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10 new levels are available on OhMyDollz ! The adventure continues in OhMyDollz City !
Discover new quests, new dialogue and new guys to flirt with!
Don't forget to check out the Fashion Idollz store for exclusive items from level 110 to 120!
Here are the exclusive items that await you:
Have fun on Ohmydollz!
Noo D:
I can't make it that far, especially when I can't buy Fee'z anymore TTATT
* I'm only on level 5...... (>_>) *
:omd: i can not make it tht fr o gos!:aomd_mdr:
Cool ! Well , I am only on level 1 ^^ :omd:
lol okay this will take some time level 11 woot woot!
lol the more levels you finish, the more expensive things you need to i have no chance...
dyingneko wrote:
lol the more levels you finish, the more expensive things you need to i have no chance...
Actually,levels are in the game to make you continue coming daily,so you can complete them in time.It takes time to gather money,stuff, characteristics and so on.You have a chance,everyone has a chance,you need patience. I'm level 63 and it took me lots of time to get here.