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#1 2012-06-05 01:04:53

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Complaining & Negativity

Yes, i'll admit it, there have been times i've been annoyed at this game & have said something but..  I don't know about anyone else, but all this complaining about adventures every time a new one gets announced is getting old.

Feerik puts them out so people will spend money on this game.  They have to make money to keep this game going.  So for everyone that doesn't spend money on this game & complaining about things costing fee'z, just be happy that there are people that do spend money.  If they didn't you would have to find yourself a different game to play because Feerik wouldn't be able to keep this game going.

Also, there is no way the designers can make something everyone is going to like.  If you don't like the items in the adventure, you don't have to do it.  Whats the point of being rude and saying you think the items are ugly..  theres not one.


#2 2012-06-05 01:09:45

From: China :3
Registered: 2010-01-16
Posts: 2585

Re: Complaining & Negativity

Thank you so much. There are a lot of people that are complaining about the new adventures and quests. It IS getting really old, and I just wish they would stop it. Whining and complaining isn't going to get them anywhere in life. They should even thank the fact that the game is free to get into. Some people...

#3 2012-06-05 01:13:14

*~.:Fairy Dust:.~*
From: In my own little world
Registered: 2010-03-02
Posts: 4655

Re: Complaining & Negativity

Well said Coco! good


#4 2012-06-05 01:13:20

From: You are a diamond
Registered: 2011-07-21
Posts: 1688

Re: Complaining & Negativity

I agree, it gets a tiny bit annoying. These designs aren't computer generated, people actually make them. Real designers cost money. Hey, at least they even manage to create the items for an adventure twice a month. There are a lot of items and furniture needed in a quest. It wouldn't kill to be a bit more appreciative. That means they must be working rapidly to create these items for us to enjoy. I really don't like it when someone says that they don't like a certain item, because someone, somewhere, is specially making these designs for us. I understand that we have the freedom of our opinions, but some are just a tad harsh and maybe we could be a bit more sensitive?

That's all I have to say.

Last edited by cookiebear (2012-06-05 04:24:23)


#5 2012-06-05 01:43:39

From: an igloo.
Registered: 2011-01-13
Posts: 1503

Re: Complaining & Negativity

I have to admit I complain once in a while, but only out of the annoyance of the moment.
It does however annoy me when I see players who consistently have negative remarks for the new items, adventures, flirts etc.

However, I've never complained about the items in the adventures, I think all of them are beautiful, considering the fact that they are actually made by real people, and not computers. 
My apologies if anyone has seen me complain, and my appreciation and thankyous to all the designers.

It's better to be Hated for what you are than to be Loved for what you are not.

#6 2012-06-05 01:44:59

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011-06-13
Posts: 3429

Re: Complaining & Negativity

Couldn't have said it better myself.
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#7 2012-06-05 01:54:57

From: Canada
Registered: 2010-03-30
Posts: 1380

Re: Complaining & Negativity

Thanks for the post - I was getting really frustrated, too. Seems there have been an awful lot of really annoying negative posts lately, and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who finds it frustrating.

#8 2012-06-05 03:26:57

Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 392

Re: Complaining & Negativity

I agree with everything that has been said in this thread.


#9 2012-06-05 03:52:56

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010-12-05
Posts: 12088

Re: Complaining & Negativity

I'm guilty of complaining with some of the stuff XD
We all have our different opinons on things, and people like to share them. Like on the newest clothes that got many negative comments, its opinion, some hate it, some love it.
I'm just getting at is there will always be comments about "Thats hideous!" or "That's so pretty!" Blame people's opinons ;P And also about the money thing, I can say this to, is that some of us just can't go out and get every quest cause we can't beg mommy or daddy to buy fee'z for us. I don't complain about that, I save up the fee'z. We all want all those rooms, and to have thousands of votes, and people get sad/angry/frustrated when they can't cause of money. We all get annoyed at this game once and a while.
My outlook on this, is by complaining about complaining we're doing that EXACT same thing as the people who are. And yes, some people do need to stop being so negative about this game. Feerik is trying.
How feerik is trying:
1) We asked for dollz chat, we got it
2) More mythological rooms (which we KNEW would cost money) and we're getting them
3) More sales on feez, we just had a sale a few days ago
4) Night time theme, fantastic room people >.>'
5) Updating some of the rooms, if its just me but Okuan was getting old, now there's tons of new things.

