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Whenever I want to smile, I come to this topic and look at all the adorable pics of Benjamin. :D
Oh My God I just want to eat him up! SO CUTE! :love:
Awww, thanks for the bump, Sierra :)
Also, thanks to you girls for your kind words for Benjamin. We're so in love with our little guy - he's so cheerful and smiley most of the time. He's certainly a very easy baby to love. We've had a fun and busy Christmas season with him so far - still two more Christmas parties, and a New Year's gathering with my siblings to go yet!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
and also, one I took for Christmas-time, back in October. I created a winter wonderland scene for Benjamim to snooze in, out of blankets and stuff around the house:
Last edited by snortmort (26-12-2012 04:43:31)
OMG! He's so adorable!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Benjamin, you and your family!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW cute :):love: :love: :love:
What a handsome little boy you have! Looks like he sure can eat...look at the size of those legs!! lol! I love all the pics you have up of Benjamin...he's so sweet! I love his smile! I bet he has such a cute laugh! Hope you have a Happy New Year!
omg !! the first picture is like super mega cutee :3 he is soo adorable :love:
and i really loove what you did in the second picture :)
edit : forgot a word hehe XD
Last edited by hayley77 (03-01-2013 12:42:21)
OMG THE CUTEST :aomd_bave:
Thanks for all the compliments on B's cuteness, girls :) We're pretty taken with him, too!
Joyceeileen - he's never had problems with eating yet - gained weight very quickly, and is a very happy boy overall. Lots of sweet laughs, which we're getting to hear more and more frequently - so fun!
Some people have been asking for updated pictures, so here we go!
Taken yesterday, just before I tucked him into his stroller to go for a walk to the mailbox:
In his highchair for the first time this week, just playing. I'll be trying him on 'real food' for the first time at the beginning of March, when he's six months:
Happy exersaucer baby:
Last edited by snortmort (15-02-2013 02:00:51)
awwww! I wanna give him a big huuuug! May his life be nothing but filled with happiness, success and every good thing in life, snortmort. Give him a big hug and kiss from me!!!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (15-02-2013 02:02:29)
Awww, thanks, darkelf. I'm sure he'd love the hug - he's a very huggy little guy. We especially enjoy our morning snuggles together when he first gets up for the day and is all bright-eyed and happy!
Aw, Benjamin is just so adorable! He is a chubby little boy who is probably going to eat you out of house and home! LOL! He looks like such a sweet, happy, well fed and well cared for baby! Give him a big teddy bear hug for me, ok? :mang:
OMG. :D Sho cute. I just want to give him a biiiiiig hug. He's growing up too fast isn't he? <3
Finally another Benjamin photo-update:
Playing on the living room floor:
Eating his first-ever Timbit (you other Canadians know what this is :) )
Last edited by snortmort (01-05-2013 19:41:15)
What a cutie pie! such big blue eyes (they are blue, aren't they?) He looks so healthy and happy...I'd love to hug give him a hug from me!:applau:
Awwww! My favorite Benjamin in the whole world!!!
snortmort, every time you post his pics, you make my day! Could you please give him a hug from me?
He's getting cuter and cuter! :aomd_bave:
awwwwwwww so cute :) Such a cute little boy :)
Aww Adorable!~ <3
@Joyceeilleen: yes, he has big blue eyes: it's what people in the stores always comment on first: mostly because he just sits there and STARES at them without blinking lol little creeper...
@darkelfqueen: I'm happy to make your day with the pictures - he makes my day, too :)
@amary, sani & malu: thanks so much. we're pretty taken with him, too :)
And I'll give him lots of extra hugs from all you girls.
His hair is turning more and more reddish - so cute I love it!!
He's such a cutie! And I like his hair too =) Is he saying any words yet like "da-da" or mommy?
Ooohhh! Congratulations! He seems to be a really healthy boy, that is great!
Be prepared for a really bright and bubbly kid that will always get up at an early hour ahah
Again, congratulations and I wish you all the best!
Sierra, he's babbling a lot more these days - it used to be just only if he was getting sleepy, but not really anything distinct yet. Though I am pretty sure he was trying to say 'dad-da' or 'daddy' the other day. One morning this week T had gone into work early and when B woke up, I tucked him into bed with me to nurse him and B kept looking over to T's pillow and patting it and saying something that sounded like 'daddy'. So cute. Doesn't hurt my feelings at all for him to say 'daddy' before 'mama', though it'd be nice to hear it some time!
He's started waving at people in the last week or so, which is lots of fun. He's also sitting up on his own really well, and he rocks on his hands and knee/toes. No crawling quite yet, but he's so close; he can push himself backwards, though!
Jang, thank-you. He's always been a very bright-eyed, cheerful baby, and we hope and pray he continues to be this way - always ready to look around and learn new things. He's usually up around 7 in the morning, which isn't so bad, since I usually get up with my hubby around that time anyway to have breakfast together before he goes off to work!