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A person I know recently went to a Petaphile Awareness Group and learned of the dangers of putting your age on websites due to petaphiles lurking around every corner. Did you know that putting GPS on your phone can help dangerous people track you down???? So I have deleted my age off my page so nooone can track me down. So I think putting your age on your page should not be permitted! What are your thoughts on this?????:nrv:
no bug, moved to discussions
There is nothing in the rules that states you have to be truthful about your age or that you have to put it at all.
Online safety is more than just not putting your age on a website. It's about being sure about the person you are talking to. The only way is to get someone on webcam and get them to show you some words you've asked them to write. If they keep coming up with excuses take everything they tell you with a pinch of salt.
And the GPS tool is used by the police to track people down and also used in a lot of apps to give you information about where you are and where you can find things.
Pretty much everything can be used by bad people for bad reasons. Just be smart.
Ummm I think its just if you put pics of yourself on facebook or up on your page. Some people know how to decode it and can find your location. I think that criminals can take anything and turn it bad really! But I agree there are people like that (i dont know why) and they well track you, so get smart and stay smart! (:
on pics are no location-informations ^-^ how could?
I think that putting your age on your profile is fine. It's just that if you're under 18, I recommend not to post up pictures of yourself. The only way these people can track you down is if they actually know how to hack into your information (like those super smart hackers on tv). But I highly doubt any of this can happen if you're safe.
If you're not coming to my idea, then you can put up a false age or none at all. Just don't post up all your information (ex. last name, address, number, etc...)
Stay safe ;)
Okay,,,but people view your page every do you not know if someone like Ray-van said- a crminal- is tracking you down? Not to be paranoid or anything!?!?
I would think the only way someone is 'tracking' you here, is because they have that info or you mentioned it to them. I have dozens of friends online that I've been friends with for over 10 years... from all over the world... and only 1 of them knows I play this game. Of course for me, if those friends are bored from playing EQ and did a search for the name 'sierradane' they might find me here. And that's simply because I've been online since 98 or whenever and my online name appears in a lot of search engines because of that. If you are afraid someone is tracking you, don't use your RL name in any of your dolls.
Last edited by sierradane (01-04-2011 02:03:04)
asami wrote:
on pics are no location-informations ^-^ how could?
On some newer digital cameras & cell phones with cameras, photographs are imbedded with gps cooridnates. Its supposed to be for, if you want to go back and look up where the photo was taken. But it is possible for someone who has the software to take a picture someone posted online to see if it has the coordinates imbedded. So if the photo was taken in your house, it could tell a person where you live..
cocobelle wrote:
asami wrote:
on pics are no location-informations ^-^ how could?
On some newer digital cameras & cell phones with cameras, photographs are imbedded with gps cooridnates. Its supposed to be for, if you want to go back and look up where the photo was taken. But it is possible for someone who has the software to take a picture someone posted online to see if it has the coordinates imbedded. So if the photo was taken in your house, it could tell a person where you live..
Then that would be a good reason to NOT post a RL photo, providing the one putting their RL photo had used one of those cameras and they are afraid someone is going to track them down.
seriosly, why should a profihacker play omd? their is no interesting things for them :bisous:
that's why i don't put pictures and personal info in my pages
i'm aware of several things that may happen if there's too much info about how to find you, how you look like or anything else in a profile page (the newspapers are often showing this kind of situation, and so do the TV newsteller)
and i never register in sites that ask for my phone number, home adress or anything like that.
i've stoped to visit my facebook page because i've read facebook doesn't respect user's privacy...
well, they DO use cookies to know where i am and show me ads from my current town, and that's so annoying, and i have no idea how to set to "not use location detector". :nrv:
btw, i wonder what/if they do w/ the info they get from the users :quoi:
Last edited by darkjewels (01-04-2011 22:03:35)
Your age is really no big deal. Yes pro hackers can get into pics and stuff. They are really good at it. But as long as you are safe and watch what kind of things you mention to people, you should be fine. I'm really paranoid about this kinda stuff too. Also I try to keep myself manly to like one specific person that I trust (Reletivedly). But don't give out info. Even little things can really add up very quikly. But age is really no biggy. Long story short: Don't give out info you wouldn't tell a stranger walking by you on the street, be careful, but don't get so paranoid you don't enjoy thre game, don't put you own pics on profile, you age is probably fine to tell people. If you are paranoid about your age just take it off your profile. :)