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Fireflies - Owl City :love:
kieramsmileys wrote:
Fireflies - Owl City :love:
I love that song!
Vanilla Twilight ~ Owl City. <3
Can You Feel It - Family Force 5
:love: :love: :love:
PSY - Gangnam Style. :lol:
try - P!nk
Cher Lloyd - Want U Back
I can't believe I'm listing to this... But its so catchy! :non:
Love U Betta -Neon Hitch
(you can shun me now...)
who's that chick - rihanna
...from yesterday - 30STM
teenagers: MCR
Gangnam style - Psy
I'm going to watch this video every single day. If you ever meet me, don't force me on an elevator...I'll die of laughter.
@ angel: lol have you noticed the man dancing in the elevator face reactions :P
cher lloyd - want you back
cher lloyd - with ur love (We are both listening Cher Lloyd.)
hayley77 wrote:
@ angel: lol have you noticed the man dancing in the elevator face reactions :P
Hah ikr! It's so cheesy!!
Gangnam style - psy
We Owned the Night- Lady Antebellum
"If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away" by Justin Moore
Oath- Cher LLoyd (BFF SONG)
Oh Rarity.....what have i done to you??
Im listening to "The Voice" By Eimear Quinn =) her voice is amazing!!!
With Your Love ~ CHer Lloyd.Next Im gonna change it to LIve While Were Young 1D :love: :love: :love:
All time low ~ The wanted!
:love: :love: