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#1 2011-12-05 21:13:08

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Quest guide?

Has anyone put up a guide for the new quest yet? I'd like to know how much it cost all together.


#2 2011-12-05 22:36:06

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 98

Re: Quest guide?

Step 1 In search of glory!
It's undeniable, I'm talented! The only problem is that I'm under the impression that only my friends and family are aware of this! I finished school with a major in journalism with honors, I thought that glory would follow my talent...
Today, I'm persuaded that I'm a great journalist! I dream of glory, voyages and scandals!! I'm completely obsessed with my job. And with that said I'm a fashionista at heart... However I don't remember the last time that I put on make up...Maybe I found my scoop!

What you need:
Cost: 7[in total:7]
Chase the intruder:

Step 2 Epic Fail!
I finally found my story maybe this will rocket my career and make me a rock star of journalism! My dream has finally come true! I'm super excited but I don't know where to start, I need to create a plan of attack!
All set in my den with my favorite tea. To start I must integrate in the Miss pageant...I must fist get through the casting... well that's not good! Ah, if only I kept up my appearance these last few years and this wouldn't be a problem.
I must have a make over before I present myself in front of the jury! Not just one session of shopping but two! After several hours in the stores, I love my new haircut and just then I ran into Eleonore and she laughed when she saw me !
Which doesn't make me feel too confident...The worst that could happened...happened. The only way that I will be able to get through the casting to be in the Miss pageant is to hire a coach to train me.

What you need:

Cost: 14[in total:21]
Chase the intruder:

Step 3 Dis-ci-pline !
Winning the Miss contests isn't very relaxing, I never imagined that I would be on top with the best...Yes, I've made a lot of progress thanks to Paolo...Paolo is a great coach from Brazil. When I saw him for the fist time , I thought to myself I should have found a coach before meeting Paolo, to be at least a little bit more presentable. Today I only have one feeling and it's to: Flea!!
The worst is that I don't even have one minute to myself! Between the work outs and Antonia my make over coach. And believe me when I say "you must suffer to be beautiful" !

What you need:

Cost: 9+5+8=22[in total:43]
What is a clutch bag?
A hand purse

Step 4 Miss one day, miss always?
After a few weeks of intense work outs, I'm finally ready to go through the casting for the Miss pageant. I hope that all my hard work will pay off and I will be able to integrate into the Miss pageant thus being able to continue with my investigation.
I'm confident as I approach the members of the Jury...Nobody recognized me thus my transformation was successful! Thanks to Antonia and the lessons in high heels, I'm doing quite well now I'm like a pro on the podium! I seems as if I've been doing this my entire life!
During the deliberation of the jury, I took advantage of this time to get to know the other girls. However it isn't as easy as it seems: some of these girls are really pests! A tall blonde is looking at me with great disgust and then I hear my name, it's my turn to pass in front of the committee
And the drum role please...the verdict is : YES! My dreams are right in front of me! And now all I need to do is integrate into the group of pests!

What you need:

Cost:5+7+10+10=32 [in total:75]

High Heels are not...

A voyage for the Miss pageant group. You must chose: Bali, the beautiful sun and beaches or Mégève, the chics cabins and with beautiful snow. Where you prefer to go? Click on the image to see all the wonderful choices. The gifts are different and also the elements. Enjoy your trip!

Step 5a Bali
I am a huge fan of surfers so for me it will have to be Bali!
I find myself in a beautiful hotel, with 6 other regional candidates, I will try my best to pull a maximum amount of information from them. My bungalow is directly above the immense pool, from my room I can jump into the water, it's crazy! However, I hardly have time to take advantage of all this!
We spend our days training for the show! I can tell you one thing: walking in 5 inch heels in the sand, isn't easy! It's tiring, luckily this afternoon it's leisure time!!
For our last day off in Bali we have decided to enjoy the beaches. I'm lucky, contrary to all the other stuck up girls of the group, I'm super comfortable on a surf board, which also allows me to meet all the super cute surfers! The sun is setting and night time is approaching, we decided to go and get a drink on an island, and I took the boat ride with the group. Sitting next to me is Derek, I don't know where to look : the beautiful turquoise water or the beautiful blue eyes of this brunette?
So I put in place my plan for seduction, Geneviève and Capucine are arguing just a few meters from us...I only over heard a few brief phrases "You promised me ! If I made it second runner up, you promised to push Tatiana down the stairs !" We can say that clarifies things...

