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#176 09-01-2013 15:37:00

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I cringed halfway through.. It's sweet.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#177 09-01-2013 15:38:34

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

:( I love you for being such an amazing writer, Amary...I...really am going to miss her...and everyone else...


#178 09-01-2013 15:38:56

From: The couch
Registered: 2010
Posts: 11534

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Yep. Made it sappy enough so that Malu would also cringe. :p
Darky~ Aww! :(

Last edited by amaryllis-love (09-01-2013 15:49:16)

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#179 09-01-2013 19:16:04

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Ohmy....Amary... :pleur:
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#180 09-01-2013 22:37:59

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww...That was sad and funny at the same time :bisous:
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#181 13-01-2013 17:59:47

From: The couch
Registered: 2010
Posts: 11534

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

New Fic. This idea came to me in a dream.. which seemed so real!
NOTE: This takes place pre-shade, and Pre-murder of Zoye's mother.

"Never Have I Ever"

"ADVENTURE TIME!" Malu yelled, startling me out of my thoughts. It was close to sunset and we were lounging at her place. I laughed as she dragged me out of her apartment and teleported to a nearby town. We appeared in a darkened alleyway, which were filled with hobos-half of them nearly having a heart attack as they saw us. I chuckled and grabbed Malu's hand, getting out into the bustling throng that were making there way to the town square, celebrating something. We moved along with them, laughing and whooping even though we had no idea why they were celebrating.

"Let's go check that place out. No one seems to be living there... Oooh look a plasma TV! Come on!" She said excitedly, pointing at an abandoned house at the end of the road. Upon inspection, there were a lot of pretty and expensive stuff in there.

"Okay." I said and followed her out of the crowd, stepping all over their feet in the process. Once we were inside, I instantly went to the kitchen and started to rummage around for possible liquor. Malu checked to see if the electricity was working, but it wasn't because I could hear curses coming from her side.

I chuckled and poured us each a cup of brandy and yelled at her to cast a light charm around the place.

"Why didn't I think of that before?!" Malu whined, but did as she was told nonetheless.

I handed her a cup and carried the bottle and my cup into the living room where a ball of light was above us.

As Malu put her lips to the edge of the cup to drink from it, I suddenly stopped her, an idea occurring to me.

"What?" she asked me annoyed.

"Never have I ever.. slept with a stranger willingly." I said slowly, a smile creeping on my face. I waited until her face changed from utterly confused to understanding.
I raised my cup and saw that she did the same. I smirked and drank from it.

"You first. Where and how did that happen?" She asked me when we both put our cups down. 

I laughed. "At a college frat party. Aly and I sneaked into one and she got drunk, I was high, and some dude asked me to dance and then one thing led to another.. The next afternoon I found myself sprawled in a bathtub." I finished as she burst out laughing.

"What about you?" I prompted.

"Um.. Do you wanna hear about one time, or all of them? Because I reeally don't remember all of them." She said with a straight face. I burst out laughing, not really surprised by her reply.

"Of course!" I said in between the laughter. I calmed down enough to say, "Whatever you remember is fine."

"Okay then. There was this one time I clearly remember.. Let's call him Mike, shall we? Because I don't remember a thing about him except for his.. well, you know, skills. in the bedroom. Or closet... that's where we ended up doing it." She said, smiling cheekily, cringing halfway through.

"Oh my God!" I gasped out, laughing so hard that tears threatened to spill.

When we finally calmed down, she said, "Never have I ever been in Handcuffs."
I didn't pick up my cup, but she did and drank from it.

"Details!" I hissed at her, as she prolonged her drinking.

"Okay okay! I got arrested basically on a daily basis. No big deal." She said rolling her eyes.

"You could have easily gotten away from them. They are only humans." I said, frowning.

She rolled her eyes again. "I chose not to. To keep up a record of the most number of arrests in a lifetime." She said, shaking her head as if I was mad.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh right. Forgot that this was you we were discussing about." She grinned.

"Moving on. Never have I ever.. laughed out loud at a funeral."
She promptly drank from it, as I did as well. When we were done, we both burst out laughing.

"Aunt Cecile's. Her best friend-Oh God!-her best friend had her knickers exposed!" I gasped out, unable to stop from laughing at the memory.

She shook her head, still laughing, and said, "I don't know why I laugh at funerals!" We both laughed harder at that.

