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Wait till he starts to crawl! That is the cutest time! (In my opinion) Please post pictures when he starts to walk! :star:
Benjamin will be 8 weeks old tomorrow, and I thought it was time to post an updated picture here of my chunky monkey:
Isn't he just HUGE!? Such a sweet little baby - sleeping lots at night now and smiling lots during the day. I just love him to pieces!
Last edited by snortmort (18-10-2012 18:32:21)
:montr: :love:
OMG! He's growing up so fast! Sho cutee!
:love: :love:
Congratulations Snortmort, He is very adorable, and just a word of advice they grow up to fast now a days. Before you know it he will be walking. And I guess I will be remembering his birthday since my daughters is the 25. That would have been pretty awesome if they shared the same birthday.
His eyes!!! They're adorable!!!! and his nose!!! Such a gorgeous little boy :love:
Isn't he getting just ridiculously fat?! :) I love him so much, and I love plants kisses all over those sweet kissable cheeks.
Amary - yes, his eyes are big! Everyone always comments on how bright and alert they are!
Malu & Fairy - he's getting so big so fast. He's 9 weeks old today, and we finally got the disc in the mail with the pictures from the photoshoot we had with him when he was 2.5 weeks and he's changed SO much since then - he was so tiny and his legs and arms were so scrawny lol. Now he's a big chunker - he sure knows how to eat!
Angel - thanks so much :) We think he's a pretty handsome little fella ourselves :)
:sad: omg i havent seen this picture before :'( he is soooo cute :O omg
ya his eyes are really big so beautiful :) totally irresistible :P
He looks so adorable! I hope you add more pic!
I'm so bad at keeping this thread updated! Benjamin is 2.5 months now and getting SO BIG! He had his first shots a while ago, which I was super worried about, but he came through like a champ and didn't get sick or run a fever or anything. At that doctor's appointment, he was weighed and was over 15 pounds! The doctor said he was in the 98th percentile, which basically means that he weighs more than 98% of other babies his age! lol our little chunker. Love him so much!
He's sleeping 8-11 hours at night now, which is wonderful because it means that I get to sleep lots, too!
On Sunday evening he laughed out loud for the first time! It was adorable - I think my heart simply melted. His Daddy and my parents were there to hear it, too, which was great. We tried to catch it on camera, but of course by the time the camera was found and rolling, he was done! Silly baby.
Anyway. Enjoy the pictures!
Last edited by snortmort (13-11-2012 16:57:41)
AWWW!! :love: THAT IS JUST LE ADORABLE!! Love his humongous smile! :love:
Ummm. Want a babysitter? I wouldn't mind traveling wherever you are to babysit this cutie baby. He's so adowable!
omg look at his cute smile in the first picture :O soooo adorable !! awww :love: :love:
Last edited by hayley77 (13-11-2012 19:30:47)
I don't know how I missed this thread.. I have been looking on your WIA all this time for pics of him. I'm glad I got the message this was here. He's so adorable, melts the hearts of all of us Mommies and Grammies! (and everyone else that see's him) Thank you so much for sharing him with us.
Oh my dear friend, Benjamin is adorable! I love his pictures! He looks so happy and healthy! Such a sweet little boy you have! This is my first visit here...I didn't know you had pictures up! I always look at your WIA thinking you would post pictures there! Let me know when you put up new ones!:lol:
Amary & Hayley - we love his smiles, too! Sometimes our cheeks hurt just from smiling at his smiles :)
Darkelfqueen - such a sweet thought, thank-you :) Even if you did live close/know us, you probably wouldn't get in much babysitting yet, though! I'm nursing Benjamin and so I need to stay close by for when he gets hungry again, so we don't do much in the way of leaving him with other people yet, aside from maybe a few minutes to run out to the store when my mom or my husband have him, or also he goes in the nursery at our church during the service so we can actually be in it!
Jenz & Joyce- I keep forgetting to update the thread, so it often tends to just get lost amongst all the others! I figured it's easier for me to just post the pictures in one spot instead of my WIA. I'm way too lazy to go through and update the WIA most of the time lol. I guess I just find it easier to post here! I'll try to post in my "updates" box whenever I post an update in here!
Oh My God!! He's adorable! He looks happy and healthy. :D
snortmort wrote:
Sleepover - he IS growing so fast it's CRAZY. He's already 5 weeks old and he looks just huge to us now. He's got these big cheeks, a double chin and his arms and legs are getting so chubby! He's certainly not a 'newborn' anymore. I'm really trying to appreciate these moments when he's so small, b/c he's growing so quickly that he won't be little for very much longer. Before we know it, he'll be sitting up, and crawling, and then standing and walking. Crazy!
omg :D he looks like a 6months baby <3
my nephew is 4 months old but he looks like a 2months baby :')
anyway he's cuteeee :love:
I took some Christmas pictures of Benjamin yesterday. For some unfortunate reason, the picture uploading site isn't allowing me to post landscape pictures, only portrait, so you don't get to see my very favourite one, but here's the latest picture of Benjamin. 3 and a half months old!
Aww! He looks sho adorable! Look at those big eyes and cute smile! <33
Hey! I'm glad you've updated the thread and I finally found it again. Your little man is so cute! It's obvious he's a very healthy and happy baby, just look at these photos! The last photo is simply priceless :D
Benjamin is simply adorable! What a sweet, lovable, happy and healthy looking baby! :applau:
Gotta give a Christmas bump since he's so darn cute!!!