What you need:

Cost: 12+5+7+10=34[in total:109]
What color is a Topaz?
Blue lagoon
Step 5bMegève
As I am an excellent skier and a fan of surfing, you can see why I'm going to Megève.
I find myself in a wonderful cabin in the country with 6 Miss regionals, this is the time where I can really get information out of them! We spend our days training for the show! I can tell you one thing: walking in the snow with 5 inch heels, isn't too easy! It's tiring, luckily this afternoon we can go shopping in all the luxury boutiques in town!
For our last day in Megève, we took advantage of the slopes. I'm lucky, contrary to all the other stuck up girls, I am very comfortable on skis, which allowed me to meet a bunch of cute skiers! Just before it became night time, we decided to do one last run on the slopes, and of course I took the chair lift with Derek. I'm completely fascinated by his blue eyes, which I spent several seconds before realized that we have stopped! Strangely, it doesn't bother me that I'm stuck on a broken chair lift with a gorgeous boarder...So I put into action my plan for seduction, I can hear Geneviève et Capucine arguing below me on the slope..."You promised! If I became second runner up, you promised you would push Tatiana down the stairs !" It was pretty clear what was said...

What you need:

Cost: 24+10=34[in total:109]

What is a capeline?
A sort of helmet
Step 6 Low Mass
I'm happy to return home, the joy in finding my cute little dog, I'm finally in the right direction for my investigation! Even my boss is very pleased with my work, and she seems so happy that she even invited me to a great restaurant which is on a boat!
All the candidates in this competition are full of energy, how far will they go? I feel pretty good, the other girls don't see me as a serious can be a little annoying, however it does allow me to continue my investigation and get close to those who are chatty...
Tatiana particularly likes to talk about the dirty tricks...This morning I ran into another candidate at the cafe! At 2 o'clock during our jog through the park, I saw Marina get into a fight with another miss, the end result: 2 missing teeth and one sprain! What a great ambiance! The come off as if they are saints but underneath it all they demoralize other and also physically attack one another... So I returned home, and I over heard Geneviève whisper to Tatiana, apparently she gave her an identical bottle to pour into her coffee, what kind of plot is this? Are these girls even worse than I thought?

What you need:

Cost: 5+12+9+14=40[in total:149]

What is a skort?
A mix between a skirt and a short

Your investigation continues and you are at the point of no return. Finally the world you enjoy the world of the Miss pageant, you feel like a fish in crystal water with sparkles all around! However you miss being a journalist...What will you chose? Fame and the Miss crown or to be known and have an amazing career as a journalist? Click on the vignette (image) of one or the other to see what will be offered to you. Both the gifts and elements are different from one another.

Step 7a Journalist Forever
The last step of the contest is about to begin and I'm a bit nervous...Tatinanna, Geneviève or Marina? Who is the mastermind behind the plots, what role do they play?
I over heard Geneviève in the hallway screaming at an assistant. So I decided to take advantage of this moment to snoop around in her bag and look at her Blackmerry. Yes, I know, not a great idea...But in certain situations, doesn't the end justify the means? I never thought that a cellphone would be a gold mine for my investigation. I was stunned by the things that I read, Tatiana is Geneviève's daughter and also the daughter of the television host for the contest! Jean-Pierre never wanted to know or meet his daughter! The mission of Tatiana and Geneviève is to kill Jean-Pierre to inherit all of his money. And there plot is for tonight!
I don't even have time to fully digest my emotions and all this information because it's my turn, they are calling my name to appear on stage. The show must go on ! The pressure is building, how will I be able to stop Tatiana in time? Little by little the candidates are my great surprise I'm one of the finalist with Titana and Marina! Drum roll please...I came in third place and Tatiana has been elected Miss OMD !! And Jean-Pierre approaches her to crown her, and I jump on Tatiana who has taken out a weapon! Despite this huge scandal and attempt assassination on live TV, I'm relieved. This situation has been resolved and finally I will be able to write my article!
My article was a huge success all throughout the world, and only a few day later I was elected the best journalist in the world, followed by many interviews! Ah! What great joy to finally live out my dream!

