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#26 2011-12-16 02:47:38

From: Cordoba, Argentina
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 269

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

Definitely, I DON'T LIKE the new layout! It's so bothering! It's an adventure to look for the main accounts of my friends who vote me with their alternative dolls! I want the old design again! non

~**...Keep your eyes on the stars, they will show you something everytime...**~

#27 2011-12-16 10:39:02

From: In your heart babe
Registered: 2011-09-10
Posts: 52

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

Where EXACTLY is the permanent flirt button? I'm tired of searching for it.

"When I open up, he meets me where I am"

#28 2011-12-16 14:32:32

From: Under your Bed
Registered: 2010-01-01
Posts: 290

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

new version of page is kind of need to go to different pages for every little thing.. it just annoys me a bit ^^'

#29 2011-12-16 14:42:08

Santa's Senior Assistant
Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 673

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

taemint wrote:

Where EXACTLY is the permanent flirt button? I'm tired of searching for it.

I remember seeing this information somewhere (but where?)... I found it buried in the Feerik Blog ( ).  Sorry I can't find a more direct link for you =(

Feerik Blog:

to access the simple flirts, you can go to the page of levels

It's on the Levels menu, but it's ALL the way down at the bottom of the page (out of sight)... so just keep scrolling!


#30 2011-12-16 14:50:52

From: Romania
Registered: 2010-03-28
Posts: 2516

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

I don't really like the new version.I personally prefer the old one.Now is more hard to see a dolls Who I am especially when you do daily voting.Sometimes I want to see a daily voter who I am because it post something about it for example that it can't vote for some days and things like that honte .Or maybe we could change the layout ho do we want...I don't know this is my opinion...

#31 2011-12-16 17:12:21

Ancien joueur pettel

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

Okay we all have our own opinions.
Its ovbious that most of us don't like the new layout^^
If There was no layout we wouldn't be having this discussion...Would we?
I kind of don't know why they changed it but I don't liek it either. I know why my page doesn't come up on my page now. There are loads of different tabs aernt there. Firstly our page, comments etc..
Okay they've made it a bit compicated but itleast its still here.
We can't get everything...can we? honte


#32 2011-12-16 17:42:41

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

@everyone who did not like the new layout: get used to it. soon it'll be the ONLY choice you'll have
and seriously, you're only complaining about the fact that you need to click on a tab to see a person's friends/comments? the time it'll take you to click on a tab and load it is way shorter than the time it used to take to view a full page(mainly if you remember that not everyone has intel core7 in their computers nor a 4GBps connection working at full speed) i myself couldn't vote for some of my friends because their pages would take forever to load and make my computer run slow. now we all can make our pages as laggy and full as we want and it won't prevent people from returning votes and such.

and if my memory is working fine, i remember that some people even suggested Feerik to create a way to view the doll's loft and vote/leave a comment without need to see their laggy pages. well, here it is. you no longer have to wait for a thousand gifs/flashs to load in order to vote or leave a comment for someone.

and if you like to read one's page while voting, well, that's why your browser can open several tabs at the same time in the same window.

EDIT: if you didn't find the "Level" button, take a look at the very same bar where you find the Stores/Board/OhMyGames/Makeover and such. the flirts are in the bottom of the Level page

Last edited by darkjewels (2011-12-16 17:54:40)

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#33 2011-12-16 18:54:42

From: Romania
Registered: 2010-03-28
Posts: 2516

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

darkjewels wrote:

@everyone who did not like the new layout: get used to it. soon it'll be the ONLY choice you'll have
and seriously, you're only complaining about the fact that you need to click on a tab to see a person's friends/comments? the time it'll take you to click on a tab and load it is way shorter than the time it used to take to view a full page(mainly if you remember that not everyone has intel core7 in their computers nor a 4GBps connection working at full speed) i myself couldn't vote for some of my friends because their pages would take forever to load and make my computer run slow. now we all can make our pages as laggy and full as we want and it won't prevent people from returning votes and such.

and if my memory is working fine, i remember that some people even suggested Feerik to create a way to view the doll's loft and vote/leave a comment without need to see their laggy pages. well, here it is. you no longer have to wait for a thousand gifs/flashs to load in order to vote or leave a comment for someone.

and if you like to read one's page while voting, well, that's why your browser can open several tabs at the same time in the same window.

