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#226 02-02-2013 18:15:05

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Shadow High - Part 5

* * *

Celesta and Val dropped down onto the white leather couch in their apartment, breathing heavily. All around them were bags of dresses, shoes, jewellery, accessories and anything else they found on Oxford Street that appealed to them. The bags were a variety of colours: yellow from Selfridges, white from Claire’s, black and pink from La Senza, brown from Primark and more. Celesta and Val both had a lot of money from their families and didn’t hesitate to spend it. Val kicked off her shoes and sighed happily. “Shopping beats making out any day.” she said.

Celesta laughed. “It sure does.” She took out the sandwiches they’d bought and handed one to Val. “Eat quickly. We need at least three hours to get ready and we need to leave at quarter to eight.”

They both ate before going into Celesta’s room and throwing all the contents of the bags on her bed.

“Okay,” Val said. “Let’s start by picking out dresses. Then accessories and shoes and finally hair and makeup.”

Two and a half hours later they both went to the full length mirror to look at their outfits one last time. Val had chosen a cream-coloured dress that had a fitted upper section and belled out at the waist, ending at an asymmetrical hem. The neckline was embedded with tiny diamonds that caught the light and sparkled. Her shoes were silver four-inch heels. She had gone for a natural look with her makeup: a soft rosy colour across her cheekbones and light shimmery eye shadow. Her golden hair was in a long, intricate plait that ended just above her waist. Overall, she looked angelic.

Celesta had gone for the complete opposite. She was wearing a silky, strapless black dress that clung to her slender body and ended at mid-thigh. The hem and neckline was edged with a strip of blood-red lace. She had picked out tall, spiky black heels that looked sharp enough to cut through metal and a thin black and red chain was wound around her neck and wrists. For makeup, she had gone for smoky eyes and shiny red lip gloss. Her hair cascaded freely down her back like a shining silver waterfall.

“We look amazing.” Val said, still looking in the mirror.

Celesta grinned. “Stating the obvious as usual, I see.” She glanced at the clock. It was almost time to leave. “We better get going.” she said.

* * *

Sarrie groaned in frustration. “I have absolutely NOTHING to wear.” she said to James, who had come over to help her get ready. Leo was in her room listening to music.

James looked at all the clothes that littered the wooden floor of Sarrie’s room. “Well that’s clearly not true.”

“I mean I have nothing GOOD to wear. I only own, like, three dresses!”

James looked around. “Well, don’t wear a dress then.” He picked up a short, sparkly blue skirt from the floor. “Try that.”

Sarrie sighed and took the skirt, along with a few other bits and pieces, before going into the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later and stood in front of James, her hands on her hips, pretending to be a model. “Well? What do you think?”

Sarrie was wearing the blue skirt, a tight black cami and a short leather jacket with silver studs. Her black ankle boots added edge to her outfit. “Perfect!” James said as her guided her towards the bathroom again. He picked up various pots and brushes and put them down in front of her. “Now you just need some makeup.”

Sarrie quickly applied some eyeliner. “Are you coming to the party?”

“No,” James replied. “My curfew is eight pm.”

Sarrie smiled. “Oh, okay. I wish you could come, though. I’m going to stick out really badly there. I don’t know anyone and I’ve never even been to a proper party before.”

Suddenly the doorbell rang. “Oh, crap.” Sarrie said. “That’s probably Blaze. Do I look okay?”

“You look fine.”

Sarrie waved goodbye to James and then went downstairs and opened the door. Blaze stood on the doorstep dressed in black trousers, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. His red hair stood in spikes. Behind him, Sarrie caught a glimpse of a shining black motorbike.

* * *

Matt looked at the piece of paper in his hand. Val had given him her phone number at lunch and he still hadn’t called. Better late than never, he thought to himself, dialling it.

“Hello?” Val said from the other end of the call.

“Hi, it’s me.” Matt mentally kicked himself. Of course she wouldn’t know who it was just by that. “Matt, I mean. It’s Matt.”

“Oh, hi Matt! I didn’t think you were going to call.”

“Sorry, I was going to but then… I kinda got carried away doing… other stuff.” He mentally kicked himself again. Now he sounded like a jerk as well as an idiot. Way to make an impression.

“Don’t worry about it.” Val said in her usual beautiful voice that made Matt want to reach through the phone and kiss her. “Me and Celesta were shopping all afternoon, anyway.”

“Are you going to the party tonight?” he asked. There. He’d managed to say something appropriate to the conversation.

“Of course. Why?”

“Do you want me to pick you up?”

Matt waited while Val asked Celesta if she was okay with going alone before saying. “Yeah, okay.”

Matt smiled massively to himself. “Great. I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes. Bye!”

He ended the call and sighed in relief. That went okay. Maybe not the best phone call ever but at least he hadn’t made a complete fool of himself.

He put his phone in his pocket, threw some shoes on and then got into his car, glad that he was finally going to do something with Val.

* * *

Cole threw another punch, which Rel dodged easily. He smirked and Cole said, “I didn’t know you could fight. You seem more like the book-reading type.”

Cole and Rel had been sharing an apartment for the past two months, but they didn’t know each other very well because Cole was hardly ever there. Rel dodged another punch. “I’m not good at fighting; I’m not very violent. But I do have quick reflexes.”

This time Rel threw a punch, which hit Cole’s jaw. He didn’t even feel it. “So why are you here then, training.”

