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Without me ~ Kina Grannis.
Who made you king of anything ~ Sara Belles
And who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything
So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything
One Direction ~ She's not afraid
I'm listening to DOS for the 1st time <3
P!nk - Raise Your Glass! <33
Why so Sirius??
Raise your glass by P!nk! <33
Raise your glass by P!nk again. I really love her these days.
Dishonored Rap-Dan Bull
I was listening to it and thought, Hm, now I really wanna draw an epic Dishonored picture.
So, I'm finishing up my Dishonored Video Game picture. It's called Bringing Dunwall To Life. It's gonna be, well, epic.
Bruce Lee vs Clint Eastwood & Marylin Monroe vs Cleopatra
Epic Rap Battles of History.
i'd lie taylor swift
i've become obsessed w/ this song since two weeks ago :love: :love:
Last edited by jezzabelle123 (19-11-2012 01:21:00)
Life After You-Daughtry
One of my newer bought songs
Story of us ~ T Swift.
Alyssa Lies-John Michael Carroll
This song can make you cry :pleur:
Stay Stay Stay- Taylor Swift
"I threw my phone across the room at you"
"That's when you came in wearing a football helmet and said, okay lets talk"
Those words sum up my relationship with my boyfriend. :bisous:
Mean by Taylor Swift
So what by P!nk.
Though the vids and the song does not make any sense. I love the messages.
It Get's Better- Fun...
Oh my God the lyrics to this song. :lol:
Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven.
Ooh ooh ooh...ooh...ooh ooh ooh
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
@malu best song evaH
starlight - muse