What you need:

Cost: 9+15+13+8+5=50[in total:199]

Step 7b Miss forever !
The election is in two days and I'm a bit nervous...Tatinanna, Geneviève or Marina? Who is the mastermind behind the plots, what role do they play?
I over heard Geneviève in the hallway screaming at an assistant. So I decided to take advantage of this moment to snoop around in her bag and look at her Blackmerry. Yes, I know, not a great idea...But in certain situations, doesn't the end justify the means? I never thought that a cellphone would be a gold mine for my investigation. I was stunned by the things that I read, Tatiana is Geneviève's daughter and also the daughter of the television host for the contest! Jean-Pierre never wanted to know or meet his daughter! The mission of Tatiana and Geneviève is to kill Jean-Pierre to inherit all of his money. And there plot is for tonight!
I don't even have time to fully digest my emotions and all this information because it's my turn, they are calling my name to appear on stage. The show must go on ! The pressure is building, how will I be able to stop Tatiana in time? Little by little the candidates are my great surprise I'm one of the finalist with Titana and Marina! Drum roll please...Amazing! I've been elected Miss OMD! And Jean-Pierre approaches Titana to put the sash on her, and I jump on Tatiana who has taken out a weapon! Despite this huge scandal and attempt assassination on live TV, I'm relieved. I realized that the miss world will stay with me! Since the election, I've had many propositions. Films, magazines, tv series, everyone wants me! It's crazy, I've tried to hard to make a name of myself in the world of journalism and today I'm known as the beauty queen! I'm even one of the favorites for the miss Universe in next weeks competition. Maybe I'll become the Queen of the world!

What you need:

Cost: 23+18+9=50[in total:199]

Total cost: 199$$$ or 283$$$ + 150feez

Last edited by mikomi (2011-12-06 00:16:43)


#3 2011-12-06 01:17:30

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: Quest guide?

Thank you very much, mikomi!


#4 2011-12-06 01:37:44

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2407

Re: Quest guide?

Thank you for the guide, mikomi. :)

Can anyone please explain the final part of this adventure to me? (The contest part.)

Miss OMD 2012: imagine an original outfit with winning elements in the quest and participate in the show December 13th. The winner of the pageant will be the 2012 Miss OMD!
The Best Journalist Contest: create a photo montage on OMD. We will selection the top 10 montages.

For example, where do we send this information once we have completed it?  How long do we have to do these?  Are the winners chosen from ALL of the OMD sites, or will there be winners from each site? (aka: are we only competing with our fellow US site dollz, or dollz from ALL of the sites?) 

For the Miss OMD 2012, what is meant by "imagine an original outfit with winning elements in the quest..."  Does that mean we have to use only items from this quest, or just a few of the items with items from other adventures/stores? 

For the Best Journalist, what do they mean by "create a photo montage on OMD."  Does that mean we need to only use images from OMD iteself, or can it include pictures from elsewhere. (aka:  Can we use images from elsewhere on the web to include with some images from OMD or do we have to only use OMD images?)

It would have been nice if they had included better instructions on what to do, because I am left feeling very quoi

P.S.  Can someone also confirm that this answer is correct, because the question and answer make no sense (as a topaz is golden.) 

What color is a Topaz?
Blue lagoon

Thank you. :D

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#5 2011-12-06 02:19:26

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3290

Re: Quest guide?