“Because I heard you muttering to yourself about which type of knife you were going to use against Harden and figured you needed to let off some steam. I don’t want to be sharing an apartment with a criminal. Plus, I want to impress Angel if I ever get into a fight. She probably won’t be too happy if I lose.”

Cole dodged a kick. “What’s going on with you two? I see you together sometimes but she tells me you’re not actually, you know, a couple.”

“She refuses to admit her undying love for me. Don’t worry, I’ll get it out of her soon enough. Speaking of, we better leave. I need to pick her up to go to the party. Is James coming?”

Cole stopped fighting and changed his shirt which was covered in sweat. “No, his curfew is eight. That’s when the party starts.”

“Oh.” was all Rel said. They both got into his car. “Anyway, let’s go!”

Last edited by kieramsmileys (02-02-2013 18:15:32)

#227 02-02-2013 18:19:53

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww. I Love Matt in this one. :D

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#228 02-02-2013 18:23:09

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I LOVE IT!!! I laughed out loud at Matt's part and Rel, lol!

“She refuses to admit her undying love for me. Don’t worry, I’ll get it out of her soon enough."


#229 02-02-2013 19:32:02

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

@Ilovem You make me miss Night and Luke :pleur:

@Kiera Rel made me laugh. Mattie was adorable and their outfits sound splendid
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#230 02-02-2013 21:06:34

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I miss Night, and Luke to
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#231 03-02-2013 19:51:28

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

LOl!! I love Rel's line!

She refuses to admit her undying love for me.

and And Sarrie

I have absolutely NOTHING to wear.

I'm always like that!!

Wonderful Job!!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#232 03-02-2013 20:10:08

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011
Posts: 5733

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Lol, I love the
"I have NOTHING to wear"
"Well that's clearly not true."
Absolutely made my day.

#233 04-02-2013 15:46:39

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Is Naia Talorg there?
Oh and how about Lord William Kingston? And  Lamont?

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#234 04-02-2013 18:11:30

From: London
Registered: 2012
Posts: 6201

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

@Malu, me too <3
@Darky, Bloody, Angel and Spider, Thanks!

Shadow High - Part 6

* * *

Blaze helped her off the motorbike and she took off her helmet, shaking her hair out.

She handed it back to him. “Thanks for the ride.”

Blaze smiled genuinely. “No problem.”

That was when she realised there was blood on her hands. It was also on Blaze’s shirt. “Blaze…”

He looked down at the stained material and muttered, “Oh, crap. Not this again.”

He was about to turn away when Sarrie stopped him. “Again? What do you mean? What is it?”

Blaze pulled the collar of his shirt slightly to the side to show part of the ragged cut that stretched across his collarbone and up to his neck. “It’s nothing, don’t worry. Just the result of a stupid fight I got into. It must have opened up again.”

Sarrie wasn’t about to let this go anytime soon. “Who did you fight with? What did they use to make this? Blaze, you need to go to hospital. That needs stitches.”

“I’m fine.” he said, backing away. “It doesn’t hurt at all. It’s just a scratch.”

“Oh, really?” Sarrie put one finger lightly against the wound and he winced. “I think it does hurt and you just don’t want to show it. Please, after this party let me take you to the hospital to get it checked.”

Blaze looked like he was about to say no but then he sighed. “Fine, as long as you don’t tell anyone else about this. I don’t want the whole world knowing what an idiot I am for getting wounded like this in a fight.”

Sarrie nodded and they walked into the building of the party. Before they’d even talked to anyone Sarrie could tell the host had broken into this building. The windows were all shattered and the place looked like it hadn’t been used in years. They had, however, done a good job of decorating it. There was glitter and confetti everywhere, in all different colours and sizes, all reflecting the bright flashing lights above.

She wasn’t really concentrating on the party though. She was still thinking about Blaze and the massive cut that was probably getting more infected every moment they stayed here. He certainly hadn’t done a good job of cleaning it or bandaging it up. It had been huge, with tiny plasters scattered along it that were already completely soaked in his blood. Also, the look in his eyes had told her that it wasn’t just an ordinary fight that had given him that. More than anything, she wanted to find out what he was hiding.

* * *

Rel, Angel and Cole arrived fashionably late at the party, after making a stop for some alcohol on the way. “We’re here!” Rel announced happily.

Angel knocked her head against the window. “How did you manage to convince me to come here? I should be at home, studying and doing homework and chatting to Vana.”

Rel grinned widely. “Because you love me.” he said and kissed her.

Cole looked away and made a gagging noise which earned him a glare from both of them. He opened the door of the car and got out before they could do anything else.
Rel and Angel followed him, hand in hand. “How do you think I felt when I walked in on you and James-“ Rel asked before Cole clamped a hand over his mouth.

Angel looked at both boys. “When you walked in on them doing what?”

“You don’t want to know.” Cole said, his hand flying away when Rel bit him. “Ouch, that hurt. You have abnormally sharp teeth.”

“Strange, because that’s exactly what James told me after-“

Cole held his hands up in a surrendering position and started walking away hurriedly. “That’s it. I’m going to find Blaze.”

Rel laughed and waved. “Bye!”

* * *

Blaze immediately spotted Sylvain in the crowd. He was looking murderous, his silver hair messy and his eyes glinting a dangerous red. “What’s wrong?” Blaze asked.

