know exactly WHY all of that happened and why they feel they cannot compensate us in some form.

Due to legal issues they can not. I can tell you the reason has been revealed in the press. I would suggest going to the ponystars facebook page/twitter as it has been posted on there. Keep in mind it is not Feerik they are talking about but the previous owners of MDD.

- I looked, all I could find was because of legal reasons that couldnt be said..

Since its being discussed...

I can understand why they wouldnt be able to credit back our stuff/what we spent before MDD got taken over by Feerik since that was a different company run in a different country that has different legal requirements..  but whats irritating to me is AFTER MDD got taken over by Feerik,  we were still able to buy Fee'z from them.  I know I bought some pretty close to before MDD shut down (I hadn't even gotten around to using them..)  Soo, that would be pretty sucky of Feerik -if- they knew in advance that MDD was going to shut down, but was still taking our money..


#14 2011-11-03 17:48:06

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: do you (realy) think feerik does a good job? (read 1st post, please)

Willowskye I agree 100%. I am still holding some bitterness and sadness to MDD shutting down. Here are some of my opinons:

MDD shutting down: I think they could have done a better job with it. We knew what? Three days in advance it was shutting down!? We needed more time. To be able to say goodbye to everyone, and to get the news around more. Some friends that I made on MDD I never got to say good bye to, because they where never on before it finally shut down. It feels like it was all money to them. And it probably is. I'm very grateful that they have done all these updates to the game such better designs in the "old" clothes in OMD shop, the new OMD games we're able to play, and even the fact they let us talk about MDD in posts. But the closing of MDD brought thousands of more players on OMD, you would think they'd at least do something to thank us honte

Do they pay attention to our suggestions: Yes and no. We've been asking for male dolls for how long? And we have them know ^.^ But for suggestions like the Chat room, I think it was called on MDD (so quickly we forget ): ) I don't really think they'll pay attention to. Why? Money. In this economy in these days money is not easy to get, or make.

I will probably never ever see eye-to-eye with feerik, just because of MDD. But also think about it. Feerik has given us a place to go, after acclaim, and if I'm right acclaim did something themselves that made them shut down. Its such a tragedy that hundreds of girls and their dollz where affected because some people made a horrible decision. This holiday season, I'll remember MDD.
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