"Never have I ever farted and blamed it on a pet." She said, giggling. I broke into laughter when she drank from the cup. "Shut up!" She muttered, laughing with me despite her words.

"That is just hilarious!" I said, calming down. "Okay.. never have I ever gotten pregnant." I waited, and I saw Malu's hand shake a bit as she brought the cup slowly closer to her lips.

"No! Why didn't you ever tell me?!" I exclaimed in shock, my mouth hanging open.

"It was a long time ago. A little boy." She said calmly.

"Aaaand where is he? Who's the father?"

"I don't know where he is. His father took him away from me. He's a rich warlock, and when he found out that I had his child after I robbed him, he disappeared with Llyr this one time I got arrested for throwing glass bottles at the neighbor's roof."

"...You did WHAT? You threw glass bottles at the neighbor's-why?" I asked her, momentarily distracted.

She shrugged. "I got bored." I snorted.

"So how was Llyr?" I asked her next. She got a far away look in her eyes and said, "He loved playing in water. He loved water. That's his element I think. Cried a lot, never let me sleep, and cute. Really cute. He was five when Gabriel took him. Oh God I dated a man named Gabriel!" She said, cringing in disgust.

"Did you try looking for him?" She nodded. "Tried for years, but couldn't find him or his bastard of a father." I nodded, and we lapsed into silence.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a crash, and gunfire being fired at the window. We both ducked-me grabbing the bottle.

"We have you surrounded! You are hijacking a private property! Evacuate the grounds immediately!"

"Time to leave?" I whispered to her. She nodded and said, "Yep!" right before I teleported us back to her place. My phone started beeping, signalling that I had an incoming call from mother. I sighed.

"I gotta go. Duty calls. Continue this later?" I said, draining the bottle.

"Definitely. Same time next week?" She asked me as we hugged.

"Yep. Bye. Don't do anything stupid without me." I winked, and teleported to my own home.

Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#182 13-01-2013 18:04:05

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Why does every single time they talk, they end up talking about something like that?
Love it though. :D

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#183 13-01-2013 18:20:50

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

LOL!! haha! Love Malu!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#184 13-01-2013 19:05:17

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

That was sooo cute


#185 16-01-2013 18:51:52

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Daaaaarky!! When is the Parenting 101 fan fic coming out? :]

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#186 22-01-2013 04:56:47

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Here's my first Fanfic for MI. It's starts out with Angel and her brother and then Angel and Rel.
Hope you like :)

“Mom? Dad?” I called. “Where are you?” I looked everywhere. Where could they be? Alex? Yes it’s Alex! I called him and ran towards him. As I got closer I saw a bloody dagger in his hands and I stopped. “Alex, what happened to mom and dad? Why do you have that in your hands?” I asked him about to go into tears again. My eyes caught sight of someone on the floor. I took a step closer and what I saw put me in shock. It was getting harder to breathe. I looked at Alex then back at the bodies. “Why?” I managed to say.
“They put their noses in something they shouldn’t have,” he said flatly.
“Is that your resolve to this?!” I screamed. “Killing the people who brought you into this life? The ones who cared for you, who’d put their life before you?”
“I joined this group that told me to kill anyone who found out their plans. And since they found out, I had to kill them. I didn’t want to but I had to,”
“I don’t care for your reasons. Did you not have any heart in you to actually care about them? You used to be so caring. What made you change?”
“I didn’t change. I just became who I really was. Little Sis, I’ll also have to kill you if you get deeper into this and I really don’t want to. You’re the only family I have now and I, you,” He put his hand on my shoulder and I pushed him away from me so hard he went flying back.
“I really don’t care. Mom and Dad were our parents. You know I can kill you if I wanted to so just leave. I don’t ever want to see your face near me ever again,”
Alex slowly got up, in pain from the fall. “Little Sis, c…,”
“I’m not your ‘Little Sis’ anymore so you can stop calling me that. Leave now or else I will kill you here and now,” I interrupted coldly.
“What makes you think you can? You could never hurt your big brother,”
“Want me to try?” I lifted my arms from my side and moved them in front of me fast. The wind blew in his direction and his eyes opened in fear.
“You never told me you had wind powers.” He said astonished.
“I never thought to use them.” I glared at Alex. “Wait! Okay, fine. I’ll leave.”
“I’m waiting.” And he ran. I watched him leave. A normal person would have turned by now, but I could still see him running. I finally didn’t want to see him anymore and I turned away. I walked to where my parents’ bodies were. I fell down and started crying.
A wind started to blow around me. It had a touch of warmth in it. I looked up to see a fairy with shoulder length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Rel. He came around and put my head on his chest as he stroked my hair.
“What am I going to do now?” I said as I stopped crying. “Well, I’d bury your parents first rather than let them stay out here. I’m sure they’d want to rest in peace, not sun.” I nodded. Rel helped me carry them and make a burial for them.  I took one last look at mom and dad and closed the lid on the casket. Rel buried them. I took a large piece of stone and carved it into a grave marker and wrote their names, Andy and Andrea Lora, and put it behind the area we had dug.
“Now what? I don’t think I could ever live here or look at this place anymore.” Rel put an arm around me and said, “Its okay. You don’t have to. Come on, let’s go to Lori’s. I’m sure she’ll take you in.”
“Okay. Lead the way.”
“Let’s race.” He said startling me.
“You’re on!” I climbed the closest tree and Rel flew on top. “Readysetgo” and I ran.
“Hey that’s not fair!” Rel chased after me. We both ended up at the same speed but as we got closer to Madame Lori’s, I gained speed. I was almost jumped on the last tree but Rel grabbed me before my feet could touch the branch and flew up into the air. “Hey that’s cheating.” I said holding on to him for dear life.
“You never said no powers.” He smiled and gave me a kiss on the lips.
“I’m still mad at you.”
“Then I guess I can drop you from here since you’re upset with me.” He gave an evil grin. I could feel his hands letting me go.
“No wait! I’m not mad at you anymore!” I held onto him tighter.
“Are you sure?” His hand was still letting me go.
“Yes! Yes!”
“Okay then. You’re off the hook…this time.” Rel went down and put me on the ground.
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#187 22-01-2013 13:29:08