“New neighbour.” Sylvain replied, always a man of few words. “Pissing me off. Seems to be obsessed with invading people’s personal space.”

“What’s his name?” Blaze was honestly curious. It took a lot to get Sylvain angry. He usually just sniffed a rose and turned annoyingly calm.

“Tellis.” Sylvain replied through gritted teeth. Right on cue some kid ran up to Sylvain and ruffled his hair before deciding it wasn’t enough and hugging him.

“Hi, Silvy! I’ve been looking for you EVERYWHERE!!! This really hot chick started dancing with me and-“

Sylvain cut off his string of words with a simple. “Shut up.”

Blaze sniggered in the background and Tellis ruffled his hair one last time before disappearing back into the crowd.

“I. Hate. Him.” Sylvain managed to get out.

Blaze burst out laughing. When he’d finally recovered he said, “I can tell.”

* * *

Celesta glanced at the corner of the room to see Val and Matt openly making out. She looked away quickly and smiled to herself. Looked like somebody was having luck.
Finally she found Blaze and Sylvain. Blaze was doubled over, laughing, and Sylvain looked like he wanted to kill him. “Want a dagger?” she asked and Sylvain rolled his eyes.

“Thanks for the offer but I’m not that mad.”

“Suit yourself.” Celesta grabbed Blaze by the collar. “We need to talk.”

Blaze sighed and reluctantly followed her outside. “You have blood on your shirt.” she said as soon as they were out.

“Really? You too? I’ve already been grilled about it.”

Celesta glared at him. “What happened this time?”

Blaze eyes turned hard and distant. “Nothing. Just the usual. Street fight. I picked on the wrong guy and he happened to have a knife at his disposal.”

Celesta frowned. “Fine, carry on lying to me. Who else grilled you?”

“Sarrie. She’s forcing me to go to the hospital afterwards. And I’m not lying.”

Celesta hid her surprise. She and Matt had tried so many times to get Blaze to go to the hospital and he had always refused. Now though, this girl with blue-black hair already had him wrapped around her finger. It was time she and Sarrie had a talk.

#235 04-02-2013 18:16:26

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Ooh. :D I Love Tellis <3

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#236 04-02-2013 18:17:09

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

...I LOVE THIS...Can't wait for more! and awww Blaze is already giving in to Sarrie. And Matt and Val *whistles* They work fast.

Tellis and Sylvain. Now that was EPIC!!! EPICLY EPIC!

Last edited by darkelfqueen (04-02-2013 18:17:27)


#237 04-02-2013 18:26:59

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I love Rel...and Blaze...and Sylvain...and everybody.

I miss Sarrie and Blaze
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#238 04-02-2013 19:54:22

From: The Glorious PNW
Registered: 2011
Posts: 5733

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

BWHAHAHAH! I love the Sylvain and Tellis thing! O...M...G... I'm dying from laughter.

#239 04-02-2013 21:50:41

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Lol Sylvain and Tellis!!
And aww Angel and Rel. I can imagine both doing just that :)
All of them actually. You did a good job in keeping their characteristics!
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#240 15-02-2013 04:07:27

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

(So I haven't done a fan fiction in a while, and the idea for this one came to me in the shower)

"LILIAN DOWNER!" My best friend, Kit yelled as she brought her horse, Pepper in the indor ring.
I took my head phones out, "What'd ya want?!" I asked back.
It was a cold fall for New York that year, so all the horses where bundled up, and so where the riders.
"To get that crazy mare out of my way." She said, "Before this beast of gelding gets near her." She said getting on.

I laughed, her and my horse where like us, best friends since they met. My horse, well, the horse I rode as payment for lessons... Sunrise...Was a bit of a handful for some people.
"So hows that stalker guy doing?" She asked, her short black hair pinned in the back.
"His name is Siv!" I replied, "And he's coming to see me next week!"
She rolled her eyes, "So when the cops call my house asking who kidnapped you I can tell them his name! PERFECT!"
Getting of Sun, I laughed, "Over protective much?"
"Only cause I care, thank you very much!"
"Ya sure!" I yelled back, "I got to go! It's Toby's birthday today!"

After I put Sunrise away, I got a cab to drive me back to the good old city of Harlem, New York.
Sneaking in the old, smelly apartment which the care taker was pretty much me and my little brother Toby. Well when my parents where in bed sleeping the day away. Which was everyday!
Going into Toby and my room I got on my toes and watched the little boy sleeping.
"TOBY!!!" I exclaimed, wacking him with a pillow.
"WHAT?!" He shouted, getting up. His brown hair a mess, and his hazel eyes sleepy.
"Happy birthday you nine year old!" I sang, "Now get dressed! It's almost nine am, and I want to get to Central Park before noon!"

