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#101 13-12-2012 12:39:10

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awe. I for one love nerds lolz
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#102 13-12-2012 12:47:11

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Hehe. :D

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#103 13-12-2012 18:16:47

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

LOL! Great job again, you two :)

#104 13-12-2012 18:18:38

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics


Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#105 13-12-2012 23:34:24

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Okay. HOW did I miss this? I can't believe it!

Aaaand. You did it again. I love Elric.


#106 14-12-2012 05:39:55

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics


Bloody ~ Is Lecora in the Character list? He may be a book but still.. a talking book.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#107 15-12-2012 12:01:12

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Bloody, would you mind changing the character list thingie? I only have one character now - Dex Archer. Thanks!

#108 15-12-2012 15:50:24

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I will when I get on the computer, Kiera, and I was planning on it, Malu. Lecora will be like Mr. Tree.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#109 24-12-2012 17:23:38

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oki, Me and Amary were fooling around and we wrote this. It's a parody of rolling in the deep by Adele. We planned on making Malu and Zoye sing it while she was prego but never got the chance.

We could of had it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall
rolling in the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
you took half my soul and my heart
and now I'm pregnant
with your baby
YES, We could of had it aaaaaaaaall!!
Rolling in chocolaaaaate!
*Zoye asks 'What?' and then joins in again*
With fried chicken and caaaaake
but you left me, left me YOU LEFT ME TO DIE!
CLUCK CLUCK! * Does the chicken dance*

It's Malu's version BTW.

Last edited by malu (24-12-2012 17:25:12)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#110 24-12-2012 17:47:51

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics



#111 26-12-2012 18:53:02

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Hehe. :D

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#112 26-12-2012 19:00:38

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

So, I’ve had this idea for a while. An alternate universe of the RP characters where they’re all in the same high school. I have two episodes planned so far: Prom and Parenting 101. This is the first part of the Prom one. I’ll try to post the next part soon! Enjoy!


My name is Valerie Endre and I am a junior student at D. W. High School. You must be wondering what D. W. stands for? It actually stands for Desmond Wales High School, the founder of the school obviously…But that’s not how most people would answer your question.

Most people believe that D. W. stands for Down Worlders…As in Monsters…Why? I think it has something to do with the teachers and students…When two people don’t get along, it always leads to a disaster here. For example, a few days ago, we were dismissed early because a friend of ours, Blaze, ironically, set the whole school on fire because of fist fight at the chemistry lab…This is nothing compared to previous incidents….Um…But this is not what we’re talking about, is it?

Did I mention that I’m the student President? I’d like to say that it’s as cool as it sounds, but really…I HATE it. It’s been nothing but a constant nuisance since day 1. And I owe it all to my father who pushed me into it…I’ll stop ranting now.

It was a normal day…well, as normal as it could get with two more weeks till Prom. I sighed as I put my tray down on the table where my friends were at.

“Val! We need new cheerleader outfits,” Malu said immediately eating  a huge bite of a greasy cheeseburger sandwich. Malu is the head cheerleader, yet she eats more than me, Angel and Rose combined. What I don’t understand is how she never gains weight…Sorry…Back to the convo.

I narrowed my eyes at her and said slowly, “These outfits are new.”

Malu rolled her eyes and said, “You call six months old new? Aren’t you the fashionista always traveling to Paris for new clothes?”

“That’s because I can buy them! School budget is so so so tight!” I exclaimed.

Zoye muttered as she eyed the food suspiciously, “You can say that again…What exactly is this supposed to be?”

Zoye was Malu’s friend before any of us. She’s a sweet, kind and funny friend. A friend in need indeed! She’s the one that showed me that Malu is not as shallow as she pretends to be. In fact, Zoye and I have a theory that Malu. has Einstein’s brain but never uses it.

I stared at the food for a moment before shrugging and saying, “I have no idea…which is exactly why I bring a homemade sandwich every day.”

Malu raised a finger as she warned me, “I can overlook the unknown food. I can wear this outfit for six more months, but I won’t forgive you if the Prom is not fantastic.”

I pouted at her, “I’m trying…I even donated some money for the budget to bring in a better band than those 60 year old singers the school had booked.”

Angel shook her head and said, “Seriously…You used most of the school money for prom…How about better equipment for the labs? So we could actually learn something?”

Malu gasped, “Use money for the labs?!! Why would we do that? Only nerds would be happy.”

Angel glared at her, “Believe it or not, Malu, we live because of the experiments and discoveries that were done in the past,” She looked thoughtful for a moment, then, said, “For example, your favorite perfume happened because of the chemistry experiments the scientists tried until they got to that new recipe.”