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awwww. Love those two!


#188 22-01-2013 15:11:45

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awe~ Sho cute. :D

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#189 23-01-2013 12:14:03

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

@Amary That was just too funny! :lol:

@Angel Awwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeee! :love:
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#190 23-01-2013 17:30:13

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

O.O You just made me love Angel and Rel even more! Keep writing fanfics, they're really good :D

#191 27-01-2013 08:43:51

From: The couch
Registered: 2010
Posts: 11534

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Long time no post from me, eh? :p Miss you all so so so much!

We Bought A Zoo! Featuring Charlie Logan and Cathy Logan. Pt. 1
Charlie's POV

I piled Cathy's weekend bag and mine into the back of my car while she climbed onto the backseat to settle down for the long ride to the airport. As I looked out the window before starting the car to drive away, a felt the all too familiar pang jolt through me as I looked at our home, wishing as always that things were different than they were. Anyone would have expected me to somehow learn to live my life by now. It has been 7 long, torturous slow years since that god awful day. But nothing had changed within me even though everything had changed inevitably. I sighed and clutched the steering wheel as I drove out of our drive way.

"You okay there, honey?" I asked my daughter who was coloring in the backseat with a soft smile gracing her petite form. She looked up and met my gaze in the rear view mirror, nodding her head. She loved traveling, no matter for how long. And she especially loved travelling this day of every year, as it has become sort of a tradition for both of us ever since it was just the two of us. We shared an unspoken agreement of that day, as it still hurt me too much to relive it all. She understood all too well not to speak about it, as when she was three and I had piled us in the car in a hurry to get away from this place, she had asked me what all the hurrying was about and I openly broke down, right in front of her. She had held onto my neck for dear life, trying to comfort my broken sobs with her too little arms and sweet words of comfort only an angel could bring.

To this day, we held onto our tradition of going away at least for a week to keep our minds off of our last moments with her.


"Daddy, who are we staying with this time?" Cathy asked me as we boarded our private flight. I smiled down at her as I placed her in her seat and put the seat belt on.

"It's a surprise. And no Daddy won't tell you what it is." I kissed her forehead and settled into the seat across from her, chuckling at her annoyed expression. She loved surprises, but hated waiting for them.

"Shall I bring you the usual, Ms. Logan?" The flight attendee asked her, ready to comply with every whim of my daughter's.

"Yes please!" She said adorably. Her usual being skittles and apple juice as a treat every time we traveled, the agency that hires our flight crew was informed what we liked every year as staff changes.

"And how about you, sir?" She asked me, her eyebrow rising up. She was an undercover warlock that the agency hired this year. I nodded my head, knowing she would know that I needed blood.