I got into green cargo pants, converse, and my plaid jacket. Of course Toby had to wear his jeans, number 1 jacket, and his lucky sneakers.
"So how was Sunny?" He asked, balancing on the sidewalk, as we left.
"Good! No bucks or any rearing. She misses you!" I replied.
He smiled and his face went bright, "Ya think mommy and daddy will be awake when we get back?"
I shrugged, "Maybe.. Oh guess who got back to me last night?"
"Siv?" He replied sighing, "Mommy said not to talk to him, 'cause he lives in England."
"Well mom says dumb things sometimes, parents don't know everything." I said, as we stopped at a red light, "You know not to talk to mom or dad late at night, right?"
"Right!" He exclaimed, "So is plan Sunrise still in progress?"
"Once I get my gpa above 4, and get that scholarship, yes in deed." I said, smiling.
"Get a college in England, then we fly there!" Toby said smiling, "I wanna see the Queen!"
I picked him up and tickled him, "Mhm! No more stinky house, stepping on bottles and cans!"
He laughed, "There's a cab!"
Putting him down we ran to catch the cab, not knowing in a month we'd be running to a cab again like this. Only then we'd be going to the air-port for the next flight to England. In a year, I'd get bitten, then turn Toby into a werewolf like me, and Siv.

Last edited by ilovem12 (15-02-2013 04:12:25)
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#241 15-02-2013 12:17:50

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Makes me hate killing Toby....Really good, Ilovem
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#242 15-02-2013 13:42:54

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Toby :love: :love: :love:


#243 15-02-2013 18:42:21

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Awww!! Toby. Sho cute
Twitter|Tumblr|Howrse|MCL|dA: angelfire2197          Wysp|YouTube|Elitedollz: angelfire
Art Portfolio: livininart.tumblr                                   Tumblr: askmyocsstuff

#244 16-02-2013 07:46:29

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww. I miss Toby. <3

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#245 23-02-2013 00:42:48

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Well...I have good news and bad news...

Bad news: Feerik has removed all the RP parts from 1 to 66...All the links that we have are not working.

Good news: I was able to use some computer skills to get retrieve about 2000 A4 pages of RPing...They are in a bad format so they'll need some work and bit by bit I'm going be posting the scenes here!

Part 6:

"Awww....I love you, too, Matt." I said only to get a look from Celest who laughed as she imitated me, "Oh you sneaky sneaky amor..."
"Argh. Shut up."

I kissed Val before she could say anything else. I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring that was meant for all those years ago. It was sterling silver with short line of pure diamonds. On the inside it said "forever and always." I looked up at Val, opened the ring box and asked her, for the second and last time in my life, "Valerie, my lover and forgiver, my hope and my foundation, will you marry me?"

I was really surprised, I knew we were getting back together, but that he would propose on the first day. I smiled and said," you should already know the answer my psycho." I kissed him with tears in my eyes," Yes...I want to spend my eternity with you." He put the ring on my finger and we kissed longer than before.
Apparently we were making a scene since some people that were waiting for a very late plane stopped and applauded for us.
Celesta was tearing up in behind us. I could tell she was thinking of Blaze. So, I winked at her, "Tell Blaze to hurry up."

"Surprising, huh? I had to think a lot about my mistakes and decided we should get hitched before anything else can screw with us. I love you, Siren." I said kissing her and smiling. I looked around and saw people applauding. I felt a joy I haven't felt in a long time.

Seriously, how could I not love that man? I said, ” Stop it or I'll honestly cry.” I was crying already. I heard a call for our plane. I hugged Celest and said, ” I'l see you really soon. Take good care of  yourself, kay?”
She smiled and looked at Matt, ” If I find out you hurt her, I'll hunt you down.”
He carried my luggage and we hurried to the plane.
After we got on the plane, I whispered to him, ”How do vampires get married anyways?”

"Since we're not allowed in churches we can get married in any way we want."

"hmmm... I know I might regret this, but how do you want us to get married? Under the stars? under water?”

"How about on top of the Eiffel Tower?" I asked.

"That's actually a great idea. You surprised me again, Matt.”

"Don't I always." I smiled cockingly.


I watch as Leo goes to the other room and everyone leaves.. With me were Victor, Harden, Lisa, and Mace. "So. Leo will be watching valentine. I want Lisa to go as well but not with her. I need someone I can count on no matter what happens. I do trust Leo but not all the way." I said. I didn't know what they would say to that.

Part 7:


I sat down on the bed and thought through my plan. Play act for the group but truly turn Valentine into another one of my minions who'll help me get the power. I grinned and chuckled. "This is just too easy."


The assassins reported to me in details what happened in Paris. I listened, but my mind was really thinking of Shadow's wife. She felt strong. I knew it, but to what extend could I use her?

I sent the butler for Leo and waited in the parlour. I needed to know more about my enemies, who killed Shadow and Ali and more about the wife, herself.
I heard stead footsteps coming over. It must be her. She walked with purpose which showed her confidence.


"You wanted me?" I asked him.

I smiled to her. "Well, since my stupid minions were done reporting their latest mission. I thought we could chat for a while." I escorted her to a nearby table with two chairs. I pulled out hers and as she sat down, I asked, "and perhaps have a drink...What would you like to have?"


"A spiked rum would be nice, thank you. May I ask what your latest crime may have been?" I asked.

    A curious person, huh? I replied nonchalantly after I told a maid to get Leo her drink and get me a glass of fresh blood, "There was a youngling in Paris who could turn out to be very dangerous in a couple years. I like to get rid of obstacles as soon as they rise."


"Ah. Theres one way you and Shadow were different. He took care of his problems after they've developed. He said it was 'more fun.'" I chuckled.

I smiled. "True. Dear Shadow was always reckless and not to be offensive, I knew his end was near." I watched for her reaction.


I shrugged, "When it's your time it's your time. His death was sad but something I can get over."


"Don't worry, Siren. This isn't nothing new. You want to start on them lessons now, then?" I asked smiling hoping it'll help.