Malu stared at her for a minute then laughed, and said “You really sounded like Mr. Hickor in the chemistry lab. Besides, Prom is the most important night of your life.”

Zoye  looked at quizzically, “I thought that would be your wedding day or night.”

Malu put her arm around Zoye and said, “My naiive naiive Zoye. Of course not! You can get married several times in your life, but you have only one Prom.”

Zoye looked at me and I shrugged, “She actually has a point you know.” She looked back at Malu and asked, “If that is true, how come you don’t have a date till now Malu?”

Malu rolled her eyes, “I’m just taking my time to decide. I have two offers and I’m not sure who to pick. Tellis is funny, charming in his own way. And Shade is a … well… bad boy kind…It’s hard to choose.”

“Well, you better hurry up or they’ll keep on fighting over and over again.”

“Prom or not, they always are,” retorted Malu.

Zoye nodded and then smirked and addressed me, “See? Learn something from Malu. At least she didn’t completely turn them down.”

Rose, who was completely silent till now asked, “You turned down another guy?”

I looked down at my food, “Yeah…Tyler from the basketball team.”

Malu gasped and jumped at me, “What? But he’s hot!”

“I don’t like him.”

“Honey, you’re not getting married to him. It’s just a Prom! That’s Promance not romance!”

“I know…”

“But what?! Do you think that Mr. Right would jump out of nowhere and ask you out?”

Zoye pulled her away from me and said, “You’re talking to Val remember? The romantic Val. The ‘Oh sneaky sneaky amor’ Val.”

Malu laughed and said,” Yeah. She thinks that her love would come over and ask her out and take her with him on  a ride in his white limo.”

I chuckled and looked away…What they don’t know is…I am in  a relationship…But it’s kinda complicated.


#113 26-12-2012 19:04:51

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oh MY GOD! That is Brilliant! I love Malu and Val! <33 You are AMAZING!!! I Can't wait for the next one!! <33

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#114 26-12-2012 19:13:58

From: The couch
Registered: 2010
Posts: 11534

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics


Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#115 26-12-2012 20:19:57

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#116 27-12-2012 17:19:58

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Prom Part Two! Part Three will be the final one! And may I add, the best one in my opinion.

Prom Part Two

Where were we? Oh…yeah…My secret relationship. Now you’d be thinking why would I hide a relationship from my friends…It’s really really complicated.

First of all, who’s my secret Romeo? His name is Matt Devney and he’s a biker. No that’s not the problem. Matt is a gentleman who can be tough, kind and funny at the same time. I really don’t know how he does it, but he does….which brings us back to the convo at the cafeteria.

While we were sitting, we saw the cafeteria doors fly open and in came Matt’s gang. There’re four guys and a girl in the gang. The girl’s name is Saffi and she’s not bad really.  I don’t know the names of two of the guys. Then, there’s Luke, Rose’s boyfriend. I don’t know why but I love teasing him so much…And then, there’s Matt…My Matt.

I looked away not meeting his eyes hoping the girls won’t notice while Rose got up and walked over to Luke. Now you’d ask me, if your friend was already dating one of them, why not you? Complicated…remember?



Zoye and I turned to face each other in the bathroom and started our daily check.

“Hair check. Makeup check. Outfit check.”

Most girls gave us weird looks…mainly because we were going into the gym where we’re going to get sweaty anyway, but that’s what sets us apart from them. WE’RE ALWAYS GOOD LOOKING. Ehem…Anyways.

We went out into the gym and saw Mrs. Maria standing there. Her steel eyes were examining us…Her preys and then she whistled and yelled, “VOLLEYBALL. Shade and Tellis, you’re the leads. Make teams and get going.”

Everyone gulped…When Shade and Tellis were against each other, things got messy…Very messy…Because of ME.

The both yelled at the same time, “Malu.” Oh boy!

Shade glared at Tellis and shouted, “I chose her first. She’s on my team.”

Tellis humphed but replied with a smirk, “Come on Shadey! You and I both know she’d prefer to be with fun me that with grumpy ol’ you.”

Shade grunted something in return and threw the basketball at Tellis’ face. The latter lost his balance but quickly got on his feet again and went to the wall and jumped against it and landed on Shade’s shoulders and started messing up with his hair.

In no time, they were both on the ground fighting. All we could see were limbs here and there, but who was hitting whom … no idea.

Maria sighed and whispered something about how electrocution was forbidden at schools, then dragged them both to the principal’s office.. Again.

