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#1 2011-01-28 19:34:04

From: Under a blanket somewhere
Registered: 2009-07-18
Posts: 2124

Multiple Accounts & Voting Rules

Multiple accounts ARE against the Terms and Conditions.

It has been decided that multiple accounts will be allowed for the time being. This is because many Dollz want to express their creativity with more than one doll.

There are SEVERE restrictions on what you can use them for.

1) You can NOT use them to vote for yourself.

2) You can NOT use them to harvest votes for your main doll.
Preferably vote from one account only. If you do use voting accounts, these must not mention that they are a voting account, though they can state other dolls belonging to the same player. They must not instruct the voter to return votes to your main account.

3) You can NOT tell people to vote for another doll you own.

4) You CAN tell people that you own that doll.

5) It is against the rules for a player to give multiple votes to another player's doll on a single day. (Contest reward votes are exempt, but using contests as an excuse to continually give extra votes to a doll will not be tolerated.)

6) It is NOT against the rules to vote for a player to give multiple votes to another player's doll in order to gain the trophies. Using trophies as an excuse to continually give extra votes to a doll will not be tolerated

7) For rules regarding voting in the Fashion Show, please see this FAQ:

8) You can not use a contest to get people to vote for your doll.


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