I nodded to him. "But feed first. You look too pale," I said trying not to sound like my old self.


Matt and I walked to the practice area of HQ. I was holding the sword I asked the head guy for and Matt had his ready in his hand. Once we were in the middle of the area. He helped me get the right stance. And with that we were off to practice.


"Try to aim for the weakest not there..there..away from the sword but watch it..keep your eye on my'll know when to dodge." I said through breathes and strokes of the swords.

I tried to follow his directions and with time, I started to feel as if my sword was acting on its own ... as if it were part of my body. And that's when, Matt and I stopped.


"Good, Siren. Should we try more mental training now so that I, and anybody else who tries, can stop reading your thoughts?"

I nodded and asked, "How do we go about that exactly?"


"It's not going to be easy. It'll take a lot of concentration. Let's take you to the garden."

I followed him out. It was almost sunset, so the whole place was covered in orange light. I was looking at Matt's back as we walked and for some reason, I just felt I was kinda enchanted by him, but I quickly shook my head and followed him.


"The sunsets beautiful ain't it?" I commented. I saw a pavilion just down yonder. "There. That's where we'll train your mind." I pointed to it.

I smiled as he talked about sunset and when we got to the pavilion, I waited for him to tell me what to do. The only thing that I thought of was to leave the sword out of my reach in case I go crazy or something, so I said, "I think it's best if you take my sword, Matt."


"Yeah, might be a good idea. Now sit down and clear your mind."

I tried to clear my mind, but in the beginning, I kept thinking of Alex over and over again. It took me a few minutes before I finally did it.


"Good. Now work on closing off your memory section. Just tell it to close."

Blaze still felt like he was being watched. There was someone out there in the forest, he could tell. "Show yourself, you coward." he whispered, and all he felt was a chill in his blood as someone whispered into his mind, he wants you and so he shall have you, he knows your weakness.

There was still nothing on the girl. I went back to see how Blaze was holding up. "Feeling better?" I could tell that his blood lust still hadn't gone so I kept a distance.

A vein was throbbing at Angel's throat. If that was opened, more blood would flow. Warlock blood was the sweetest type. Blaze barely managed to stop himself from biting her. And the whole time the words echoed inside his head, he knows your weakness.

I could tell he wanted more blood. I pulled my weapon out just in case. "Blaze. Calm down" I said. Like he'll listen.

Blaze saw something sharp in Angel's hand. Perfect, he thought, something to open her veins with.

I opened my weapon up. Two points on both sides. Good thing I switched the wooden arrows on them after the fight before. Now they were iron arrows. I took out another blood bag from my pocket and gave it to Blaze. I need a way to stop this bloodlust. He looks like he's going to attack just about anyone. friend or foe.

Blaze dragged his pointed nails up the trunk of the tree - they were one of his warlock marks. Bark showered down his back from the trails his nails had left. He could see Angel's weapon very clearly now. Somehow he knew that whatever had spoken to him was the thing that was making his bloodlust spiral out of control.


Shade sensed that something was happening outside. He went out and saw all he needed to see. There was Blaze in one corner, clearly struggling to bury his bloodlust. It looked darker than usual though, like it wasn't vampiric but something more. In the other corner there was Angel, holding a pointed weapon, looking at Blaze with a mixture of fear and concern. He knew what to do instantly. "Shoot it!" he shouted, "Shoot the damned thing."
Angel didn't seem to hear him so, grabbing a thick branch and breaking it in half, he plunged it straight into Blaze's back.


Blaze felt something go into his back. It felt like a stake but rougher, and therefore more painful. It was a good thing though, because the fiery pain shooting down his spine made all the bloodlust disappear.

I was about to conjure up a spell to tie Blaze to the tree but Shade threw a stake at him in the back. "Thanks."
It looked as though Blaze began to regain his composure. He didn't look all that weird and scary. "We need to do something about this."

"Take. It. Out." Blaze said through gasps of pain. Shade had staked him so that the wood of the broken branch brushed along the surface of his heart but didn't puncture it. Shade pulled it out quickly before saying, "What was that!?!"

I closed my weapon and put it back in my pocket. "So. What happened? I've never seen any vampire go through what you just went through."

Part 8:

I went into Zoye's room. She was there with Charlie packing. "Hurry up guys. We dont have much time"

    With that, I thought I got what I wanted...for now. "Leo, my dear, you've proven to be a great friend. Anything you want...just name it."


"All I ask is to be by your side. Maybe we can strike up a relationship. You seem to prove you'll be better than Shadow ever was." I blushed again and smiled. Oh what a fake blush and empty promise will do.

   I smiled. "It's like you read my mind, dear Leo. I'd love to have you as my queen." I kissed her hand, "I assure you I'll make you forget about Shadow and his weakness."


Just if knew..."That sounds lovely my dear king." [i]My plan is starting to fall together perfectly.[/

We came to London and saw that girl from the hospital and Angel waiting for us. Even though it's been only a couple days, I felt like I hadn't seen her in ages. I felt like things were different now. Very different.
"Are things back at the cabin okay?" I asked Angel. Well, that was a rhetoric question. When were they ever okay?

"I just got a call from Celesta. She said they were going to Aberdeen." Angel spoke up.
"Oh good! Tell them to go. Tell them to get as far away from London as possible." I told her.
"And Matt, Aimee is onto them. She's coming here." I looked at Valerie then. "Hi we haven't officially met yet. I'm Camilla Belle. I'm with the New York clan but I spy for the HQ." I explain it to her.