But this is just a 16 year old girl's outlook. I love this game, and everyone else does to, so lets just get along now?
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#10 2012-06-05 03:55:33

From: an igloo.
Registered: 2011-01-13
Posts: 1503

Re: Complaining & Negativity

Couldn't agree more, Ilovem. ok

It's better to be Hated for what you are than to be Loved for what you are not.

#11 2012-06-05 06:02:43

From: EXO
Registered: 2010-12-19
Posts: 1587

Re: Complaining & Negativity

I agree. Like when I was younger and some kid threw a fit about something that they didn't like, "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit." I hate it when someone complains, it gets on my nerves. Constantly throwing tantrums for small things like this... *huffs*, I hate it. That's why, I accept the quests and adventures that Feerik gives to us. It makes it more exciting. Without it, what else would we do to earn things that are not in the stores.

These things happen... but they all should know that we and Feerik all have our own lives. We can't put up with arguments all the time.

#12 2012-06-05 06:46:51

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010-08-12
Posts: 21425

Re: Complaining & Negativity

Totally agree!
I had my share of complaints. To add to your long list ilovem, this quest has the chance of different colored quest items. Just like we asked.
Its really hard to make designs. If you want to know i can bet you hayley will tell you how hard it is to make one outfit. These people are extremely talented to make enough things for 4 adventures every month.
Feerik's income is based mainly on our money. Have you ever seen three different ads come up on this site at all? There's only 2 that i see every so often and they're the exact same ads. Feerik can get alot of money if the host ads but they choose not to so that us as players have easier navigation. Even the free feez.
Most sites dont even give a 'free' option. Feerik is kind enough do that as well.
Think about the expenses to host a giant website. You have electricity bills, water bills, expensive graphic designers that are human, and feerik also has to pay for the domain name and copyright.
Thats a lot of things to cover up if you really think about it.

I'm sorry for ranting but i had to get this out...thanks coco!
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#13 2012-06-05 12:08:15

From: Chickenville
Registered: 2009-07-09
Posts: 3297

Re: Complaining & Negativity

I personally don't see that we should NOT voice our 'non-approval' on certain things.  If we don't like something, we should have the right to post about it.  I know that the makers of Feerik do read the forums on occasion so I would think that any "rant" for them should be taken as "constructive critisism." 

If we always only post what we love about this game and never post what we don't, then it gets to the point that we may be "kissing up" to the company which is something I will not do.
"Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something — if it ain't one thing, it's another." Roseanne Roseannadanna

#14 2012-06-05 12:28:44

Chat moderator
From: somewhere :)
Registered: 2010-11-30
Posts: 1445

Re: Complaining & Negativity

i am with sierradane ,
i dont remember complaining about things that cost feez , i know that feerik's first aim is to make money and i have no objection on this point. but i think that game used to be more interesting in the past , now its going down , it feels like less effort is being made, but thats just me.

Last edited by hayley77 (2012-06-05 12:29:24)


#15 2012-06-05 15:43:23

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Re: Complaining & Negativity

hayley77 wrote:

i am with sierradane ,
i dont remember complaining about things that cost feez , i know that feerik's first aim is to make money and i have no objection on this point. but i think that game used to be more interesting in the past , now its going down , it feels like less effort is being made, but thats just me.

This I totally agree with.
Complaining that things are going to cost you Feez is pointless because without the people that buy them there'd be no website.

However the standard of things we're supposed to spend our feez on is slipping. A lot of the items we received as part of the new flirt were badly drawn. I want to see Feerik up it's game as far as the rewards go. At the moment it feels like they're putting little effort into the items just to get as many ready as possible in time for a flirt.