Not really wanting to purchase more FEEZ to do this, I was trying to convince myself that I didn't or wouldn't like any of the items in this Adventure.  But as I scrolled down and looked at the guide, I kept saying outloud: Ooooo I like that!  I like THAT!!  Oh! I like that too!!!  My husband gave me a mildly weird look.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#6 2011-12-06 02:41:52

From: China :3
Registered: 2010-01-16
Posts: 2585

Re: Quest guide?

I love everything in the adventure. Thank you, Mikomi for the guide.

sierradane wrote:

My husband gave me a mildly weird look.


#7 2011-12-06 06:47:31

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Quest guide?

Thanks for the guide!good


#8 2011-12-06 08:07:59

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Quest guide?

Thanx for the guide. Things look really great and believe me I wanna do this but I know I can't.


#9 2011-12-06 12:32:58

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Quest guide?

willowskye wrote:

P.S.  Can someone also confirm that this answer is correct, because the question and answer make no sense (as a topaz is golden.)

What color is a Topaz?
Blue lagoon

Yes, I can confirm that is the correct answer. And that's what I was thinking it didn't make any sense what so ever.


#10 2011-12-06 13:20:21

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2407

Re: Quest guide?

Thank you so much, fairykisses.

Does anyone know the details of the contest that I was also asking about?

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#11 2011-12-06 16:10:47

Registered: 2011-03-17
Posts: 75

Re: Quest guide?

fairykisses wrote:

willowskye wrote:

P.S.  Can someone also confirm that this answer is correct, because the question and answer make no sense (as a topaz is golden.)

What color is a Topaz?
Blue lagoon

Yes, I can confirm that is the correct answer. And that's what I was thinking it didn't make any sense what so ever.

Topaz can come in many colors, most often golden, but not only. But you could expect the answer to be blue, as in jewelery blue is most common from what I know. Looks for example like this:


#12 2011-12-06 21:26:49

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: Quest guide?

Thank you for the guide, mikomi ^.^ It is very kind of you to post one for everyone to use... it is very helpful (and very appreciated)!


#13 2011-12-07 08:12:21

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: Quest guide?

madaren wrote:

fairykisses wrote:

willowskye wrote:

P.S.  Can someone also confirm that this answer is correct, because the question and answer make no sense (as a topaz is golden.)

What color is a Topaz?
Blue lagoon

Yes, I can confirm that is the correct answer. And that's what I was thinking it didn't make any sense what so ever.

Topaz can come in many colors, most often golden, but not only. But you could expect the answer to be blue, as in jewelery blue is most common from what I know.

Just to add clarification/justification to the answer, Blue Topaz is one of the birthstones used for the month of December.

Last edited by laurabow (2011-12-07 08:21:20)


#14 2011-12-07 09:46:27

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 1010

Re: Quest guide?

laurabow wrote:

Just to add clarification/justification to the answer, Blue Topaz is one of the birthstones used for the month of December.

It's used for the month November not December.

Last edited by iklovech (2011-12-07 11:03:23)


#15 2011-12-08 14:25:24

Ancien joueur Amberleigh

Re: Quest guide?

Blue topaz is the birthstone for December and Yellow Topaz is for November.

The Best Journalist contest is with all versions not just the English/US one.

Please send your photos to the following e-mail address: in the subject title please put "Best Journalist contest". 



#16 2011-12-08 14:53:09

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend.
From: Edmonton, Canada.
Registered: 2009-07-22
Posts: 2407

Re: Quest guide?

Amberleigh wrote:

Please send your photos to the following e-mail address: in the subject title please put "Best Journalist contest". 


Thank you. :)

             **Board Admin - Moderator**

#17 2011-12-13 23:56:31

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 58

Re: Quest guide?

way toooo much trouble.  just wanted to simply enter fashion show as usual. sad


#18 2011-12-27 18:24:29

From: Asgard
Registered: 2009-11-24
Posts: 1356

Re: Quest guide?

laurabow wrote:

Just to add clarification/justification to the answer, Blue Topaz is one of the birthstones used for the month of December.

Yes this is correct, as my birthstone is a topaz and i was born NOV 28th


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