"Right away. Please settle down as we are scheduled to take off in five minutes." She informed us and with a slight tilt of her head, and walked away.

"She likes you." Cathy said in a mock stage whisper. I burst out laughing at that and shook my head. "She's one of us." I whispered to her much quietly than she had.

"Oh. Okay then." She looked out of the window and sighed happily as the familiar landscape of our town started to grow smaller and smaller as we took off. And once again like every other year, I prayed fervently that this year would be easier to get through than the last. 


"Charlie! Over here man!" I heard Benjamin Mee call out to me in the crowded airport. I looked at the little welcoming crowd, and saw Dylan and Benjamin both waving at us. I waved back and holding Cathy's hand in mine tightly, walked over to them with our luggage.

"It's good to see you man! How have you been?" Benjamin asked me as he slapped me on the back in greeting.

"Fine. You? How was the opening?" I asked him as I ruffled Dylan's hair and shook his hand.

"Great! You should have been there man! It was terrific!" I could see that he was genuinely happy about it. I smiled, thinking over how much we could relate to each other's lives. He lost his wife to cancer an year ago, a lovely mundane whom Zoye had adored to spend her time with. Benjamin was Zoye's mundane friend, a former reporter. We had become close friends over the past years. They believed that Zoye died of cancer too. But ever since she died, we hadn't visited them.

He showed the way to his minivan, where his daughter who was the same age as Cathy was taking pictures on her toy camera.

"Hello! I'm Cathy. What's your name?" I heard Cathy say to Rosie from the back seat.

"I'm Rosie. Our mommy died." Benjamin sighed from the front seat, clearly having been heard her say this to someone else she met.

"Mine died too. Let's be friends!" I heard Cathy say in reply to her. I glanced at Benjamin, he looked like he was struggling to keep his grin hidden, meanwhile Dylan openly snorted. I shook my head and wondered what in the world kids could be thinking.


Snapchat: lurkingpanda
Instagram: lil.miss.loco

#192 27-01-2013 08:56:36

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics


Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#193 27-01-2013 09:31:15

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww... poor Charlie :(

#194 27-01-2013 15:59:35

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Poor Poor Charlie!


#195 27-01-2013 16:00:26

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Why am I the only one saying LOL? O.O

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#196 27-01-2013 19:03:43

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Mine died too lets be friends?

Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#197 28-01-2013 01:07:20

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I haven't got to reading the fanfic yet but I wanted to say that I updated the list
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#198 28-01-2013 01:53:39

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Last names for my characters:
Angel Lora
Vanafindiel Syla
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#199 28-01-2013 10:22:18

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

It' Jake Devlin. :D
And um.. I won't play Calliem from now on so you can put her down as a minor.
Oh and how about Willow Lavia? And Catherine Logan? I think they'll be a minors.

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#200 28-01-2013 19:33:37

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Shadow High - An RP fanfic
What happens if all the RP characters are human and meet at a high school in London.

* * *

Sarrie Lankford regarded herself critically in the mirror. She wasn’t the vain type; usually she just threw on whatever outfit she could find on the floor that wasn’t dirty. However, over the summer holidays she had decided she’d had enough of being picked on, especially after last year’s incident with Stephanie Collins and her gang of sluts. She was going to become one of the popular girls, those who could get away with anything and not be laughed at. To get there, she had to look the part.

Over the summer she had managed to get a fairly nice tan on her stay in her grandparents’ family home at the seaside. The sun had also lightened her hair, turning it from jet black to a raven shade. She had then put in some electric blue streaks to add colour, and straightened it before finally being pleased with the results. While experimenting with her hair, she had also discovered makeup, and a new love for black eyeliner which she now used heavily every day.

For the first day back at school Sarrie had to wear the standard school uniform. This consisted of a black skirt worn to the knee (although Stephanie and the sluts managed to get away with much less), a white shirt, black or skin-coloured tights or black socks, black shoes with no heels and a blazer with the school’s golden logo on the pocket. There wasn’t much she could do about that except hike her skirt up a bit so it ended just above her knees and swap her usual skin-coloured tights for black knee-high ones.

After making sure her mascara hadn’t smudged, she picked up her school bag from her messy bedroom floor and threw the blue strap over her shoulder. She walked over to her sister’s room and banged on the door, not very gently. “Leo, get up or you’ll be late for school!” she shouted. The replying grunt sounded a lot like a series of colourful four-letter words she was all too familiar with.