"Valentine is right to send Aimee. She's dangerous and sneaky. Any leads as to why?"

"Nice to meet you, Camille. Wish we met at better circumstances." I said to Camille.

"Same here Valerie."
"I checked up with a friend who's in on their plan, and it seems as if Valentine wants Char dead. He thinks that Char is after his place." I said, anger seeping over me again.


"Let me guess, Leo is behind this?"


I sighed. "I think we shouldn't waste any more time. Let's get out of here." I said solemnly. All the while, my hand was on the sword I was carrying.

"I think so." I say in reply to Matt's question.
"We really should. Should we go to the cabin?" I asked Valerie.

"If the rest are there, then yes." We followed Angel and Camille out of the airport.

"okay we are done." We said as we came downstairs. Everyone else was already there, packed up and ready. "Just got a text from Angel saying they are coming back here." Celesta told us. I nodded.

We were running through the forest towards the cabin again. My troupes were fanned out, bodyguard style all around us.

We saw a crowd of people coming towards us. I wasn't sure if they were friend or foe.
I stepped outside the cabin.

Seeing Malu's look at our lot, Angel shouted at her, "Malu. It's us." When she saw Angel, she relaxed and we came to a halt in front of the cabin.
"Hey Malu." I said.

I saw the warlock girl stepping out of the cabin, her defenses up. I pulled up my hands and gestured my troupe to stop.
"Told you I'll be joining you guys." I say, with an easy smile. Valerie and Angel stepped up to her.

"Hi." I say rudely. "And where were you when we were attacked by vamps!?!"


I looked at Val. "Before we get into any planning, Siren. I think you have some explaining to do with your friends here. Who I am I mean."

"Oookay. I'll just.. yeah." I say quietly and backed away. This was Valerie's friend and she doesn't look too happy to see her.

I eyed the vampire next to Valerie. Then I looked at Valerie. "Siren?!"

I looked at Matt and then, said, "Malu, meet Matt, my husband...And the reason why I wasn't here is because it was my son's birthday," I paused and added in a sharper tone, "and because he was killed on the next day."

I stood there not knowing what to say. "MY GOD! WHAT THE!!" I said getting into the cabin. A lot of swears were about to come out but I kept my temper.

I didn't really care what she was saying, I marched into the cabin. I was hoping I'll get over Alex soon, but it doesn't seem likely.

I had heard everything.
"YOU HAVE A SON?! I mean, HAD?!" I say, and, thinking once again I say rather apologetically, "Sorry."
"Ehm. Hi I'm Zoye." I say waving at Matt. "And that was Malu and she's... well, you see how she's right now." I say quietly.

Despite the situation, I wanted to laugh.

"So." I say calming down. "We are doing to Aberdeen."


I went over to comfort Val. I grabbed her in my arms, gave a big hug and whispered in her ear, "Everything will be alright."

Part 14:

I opened up my coat a bit to reveal my sword, "I'm fine thanks."

"Nice." I said as we turned the corner to the port

Once we gave ourselves some more space, we all turned around to the creep, "Can we help you?"I asked.

He stopped. "Hey Daddy, long time no see." I said, my heart beating fast.
"Yes daughter. It has been a long time."
"What do want?"
"Why, you of course. That's why I'm here." he took the hood off his cloak and I got to see him in his full colors. He hasn't changed much. Same old long black hair, piercing green eyes. His face is just more angular now.
"Ok, I'll try a new question. Why do want me?"
"Can you tell your friends to put down their weapons? I'm not going to harm you."
I couldn't get into his mind so I told them, "Put them down." but be ready.
"Ah, much better. I hate unneeded things pointed at me. It makes me feel like I did something wrong."
"You kinda did, Daddy. You left." I said with so much attitude I'd have been hit.
He didn't seem phased. "I did. You're stronger than I would have thought. I can feel it."
I rolled my eyes. "I've been in and out with some different people. You learn a lot. I also died. Thanks to your daughter, Sarrie, I'm back in the land of the living. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"I see. I came because I need your help. We're having some rogue issues back home."
I shook my head. "I'm never going back there."


We lowered our weapons down as Leo told us, but there was something about that guy that I didn't like....I didn't like him at all. He seemed sincere about the rogues, but I don't think it was the the whole story.

The beach was deserted, and looked like no one had been on it for a very long time. It was shaped like a 'C' and at either end there was a cave. Seaweed lay in piles in the dirty sand, and the smell of salt was most different from back at the house. Blaze stood, frozen, as memories came flooding back of the day he'd washed up on this beach chained back to back with his dead brother.

Blaze twisted in the chains as hard as he could, shouting reassurances to his brother. "Don't worry, I'll get us out of this soon and then we can run far away!" He found a broken shell in the sand and used it to pick the lock that held the chains. Laughing in relief he unwound the chains and stood up. Rory seemed to be asleep face down in the sand. Sensing that something was wrong Blaze stopped laughing and turned him over. "Rory." he shouted, "Wake up!" Still the boy didn't move. Blaze didn't want to check for a pulse; he was too scared of what the results might tell him, but he did it anyway. No heartbeat.