EDIT: if you didn't find the "Level" button, take a look at the very same bar where you find the Stores/Board/OhMyGames/Makeover and such. the flirts are in the bottom of the Level page

Hmm..That's  true intr  .I always having lots of laggings especially on my laptop.

#34 2011-12-17 05:09:38

From: EXO
Registered: 2010-12-19
Posts: 1587

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

By far, the first time (which was today) I was thinking, "What?"
So after clicking tab after tab I got a bit tired and thought to myself, "I'm not liking this."
Because for about a year, I'm use to the old version, do you get what I mean? I'm not a big fan of this.

#35 2011-12-17 15:33:42

Ancien joueur pettel

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

darkjewels wrote:

@everyone who did not like the new layout: get used to it. soon it'll be the ONLY choice you'll have
and seriously, you're only complaining about the fact that you need to click on a tab to see a person's friends/comments? the time it'll take you to click on a tab and load it is way shorter than the time it used to take to view a full page(mainly if you remember that not everyone has intel core7 in their computers nor a 4GBps connection working at full speed) i myself couldn't vote for some of my friends because their pages would take forever to load and make my computer run slow. now we all can make our pages as laggy and full as we want and it won't prevent people from returning votes and such.

and if my memory is working fine, i remember that some people even suggested Feerik to create a way to view the doll's loft and vote/leave a comment without need to see their laggy pages. well, here it is. you no longer have to wait for a thousand gifs/flashs to load in order to vote or leave a comment for someone.

and if you like to read one's page while voting, well, that's why your browser can open several tabs at the same time in the same window.

EDIT: if you didn't find the "Level" button, take a look at the very same bar where you find the Stores/Board/OhMyGames/Makeover and such. the flirts are in the bottom of the Level page

This isn't going to change the fact that some people don't like it though is it? The normal way worked perfectly for me. Always loaded properly. For me, this new layout tabs thing takes longer then it used to for me. But only slightly. You can't change the fact that people have their own opinions. We all have to get along with it anyway, theres no way going back now is there?non

hope4peace wrote:

By far, the first time (which was today) I was thinking, "What?"
So after clicking tab after tab I got a bit tired and thought to myself, "I'm not liking this."
Because for about a year, I'm use to the old version, do you get what I mean? I'm not a big fan of this.

Thats true. I was thinking the same thing. A bit annoying really but theres nothing we can do about it is there?

Last edited by pettel (2011-12-17 15:37:37)


#36 2011-12-17 15:36:56

From: Romania
Registered: 2010-03-28
Posts: 2516

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

Yayz!!!!!!! gai gai gai Everyone look on your pages seems like we can change the layout how do we want now because of the buttom ok

#37 2011-12-17 22:37:42

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 992

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

sierradane wrote:

Which... Who Am I should equal: WAI not WIA

This is bugging the heck out of me.  Everything else - it is what it is.


#38 2011-12-20 08:53:12

Registered: 2011-03-22
Posts: 1

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

One thing I noted about the new layout that is yet another thing that detracts from its appeal (in addition to the others stated previously by others) is that the colours of the text and background are no longer the custom colours we were allowed to choose with the previous layout in the "about me" section. It seems we are only given black text on a pink background. These custom colours were also applied to the header on our doll's loft page. I believe we were given a few different fonts to choose from as well. While I can understand the reason for the tabs, I do not understand why such a simple customisation of colours would be removed in the new layout.  The only explanation that comes to mind is that it might somewhat detract from the focus on our lovely doll, but since both are on separate tabs, that would no longer apply.

I personally prefer the old layout and having everything on one page. While we can switch between the two, it is but temporary, as others have stated. It would be wonderful if both could be allowed for those preferring the older layout, but would that perhaps consume an unnecessary amount of resources? quoi

Last edited by houki (2011-12-20 08:54:57)


#39 2011-12-21 18:37:44

Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

Does anyone know if the Rankings page will be updated? I found it under the old page but it doesn't seem to be updating, I could not locate it under the new layout quoi


#40 2011-12-21 19:25:36

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

lizakitty wrote:

Does anyone know if the Rankings page will be updated? I found it under the old page but it doesn't seem to be updating, I could not locate it under the new layout quoi

The rankings can be found under the picture of the top dollz that changes.


#41 2011-12-21 20:40:43

Registered: 2010-05-15
Posts: 4

Re: The new layout for our pages ( yikes!)

anyamalfoy wrote:

The rankings can be found under the picture of the top dollz that changes.

ouf Completely missed that, Thanks!


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