Sarrie knew she wasn’t going to get anywhere with Leo, who was one of the ‘bad girls’ at school and was always late. Sighing, she grabbed a piece of toast from the cluttered dining table, threw the front door open and stepped out to face the day.

* * *

“Val, pancakes are ready!” Celesta shouted above the noise of the music currently being blasted from the radio in the kitchen. Val opened the door of her bedroom and came out, still wearing her pyjamas with her glossy blonde hair thrown in a messy bun.

“Wow, Celeste.” She said. “I’m impressed. You burnt down the kitchen last time you tried to make pancakes.”

“Yes, but this time I had some help.” Celesta replied, pointing towards the TV where Jamie Oliver was showing the basic steps of making a pancake.

Val took a plate and spooned a decent spoonful of syrup onto her pile of pancakes. “I didn’t think he made sweet stuff. Isn’t he the guy who is trying to make everyone healthy?”

Celesta beamed. “He is. That’s why these special pancakes have no sugar, eggs or milk in them. They’re just flour and water.”

Val sat still for a moment before tipping the jar of syrup upside down. “I guess I’m going to need lots of syrup, then.” she said.

Celesta laughed and jumped off her chair excitedly. “You HAVE to see this. I went shopping yesterday and raided the River Island sales for some black skirts. Look what I found!” She pulled two black skirts out of her wardrobe and held them up proudly. She handed one to Val. “Try it on.”

When Val came back in the kitchen Celesta had put hers on too, as well as the rest of her uniform. They stood side by side in front of the massive mirror. The skirt she’d bought for Val was made of a very light material in many layers, and tightened at the waist making her look even slimmer. She had rolled up her blazer sleeves and her striped blue and black tie was loose. Her bright blonde hair was tied in a tight ponytail and looked even more bouncy than usual. She was wearing the same black ballet flats as last year paired with black ankle socks.

Celesta, on the other hand, hadn’t stuck to the rules so well. Her curled, silvery hair tumbled over her shoulders, the colour pronounced by the darkness of her blazer, which was tailor made and fit perfectly. Her skirt was made of a stretchy material and clung to her figure, ending at mid-thigh. She wore black socks that reached just above her knees and polished black high heels that looked deadly and were at least four inches tall. She hadn’t bothered sticking to the no-makeup rule and wore sparkly black mascara that caught the sunlight and glittered.

“We look ready to kick ass.” Celesta said with a devilish grin. Val laughed and then pointed outside where Shade was shouting for them to hurry up. He was sitting in the front seat of a shiny black car that he’d bought over the summer. “Let’s go. Your brother looks like he’s about to drive off without us.”

Celesta ran for the door, surprisingly fast in her heels. “SHOTGUN!!” she shouted, her voice echoing down the hallway. Val locked the door and ran after her.

* * *

Blaze woke up in his room, which was completely pitch-black. The walls had been painted with black paint he’d stolen from the school’s art cupboard and his black-out blinds didn’t let any light through. He opened the blinds and went over to his cracked mirror, inspecting the damage from the previous night.

A massive cut stretched along his collarbone, still bleeding heavily. It looked torn and ugly, and he knew from experience that it would leave a scar. He winced as he cleaned the blood off with one of his old t-shirts and covered it with a bandage. He put on a fairly clean white shirt, his black trousers and a pair of black combat boots before grabbing his blazer and bag, and running for the door before his father woke up.

Not many people knew that William Smoke abused him, and those who did were sworn to secrecy. He didn’t want anyone else to know. Blaze tried as much as he could not to be in the house, busying himself with after-school clubs, outings with his friends, street fights and anything else he could think of. When he was forced to stay at home he usually locked himself in his room and put his earphones on, hoping to block out the sound of his father’s drunk shouting and attempts at breaking his door down.

Outside Matt was waiting in his car. “You look like crap warmed up.” he said as a way of greeting.

Blaze opened the door and got in. “Jeez,” he said sarcastically. “I hadn’t noticed.”

“Rough night?”

“Ya think?”

Matt didn’t need to ask. The bruise around his eye was clear enough. He would have to blame it on one of the many street fights he got into. “Just drive.” Blaze said, blasting up the music. “At least school can keep me away from him for a while.”

Last edited by kieramsmileys (28-01-2013 19:35:36)

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