“I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO WEAR TO PROM,” exclaimed Malu dragging us out of school towards the end of the day, “We need shopping.”

I pulled my hand away and said, “I’m too tired.”

Malu gasped and felt my forehead,” Weird…You’re not too warm.”

I chuckled, “It’s okay. I’m just too tired fro planning and stuff. I’ll go home and have some rest, then you can show me your dresses.”

Malu pouted but I ran away before she could stop me.


I got home and saw that daddy wasn’t there…gladly. I ran upstairs and waited…and waited. Then, finally, I heard the knock on my balcony door and saw Matt.

I opened the door and once he came in,  we were kissing like there’s no tomorrow. After a few minutes, I asked, ”Are you sure you can’t use the front door? I’m always worried you might hurt yourself climbing to my room.”

He chuckled and said, “No, siren…Natasha followed me once to your street and I don’t want her to know I’m here. Besides I might run into your friends or something.”

I sighed, “You don’t have to worry about my friends…They won’t tell anyone if I told them not to.”

He gave me a look, so I added, “Um..most of the time.”

He shook his head and kissed me softly saying, “I..I really wish we were out in the public…But Natasha is psycho…Extra psycho nowadays since I didn’t ask her out on the prom. She’ll do anything to hurt you. I can’t have that.”

I nodded, “I know…We talked about this before.”

He smiled and was going to kiss me again when we heard Malu and Zoye on the stairs. He asked me, “You gave them a key?”

I didn’t have time to reply. I was looking around me for a place to hide him. The next thing I know, I was pushing him into the walk-in closet…And just in time, too. For Malu threw the door open, “We’re here!!!”

I glared at her and asked, “Don’t you ever knock?”

“Why? You’re not a guy.” She replied casually, then took her dress from the bag to show it to me, “Tadaaaaa”

It was a midnight blue one…Very pretty. “Wow…I love it.”

“I know, right? Perfecto!”

Zoye sighed and said,” I didn’t find anything good for me. So, I thought I should come over, pick you up and we could go look for something…You rested for a while.”

I threw myself on the bed and said, “No.. Still tired. Besides I think I have a good dress already.”

Malu glared at me and walked towards the closet. I ran and stood in front of it, “NO!”


“Be…Because, it’s not in here….It’s at drycleaning.”

She sighed and gave me a look, then dragged Zoye outside, “Val…You’re losing your head.”

After I saw them drive the car away, I opened the closet to see Matt looking at a dress of mine and saying, “Why don’t you ever wear this?”


#117 27-12-2012 17:25:45

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I LOVE it! Can't wait for third!!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#118 27-12-2012 17:26:28

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

That was GREAT! I can't wait to see the third part!

#119 27-12-2012 17:27:16

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

The third part will be out in like two hours.


#120 27-12-2012 17:29:23

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics


#121 27-12-2012 17:30:46

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Matt in the closet.....

"Ooh...look at this....ain't that pretty.....good thing I have vampire vision...I can see in the dark...hmm...what are they talking about....interesting.....I like this dress...."

OMG, I love it Val...Darky I mean....
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#122 27-12-2012 17:32:25

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

YESH! I will stay online for 2 hours for this!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#123 27-12-2012 17:41:05

From: The couch
Registered: 2010
Posts: 11534

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Oh My Ron...... That was.. wow! :D

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#124 27-12-2012 19:55:42

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Prom Part Three:
I saw Malu walk towards me as I put some books inside the locker. She raised an eyebrow, “You use the locker for books?”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah…Believe it or not, that’s why we get them.”

“Not for make up?”


“Not for clothes?”




She threw her arms in the air and dragged me to class.
After a loooooong day of basically everything going wrong at school, I threw myself on the bed with my face in the pillow and screamed like there’s no tomorrow.

“What did that pillow ever do to you?” asked Matt. I had left the balcony open for him.

I rolled over so I was looking at him, “I hate being president.”

“It’s good for college,” he said with a smile.

I pouted to him, “I could always join the circus.”

He laughed and picked up my jacket and handed it to me, “We’re going out…Come on.”

I followed him out of the balcony and to where he had hidden his bike and we were off for the evening.
Saturday woohoo! Weekend! I still have to worry about Prom, buuuut…not at school!

Malu opened the door for me before I even ran the bell. I smiled to her, “I can’t believe that YOU asked ME to come over and help you study. It’s always me begging you to let me help you….That was confusing.”

She smiled and led me to the livingroom where Zoye was waiting. The next thing I knew I was sitting between them on the sofa.