Blaze walked along the beach in a daze. The last time he'd seen this place had been over 300 years ago. And it hadn't changed a bit. He looked up and saw it. Just where the forest started on the far edge of the beach was a wooden cross sticking out of the sand with the words 'Rory Smoke' carved onto it. And under it was Rory's grave.

He didn't know what to do. At that moment he felt like if his father was there he would have ripped his head off without a second thought. His hands were clenched in fists and his pointed nails dug into his palms, leaving five small cuts on each hand. His fangs had slipped out of their own accord and sliced two parallel cuts into his bottom lip. All he wanted to do was find his father and kill him.


I saw Blazes anger flash across his place. I tried to comfort him but it was no good. He has a right to be angry. "You'll get your revenge one day. This is not about him today buy about Rory. Remember that." I tried to tell him. There was no way I was hitting him with a stick to get him out of this phase.

"Right. Time to get sober." I say as I get into my room in the morning. I washed up with steaming hot water and it cleared my head a little. I was still thinking about what Angel suggested, but I dare not hope it might be, because I have been let down too many times by false ones.
I was still thinking about it as I came downstairs and sat watching TV.

Zoye and Charlie:
I woke up to the sound of Charlie calling me, urging me to wake up. I had slept without having any nightmares whatsoever, in what felt like ages.
He kissed my forehead and lifted me to a sitting position.
"We should be heading back. Who knows what sort of things they would have gotten up to last night?"
I paled at that and stood up.
"If they so much as left a scratch on anything I sear to God I'll-"
"Calm down! I was only joking." He said as he saw me getting into a rage, my claws coming out. He held my hand and looked me in the eyes and said,
"I'm here, aren't I? Now calm down."
I sighed and retracted my claws back in. I watched my hands grow limp in his, and the ring caught my eye and smiled up at him again.
He grinned at me, clearly pleased because he had gotten me to calm down in less than a minute. He picked me up, bridal style and leisurely ran towards the house.
"How are we going to tell them?" I asked him.
"Shade and Malu already knows, so we'll just announce it when everybody is around."
"Huh. Okay. I want Valerie to formally marry us. Since Celesta left.." I trailed off, not knowing what more to say. He understood me perfectly, and nodded.
"Of course." He kissed me as he sat me down in front of the house.

It was now morning. I was still a bit upset because Val took my bottle. I sighed and watched TV with Camilla.

"Where are the rest of the people?" Charlie asked as we make our way into the living room. I couldn't help blushing, knowing that what they had predicted was about to come true.

"Hi." I said to Zoye. "Happy Engagement." I said not that happily. I was not in a very good mood.

Camilla nudged Malu to be nice. She's even bigger on manners than I am.
"Thanks." I say and make myself some breakfast. Charlie went to sit beside them.
"Where's Elric?" I called out to her from the kitchen.

"Sleeping." I called back to her.

"Where are the other girls?" I asked them next as I seated myself with my breakfast in my favorite armchair near them.

"Shopping." I said stealing a pancake from Zoye and eating it.

I nodded and went on eating, sharing it with Malu. Camilla was fixed on to the TV, except there was this dazed look in her eyes, lost in her own thoughts.
"Given anymore thought as to which school to enroll Elric in?"

"Hmm.. Well if you and Char aren't busy could you come with me to check out the schools?"

Charlie nodded and got up to go get a blood bag to drink.
I asked Camilla whether she wanted to tag along or not, and she said no.
"I'll be right back."
I say to her and go up to my room to changed out of the clothes that I had slept in.

I went up to my room to get changed and wake Elric. When I got out of the bathroom, the window was strangely open. I went up to it to close it, then I noticed there was a paper rocket sitting on the windowsill.

The sharp echo of your high heels,
The numbing perfume in the air,
The pointless self-recriminations
That one tries so hard not to spare--
Nothing else is left;
Bit by bit,
I crumble
With every nasty step of your departing feet--

I shut my eyes and crumpled up the paper just like before. I again threw it out of the window and shut it. I then turned to wake Elric.
I shook Elric a bit and he woke up rubbing his eyes. "I don't wanna wake up." He whined as I made him shower and get changed.
Then I went down again to feed him.

I was getting dressed when Charlie came in, in need of a change of clothes. We both went down and found Malu feeding Elric. She looked a bit freaked out, and kept on being clumsy. I quickly got in there and made breakfast for Elric myself, shooing her away from the kitchen seeing as she was burning the pancakes. I figured that she was still mad at Shade so I left her alone to her thoughts.

I let Zoye feed Elric and then we went. I had a list of schools we were gonna visit. I was trying to get my mind off him. Why would he come back after such a long time? Why now?

The first school on the list was Saint Adam's Elementary. A catholic school. When we arrived at the front gates, Char frowned and moved away from it, while Malu freaked out at the look of the stern nuns.
"Ookay let's get out of here." She whimpered and ran, dragging Elric and us behind her.

I sighed and cut out the Saint schools from the list. All of them. We went to a few schools till we landed the jackpot. It was Belmont House School. It was near to Zoye's house than any other school and was perfect! When Zoye heard the tuition fee of the place she whistled. I quickly paid and arranged everything. The next two hours was spent buying books, uniforms, stationary and and having lunch after watching a movie.
I caught Zoye and Charlie kissing half way through the movie. I pretended not to see and watched the movie.

