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#1 15-09-2017 01:55:17

Registered: 2011
Posts: 578

multiple item bug gifts again

Hey there.

I open my Inventory and I am surprised to see multiple gift items of the sword of the stone in my inventory :hypn:  (about 65 pages of them to be exact) :D

Last edited by hollymoua (15-09-2017 01:55:32)

#2 15-09-2017 10:07:10

From: The Inka Empire
Registered: 2009
Posts: 1364

Re: multiple item bug gifts again

hollymoua wrote:

Hey there.

I open my Inventory and I am surprised to see multiple gift items of the sword of the stone in my inventory :hypn:  (about 65 pages of them to be exact) :D

Those are the gifts from the Fairy event -
There was a bug and everybody got maaany copies of the same items. They said they couldn't really delete them for you, so you have to do it yourself if you don't want them :(
Here's the bug topic about it -

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