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I've encountered a problem with one of the packs. I've just bought the Frozen pack for 249 $$$ on two of my alt dolls (Uzume and Sekhmet) but it didn't deduct any money from their accounts even though I got the "transaction complete" message. Surprisingly both of the dolls got the items from this pack and the game tokens but didn't get the gift certificates. I also bought the pack for 59 $$$ with Sekhmet and it worked fine.
I had also previously bought the same Frozen pack with my Shepard alt doll and it worked well, money was deducted and all the gifts were added.
I have noticed that the images of the items were changed not so long ago and I have the feeling this bug might have been caused by it?
Reporting that. Sounds confusing!
Thanks! And yeah, it's really strange. I didn't really care about the items but I especially wanted these gift certificates and I didn't get them. That's a mean bug :(