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It's a BOY!!! :D
My husband and I welcomed our new little son, Benjamin Simon into our arms at 10:58 on Friday morning, Aug 24. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and measured 20 inches long. All are doing well!!!! :)
(this is the first time I've accessed the computer since being home - and will be not really 'here' on OMD for a bit til things are settled down at home with our new baby. Thanks for all the love and support from my OMD friends - it's much appreciated and I was excited to post the news on here for you girls to see!)
Edit....just to keep track of peoples' guesses for Baby S the Second so we all remember what we guessed!
Seems "girl" is more popular than "boy"! We'll all find out together in August! :) The winning team will receive a gender-appropriate gift each :)
Last edited by snortmort (20-01-2014 14:14:02)
Aww he is sooooo cute!! Congrats!<3
:love: :gai: :bisous:
He's so adorable :love: I love is name too!! Such a small baby! Congratz! I wish you and your husband well!
He is such a doll baby. The name is so adorable.
Congratulations Snortmort! he is so cute! I hope you and your partner have a very happy family!
Awe, congrats!! He's precious!! Wish I could hold him!! :)
:magic: how cutee :) congrartz snortmort :D
CONGRATZ! :gai: He's adorable!! OMG!! :star:
Awww! I want to nick him. So cute! I love baby shoes, I don't know about you. But when you go into a shop and see baby shoes I just melt and go awwhh
Awesome job, snortmot! You will be a great mother! And my friend told my giving birth is really painful..if it was, I'm sorry!
Congratulations, hon! I'm so happy for you! :D He's such a cutie and you've chosen him a beautiful name. All the best for you and your lovely family ^^
:love: Congratulations!!! All the best for you, your baby and your whole family! :love:
So cute Awwwwwwwww congratulation I love his name too :)Best wishes :)
Welcome to the World, Little Benjamin. (Tears of Joy, while that picture brought about the reaction of a thousand Awwwwhs') c': :love: :love: :love:
Congrats!!! :applau: Oh, he's so cute! Nice name too. I wish all the best for you and your husband! Is it your first?
Congrats! This is terrific. I wish you and your family all the best.
First of all, Congratulations~ he is SUPER cute, and what a great name you gave him. I know you will take great care of him!
He is soo cute!
And the name is beautiful!Congratiulations!I wish him all the best in his new life!
Thank-you to everyone for all your support and congratulations on the birth of our son. He's doing very well, and is 2 1/2 weeks old now!
I have been popping online when I get a chance and keeping an eye on things on OMD, but I usually can't type much of anything b/c Benjamin hasn't been giving me much free time during the day. For some reason, he's being really good today, though!
Last evening he was very fussy, but after his bath he settled down and was a really good boy for us overnight - sleeping for two 3 hour stretches, and one 2 hour stretch. His mommy and daddy are very thankful that our little boy sleeps pretty well at night!
This morning, a photographer friend of ours did a photoshoot with him, and hopefully when we get those pictures back in a month or so I'll be able to post them on here also. For now, though, here's a computer sketch of him sleeping on my arm from last week:
Aww! Sho cute <33
awwww cutieeee :3
Such a beautiful baby boy.
He is such a cutie!