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Ahh pick-up lines. Just post some random pick up lines that you've said or have heard! Don't post any unapropriate ones though even if some of them are super funny. Well have fun!
Are you a magnet cuz im attracted to you...
Mine is very bad I know. :sad:
Do you have a map? Cuz I keep getting lost in your eyes.
Pick-up lines are ridiculous.
Here's my favorite can-be-used-as-a-pick-up-line-if-used-right line: Are you an angel? Cuz it smells like something DIED in here!
I don't know which is prettier today, the water, the sky or your eyes.
Some lines make me laugh, usually the inappropriate ones.
Polar bear.
Oh. That? I just wanted to break the ice.
"Are you from Tennessee? Cause you're the only ten I see."
I'm addicted to yes, and I'm allergic to no. So what's it gonna be?
Is Google your name?
Because you have everything I need (:
melody1231 wrote:
Is Google your name?
Because you have everything I need (:
I laughed so hard at that one.
"Are you a library book, because I'm checking you out." HA!
Are you Jesus?
Cause I hear the Hallelujah chorus when I'm around you.
"Did it hurt when you fell from the sky?" I know it's talking about an angel but seriously! Am I a bird??
Last edited by malu (07-05-2012 10:41:35)
This is by far, the most funniest, pick-up line I have heard:
"How you doin'?" *nod nod, smile smile, wink wink* :lol:
I love Joe Tribianni when he says that to EVERY girl he meets in Friends
Are you running out of breath? Cuz you've been running through my mind all day. :ok:
malu wrote:
"Did it hurt when you fell from the sky?" I know it's talking about an angel but seriously! Am I a bird??
I bursted out laughing after reading this!!! This was just so funny. :mdr:
You guys make my stomach hurt :lol:
Last edited by angelfire (09-05-2012 00:51:26)
Here's one:
"Hey, what's your name?"
"Mines' xxxx, but you can call me tonight."
So, there's this running gag in my country where the pick up line goes like (translated)...
B: "Are you a (Insert non-human object)?"
G: "Why?"
B: "Because (Insert pun/cheesy comparison)."
Here's the first good-ish one I thought of (Translated & revised to fit English):
B: "Are you a calendar?"
G: "Why?"
B: "Because I want to ask you for a date."
Another: (Not as funny or cute cause of the theme, but...)
B: "Are you a killer?"
G: "Why?"
B: "Cause I'm dead for you." (A phrase in our country which means completely in love)
Pickup lines used on me;
Guy in Math class: "Baby, you’re the next contestant in the game of love."
Me:...Uhh..... *Walks away slowly*
My friend who was in my Business class: "Hi, the voices in my head told me to come over and ask you out."
Me: "Oh? Did they also tell you to (curses at him)? Because I am."
Lucky he wasn't serious or I could have done some serious damage there! :p
I think the most common one is,
"Is it me or is it hot in here?"
I don't get chat up line these days just get the plain
"Hey can my friend have your number?"
"No, Sorry."