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#1 2012-03-17 13:43:15

Ancien joueur lillibell

Am I the only one..

...who thinks the flirt part of this game is incredibly superficial? Telling girls you won't look at them because they don't have certain clothes/hair/whatever seems like an awful message. Women don't have to change themselves to impress men, Christopher can stick his gift where the sun doesn't shine.

Rant over. c:


#2 2012-03-17 16:04:30

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Am I the only one..

lol I completely agree. It's so shallow and has terrible morals. Although, really, most of the adventures and flirts and objectives involve chasing some guy and changing some aspect of yourself to make him like you.
I wish the flirt levels would at least ask you to change wigs instead of actual hairstyles all the time, too. And when it asks you to change your skin tone!? What is that all about - nobody does/can do that just because some guy likes it better.

#3 2012-03-17 17:43:32

Ancien joueur lillibell

Re: Am I the only one..

lol It does that? Seems borderline racist (if it asks a dark skinned doll to become lighter). Oh dear. I only joined yesterday so I'm on the first flirt challenge. Also the jobs are very limited to female friendly jobs (bar the videogames one). Why only Nurse and not Doctor? Other than these things this game is looking pretty fun, the people seem especially nice. montr


#4 2012-03-17 18:07:36

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Am I the only one..

lol i must agree too. ok
whenever i look at those flirts i think "why do I need to change in order to please those ugly boys? and to just earn an ugly purse i'll never wear or an ugly teddy or a ring/necklace!? no, thanks."
i mean, i'm not the kind of person who changes in order to please people, so why should my dollz be?
the way those flirts work and the poor rewards are among the reasons i don't do the flirts here. instead i save money for quests.

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#5 2012-03-17 21:33:13

From: You are a diamond
Registered: 2011-07-21
Posts: 1688

Re: Am I the only one..

I do strongly disagree with changing skin tones, as it could be offensive to players of different ethnicities.


#6 2012-03-17 23:37:29

Ancien joueur lillibell

Re: Am I the only one..

Absolutely! It's also very exclusive of the LGBT community, 'news flash!' not everyone is hetero or even female on this site. It'd be good if they changed it to "Charm" or "Befriend". You don't have to flirt with men to get ahead in life, it's 2012 not 1952! non


#7 2012-03-18 03:50:11

From: Watching a Hockey Game
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 565

Re: Am I the only one..

So political correctness has now reached OMD. I know the flirts are silly but it's a game. If little girls are playing and they don't understand that they don't need to change what they look like to get a date then TALK to your parents or guardians. And while I know boys/men play this game it was designed for the female gender. And in reference to the LGBT community - it takes time to change things but I wouldn't make this my main battle. I'd worry about marriage, abuse, suicide. (Stepping off of soapbox


#8 2012-03-18 06:00:55

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: Am I the only one..

My apologies. I mean no offense, but I am simply stating my view on this subject, I shouldn't be held accountable because I disagree with your opinion.

There will always be material that will offend others and Feerik cannot meet the demands and expectations of everyone. Personally, I believe the game is inclusive enough and caters to the wide range of people.

We can't help what we as human beings are attracted to. Some are attracted to toned skin and some are not. This should not make us racist for simply following our attraction. And to be quite frankly, it might seem racist to refuse to change your doll's skin colour.

On the sexism side, this game is supposed to feminin, so you would expect to have girly content. No one ever stated that all models, vets and lawyers are female, there are equally men who perform these jobs as well as women. There are more jobs available after you've completed some of the quests, such as 'business woman' or 'secret agent' and these are not considered feminin jobs. Perhaps some people prefer being a nurse, rather than a doctor.

[/counter argument]
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#9 2012-03-18 07:01:31

Ancien joueur lillibell

Re: Am I the only one..

I understand what you're saying, I don't expect them to bow down to my every grievence. Most of the stuff I've mentioned isnt especially exclusive in comparison to other websites. I just notice where things can be better. The main issue was the Flirt feature, it's just so shallow.
Telling someone to change their skin colour will always be a terrible thing to do, especially if they are being asked to change to a lighter skin tone. It's not that the game is racist intentionally just that it could easily be seen that way.
It doesn't seem very realistic anyway, I don't know about you but when I flirt with men they don't tell me to go buy a wig and change my skin colour. That's just bizarre. Obviously they are not going to remove the feature because many people enjoy it and it's mostly harmless.
On the sexism thing, the careers point was made from my point of view. I joined 24 hours ago I don't know what happens  later in the game. I was just commenting on the initial careers. But again, my main point is the weird pretense to the Flirt game. " I don't even want to look at you " because you don't own these things. It's so ridiculous. Both in that it expect you to change for his approval and that all women want is presents. Not, love, sex or emotional support. We just want shoes and handbags. lol Your points are good. However, I think you may have misunderstand my motives, this is a discussion not a protest.

Last edited by lillibell (2012-03-18 07:06:19)


#10 2012-03-18 12:00:58

Registered: 2010-07-28
Posts: 804

Re: Am I the only one..

cookiebear wrote:

I do strongly disagree with changing skin tones, as it could be offensive to players of different ethnicities.

I totaly agree with you on that and as you said it could be offensive.
Made by Arlekinlain

#11 2012-03-19 02:32:38

From: an igloo.
Registered: 2011-01-13
Posts: 1503

Re: Am I the only one..

I agree with you Lillibell, I mean I've thought about this when doing flirts but i never had the thought to voice it out.  It seems so demanding, unreal, and immoral that you have to buy certain things to please a guy, especially that you have to change your skin colour.  Thats plain racist.

I'm not saying to change or eliminate the whole flirt thing, i get that you have to buy things and use your money to obtain higher levels (after all, this is a game), but just the fact that you have to change your skin colour in certain levels, it wouldn't be bad if we eleminated that. 

As for the jobs, it would be cool if we had more variety of careers to choose from...

It's better to be Hated for what you are than to be Loved for what you are not.

#12 2012-03-22 00:50:24

Registered: 2011-05-19
Posts: 120

Re: Am I the only one..

personaly i feel people are overly sensetive these days and drag problems and big ( serious) words like racism into things that are clearly not meant to be that way..rasism is an unreasonable strong hatred towards someone based on their skin color or their ethnic background and acting upon it in a negative way either by placing them at a disadvantage economicly, abusing them mentaly or harming them this day and age where the majority of people recieve at least a basic education we should all have come to understand that the color of your skin is just says nothing about your intelligence, your personality or your capabilities, yet people of all skintones and backgrounds keep racism alive either by ignorance or insecurity ..the only way to fight it is if more and more people get past it to a point where you are secure enough about yourself that you do not feel threatended by eachother, see people as individuals, judge eachother by our actions and respect eachothers differences then maybe some day the human race ( something we all belong too) can put this uglyness behind us.


#13 2012-03-24 06:36:04

Ancien joueur gummybear1553

Re: Am I the only one..

I do too think this sends a bad message.I mean,there are even 8 year olds on this site.Why do THAT to a young one who will only learn from that and continue it for the rest of their lives?quoi


#14 2012-03-25 05:39:22

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Am I the only one..

gummybear1553 wrote:

I do too think this sends a bad message.I mean,there are even 8 year olds on this site.Why do THAT to a young one who will only learn from that and continue it for the rest of their lives?quoi

good point. in my opinion, at age 8, a person is not suposed to be flirting. a person is suposed to be having fun with his/her friends and enjoying childhood... yeah, conservationist(is it the right word?) parents may not like it very much...

░▒▓█Anonymous Random Procrastinatos, UNITE... some day.

#15 2012-03-27 12:42:48

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Am I the only one..

Kinda on this subject is an item that must have been part of a past Adventure that I feel is totally inappropriate for a game of this genre. 

That item is a pistol, a hand gun... a .45 or .22 hand gun.  I've seen divas with that "accessorie" pointed at their head which to me indicates that they would like to shoot themselves/commit suicide.

While I am the type of American who is NOT against owning guns, I don't think a gun or a pistol to be more specific should be in this game.  A rifle, perhaps, might be acceptable since there are cupboards with a "cowboy/cowgirl" look.

I just hate to see divas on this site glorifying suicide or thinking "that's the answer" or having some disjointed information that they would come back as something like from a recent rash of "vampire-ish" movies.

And yes... that subject, suicide, is fresh on my mind.  My husband's friend killed himself on March 25th.... 2 days ago...  so right now, this site... it's one of the things that is keeping me together.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

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