#16 2012-06-05 16:51:07

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 128

Re: Complaining & Negativity

I don't complain about spending feez, i don't know the reasons why they are starting to make adventures more often but it's clearly affecting the quality of the drawing and object rewards.

I'm also worried about they are asking ideas to the players, which is good because they care about us, but it also tells me they are running out of ideas.

If they make adventures every week, their ideas will run out very fast, and the quality will obviously drop, and we will have bad drawn objects or the same type of adventures over and over again.

I'm agree that we don't have to buy it if we don't like it, but that's not the way it used to be before, they had nice stuff rewards, and it's their duty as developers of the game to conserve the quality of the game, not make it drop.

Last edited by lunely (2012-06-05 16:55:56)

#17 2012-06-06 00:58:34

From: The Land Of The Undead
Registered: 2010-05-05
Posts: 3015

Re: Complaining & Negativity

i'd quote sierradane, hayley77, anyamalfoy and lunely, but then my post would be oversized. the 4 of you said almost everything i was planing to say.

all i can add to those 4 people's posts is:
if you don't feel like "complaining" nor making negative comments, be thankful there are people who do: how is a site supposed to improve if nobody tells the developers what they're doing wrong? moreover, if people weren't complaining about feerik not listening to us, not doing sales, not giving us a 2nd chance to get items we lost because we joined the site long after they were gone, feerik would not do sales nor listen to us nor give us 2nd chance to play old quests(or if they would, it would be only once a year or more less often).

negative comments are vital for a site to improve services. some of the people who spend real money in this site ARE complaining as well. and being supporters of the site they have the right to complain about every mistake feerik makes.

and well, in some of the suggestions i've made, as well as in comments on suggestions other people made, i've suggested feerik to request feez from us to do some of the things we'd like them to do(such as getting items/rooms we've missed)

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#18 2012-06-06 02:17:31

Registered: 2010-12-13
Posts: 2362

Re: Complaining & Negativity

Of course everyone is free to express their opinions about what they would like to see changed, added..etc.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't.   There is an entire section on the boards that lets you do just that..  Plus there have been discussions about what we would like to see added on here..  and so on.

My original post here is only in regards to the constant complaining after every adventure.  Mostly about things that cannot be changed.   Its not that I don't share in some of your frustrations,  its that its tiring reading the same complaints over & over. 

As far as making comments about not liking items, there is a difference between  constructive criticism and saying something like, I think thats ugly or I don't like that.  Neither will help the designers improve.

It seems that some of you have read way more into what I said, than what I actually did say..


#19 2012-06-06 17:20:52

Registered: 2010-12-01
Posts: 128

Re: Complaining & Negativity

cocobelle wrote:

My original post here is only in regards to the constant complaining after every adventure.  Mostly about things that cannot be changed.   Its not that I don't share in some of your frustrations,  its that its tiring reading the same complaints over & over. 

As far as making comments about not liking items, there is a difference between  constructive criticism and saying something like, I think thats ugly or I don't like that.  Neither will help the designers improve.

I agree, there is no reason to be rude when expressing an opinion, there are ways to do it on a respectul way, telling them where can they improve and why do we think it's better that way. I've seen people complaining about new items in the stores, i wouldn't go that far, there are things that people will like it and things that other people don't and there is no need to be rude about it.

I understand that probably can be tiring to read the same complains all over again, and as a moderator you must look to all the posts every day so i can imagine how frustrating this can be. I also play on the Spanish server and there is a way a lot more people complaining there than here, it's not only us :(  If there are so many complains of players it means  feerik should take a look at it, it's their choice to decide what to do about it.

I will be ok with the adventures going on every week if they can really maintain the quality of items and ideas, i'm only worried about that the quality might drop that's why i comment, i have the hope that my opinion might help that not to happen, my thought might be wrong, but i will risk it :)

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