Malu smiled even wider…which creeped me out…”Let’s start with French, shall we?” She opened the book on a certain page and gave it to me, “I don’t understand this.”

I looked at the book and my jaw dropped. Over the page was a photo of me and Matt from last night.

“O…Ouch…But…But how?” I asked

“Well, while you and your biker Romeo were busy kissing, I came across you…The waterfall? Really? You know that’s where I and Shade came to when we go on dates.”

I pouted to her, “Please don’t tell anyone.”

Zoye and Malu started singing the kissing song and I panicked, “Please please pelase don’t tell anyone.”

“Why not?” asked Zoye.

“Because…Well, Matt thins Natasha would hurt me if she knew about this.”

Malu laughed, “That’s the lamest excuse ever. Natasha is nothing but a diva.”

“But she is…psycho.”

“If you ask me…He’s embarrassed by you.”

I got angry and asked, “What does that mean?”

“He’s a biker. You’re a goody two shoes…Mismatch!”

I blinked at her, “Matt…would never be…Would he?”

Malu put her arms around me and so did Zoye. Then said, “Makeover!”
On the next day, once my car stopped in front of the school, I saw Maly opening the door for me.

“I don’t want to come out.” I said crossing my arms.

She rolled her eyes and pulled me out, “Come on.”

I was wearing an over the shoulder top with a short skirt…Too short for my taste. Thankfully, Malu allowed me to wear leggings and a long boot.

She cried from happiness and hugged me, “I’m proud of you.“

I sighed and walked with her into the school getting  a few whistles here and there, “I hate you.”

She laughed and led me to the locker. I opened it only to have someone close it…And it was Tyler. He smirked and said, “Love the new look.”

I smiled and pushed him away, “Thanks.”

He pulled me closer and I tried to push him away again, but he was too strong and the next thing I knew, he was flying to the wall…Matt had hit him.

Tyler stood back up with a bleeding nose and yelled at Matt, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Stay away from her,” Matt replied calmly.

“It’s none of your business,  tough guy.”

“It is. She’s my girlfriend.”

“Oh yeah? Since when?”

“Since six months ago.”

Tyler got angry and soon they were fist fighting only to be dragged away to the Principal’s office.

Malu gave me a thumbs up and I was just too speechless to say anything.
I saw Matt coming out of the principal’s office and ran to him, “Are you okay?”

He nodded and asked me, “Why are you dressed like that? At school?”

I looked down in shame, “Malu said you were too embarrassed by me.”

“Malu? I should have known…Wait…How did she know about us?”

“She saw us at the waterfall.”

“Oh…Since when do you listen to malu?”

I thought for a second, “I don’t know…She made sense back then.”

Matt shook his head chuckling a bit, then pulled me from the waist towards him saying,“ I got suspended for three days.”

“What? I’m so so so sorry.”

He smiled, “I’m not really bothered by that…I mean..staying at home with permission? Perfect! I’m just worried that now Natasha will know and I won’t be here to help you.”

And the next day, it happened. Natasha followed by two of her friends came over to me and laughed, “Look at her girls…Pathetic isn’t she?”

I ignored her and continue looking over some plans for Prom.

She took the papers away and  scattered them around. I narrowed my eyes at her. She was really annoying. Because of her Matt and I had to hide everything for six months…SIX WHOLE MONTHS.

I smirked at her and said, “Well…Pathetic is when you don’t know you lost, Natasha…At least he chose ME to go out with him again…for six whole months…While you….he couldn’t stand two dates in a row.”

Malu laughed and stuck her tongue out at Natasha as she helped me pick up the papers and walked away with me. “I’m proud Val. You got your diva look on.”

I laughed and said, “I learnt from the best.”

She pretended to wipe away tears of joy.

PROM! FINALLY! And I WAS looking forward to it. Matt and I were going together obviously. We shared a limo with Blaze and a girl I didn’t know from before, turns out her name is Sarrie, and a solo Shade. Guess Tellis won after all.

Once we got to the Prom, I saw Zoye running over to us with Char.

‘You look amazing!” I exclaimed.

She laughed and said, “Don’t I always?...Where is Malu?”

“I thought she was with you.”

I saw Tellis walk over to Shade and extend his hand, “You win Shade…I know when to admit defeat.”

Shade looked confused, “What? She’s not with me.”

Tellis paused, then asked slowly, “If she’s not with you…And she’s not with me…Where is she?”

Malu appeared behind us…hand in hand … with Sylvain!

The two boys stared and there was silence.


#125 27-12-2012 20:01:06

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

LOL! I LOVE this!~ <3 It's cute and VERY VERY funny!

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

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