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Ivy'sSoAwesome: Next person to use an O or o owes me a Golden Apple
IsShe?: 0k (hehe used an zero)
Next person to use an A or a OWES ME A DETENTION (Getting harder)
YesSheIs: I see. (Eh, smart?)
Next person to use an VOWEL has to Meh meh meh meh
and so on and so on
Next person who uses and H has to give a Parrot.
No way.
Next person to use a vowel owes me a billion dollars
k, k00l
Next person to use a T owes me $100000000000000000000000000000000
heck no
The next person to use a A has to give me a new camera
Sorry wont do it
Next person to use an O has to give me a donut
Naaa I'm all set (:
The next person to use a consonant has to give me a mansion (the letters that aren't vowels...) XD
|\ | ____
| \ | | |
| \| |____|
Next person to use a letter has to give me a smiley
0# %!6?
Next person who uses the word 'no' has to give me the sun.
I don't think so
Next person to use only one word has to give me cake
kk wht's ^
Nest person to use a single letter has to be my slave forever
Last edited by ivy020 (23-10-2012 01:42:51)
Next person to use a has to give me pudding.
Next person to use a number or letter has to give me a bunch of desserts
Next person who uses S had to give me a million dollars.
Not gonna happen.
Next person to use a contraction (won't, can't, don't, etc) will pay for my food!
You wish!
Next person to use a word will get me chocolate cake!
The next person to click on the keyboard or copy and paste something will give me a glass of water !!!
Next person to use A has to jump of a building.
Next person to use a number has to go eat snails.
Last edited by malu (02-12-2012 17:35:42)
Good thing I'm not using a number then.
Next person to frown has to give a cheesy smile.
Next person use the word 'is' has to give me a cheese burger.
Didnt say the word so :montr: no cheese burger for you
The next person who use the letter A to Z, HAS TO GIVE ME a box of tissues
Next person to use a smiley or " ! ? . ," will give me a foot massage.