While we were having lunch, Charlie deftly substituted his coke with blood. Elric was making a right mess while eating a brownie and Malu was trying to clean him up, having a cold cup of coffee after finishing off four burgers, two potions of fries, and two pieces of cake. I had a cheese burger and a cappuccino.

I was cleaning Elric again when the waiter came and placed a piece of mud cake on the table before me.
"Excuse me but I didn't order any more."
"Oh this is from the gentleman." He handed me a folded parchment and went away.
I was baffled for a moment, and Zo, Char and Elric was staring at me.
"Can I have a bite?" Elric asked me, with bits of brownies still around his mouth.
I nodded my head absent-mindedly and opened the note to find;

It's so delicious,
if you take a slice
This I offer you my sweetest
mud cake loving Jade.

I came to where I think she lived. It was a big beautiful house that belonged to a companion of hers...Zoye is her name from what I heard. I took a deep breath and headed towards it. Here goes nothing.

Part 16:

Wow, this guy's so random.
"No one's sulking!" I say laughing. "How 'bout you, Mr. Vincent?"

I sipped some of my blood and said, "um...Matt's Pink suit!" I said. "It gives a weird shade of color under the last rays of sunshine." I looked at her solemnly, then smiled.

I cringed at that.
"What could he be thinking? I'm surprised Val hadn't killed him for it."

I chuckled, "Blinded by love. You know I've only met her just now, but I think she lives and breathes love. I think you're a bit romantic yourself."

"Oh really? You aren't so bad at that yourself."

In a fake british accent, I said, "Why thank you, my fair lady! I'm so flattered as to be complimented by such a great and may I add pretty lady as you are."

I laughed at that. "My my, aren't you a flirt. But you're welcome, brave sir." I gave a mock bow.

I chuckled, "I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing, so I'll take that as a compliment." She was smiling, "I know I said that before, but you really should smile more often....Are you still sore from yesterday's party?"

"Oh I dunno. Have to check." I say jokingly.

I winked at her, "Wanna try out? We can always, you know, dance a bit...Digest the food...Loosen up a bit."

"Sounds tempting.. Alright. Let's go near the sea." I say and drag him towards it. We could still hear the music gently floating down toward where we were.
"Shall we?"

"Yes, we shall." We started to sway to the music. The waves were crashing by. And my my my, I need to stop talking/thinking like I was reciting a romantic novel. I smiled to her, "You look really beautiful, you know that?"

"Why thank you." I smiled up at him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Val was not entirely pleased with my choice of a suit. I shrugged. This was the one I liked the most. The wedding was beautiful. "Shall we go eat, madamousielle?"

I smiled to him, kissed his cheek and said, "Yes. We shall, mon cherie! do know I love you, right?"

"Are you positive? I am wearing my favorite suit that you seem to not like." I laughed. "Yes I do Siren."

I think I would have blushed, "It's just ...I was kinda...surprised." I said, then laughed, "I love you whatever you're wearing." I then asked kinda in a whisper, "Do you think we know...dye it? At some point?" He looked me suspiciously, so I said, "Fine Aurelius. I love you!" I kissed him again. I wasn't sure why, but I think it was getting my mind off of things. I love this man...This man that's driving me crazy.

I eyed her suspiciously for a minute. "We're not dying it. Are you planning on going through my wardrobe?" I can tell by her eyes she was planning something.

I cleared my throat, "Do I ever go about doing something behind your back?"


"You did. Remember? No secret plans or I'll get into your mind Val. Your barriers are easy to break." I looked at her for a while. "Don't worry though."

I pouted at him, "No surprises...At all...Not even small ones?"

"Birthdays and Christmas, those I won't peak. Taking off or messing with my wardrobe? Your in for it." I smiled deceitfully.

I couldn't believe it. He loved me. Before I knew it we were kissing. When we stopped I saw that the wedding was over. "We missed it." I laughed. "Val must not have liked that. You hungry?" I asked him.

"Oops. Oh, well. This was way more fun. Yeah, let's go find something to eat."

"I do agree." We got up, hand in hand, and joined the banquet. Malu seemed to be drunk, Matt was in a horrid suit, Zo and Char seemed to be happy, Val looks relieved, Shades..well Shade, the kids are running around, Lucy looked like she was having a good time, and Cami and Vincent looked lost in each other. "What a family!"

Blaze laughed, "Yep. But they're the best family ever, there's no denying that. Even though half the time I can't remember where everyone is because there's so many of us."

"Ain't that the truth. And think, we're missing Angel, Rel, Damien, Night, Rose, Luke, Charolette, Henry, and....Leo."

"I think one day I'm going to have to write a list so I can keep up with everyone."

Shade saw Blaze and Sarrie holding hands. He went over to them and said in mock-horror, "Please, not more romance. I'm dying with all the love in the air."


I hit Shade playfully. "Come on, you're one to talk. You got your love right over there." I pointed a Malu who looked drunker than normal. "Who looks like she's about to tip over."

"Crap." Shade muttered as Malu stumbled and hit one of the tables.
Blaze smiled sweetly at him. "You go ahead and take care of your girlfriend." He made sure to put emphasis on the word 'girlfriend'.

I laughed as Shade went to go help Malu. "She reminds me of Leo when she's like that."

Part 17:


I smiled as she walked over. "Yes I did. I prefer a bow and they have a really nice automatic one. What about yourself?"

"I think I'll stick with my sword," I looked at him, "Um...Are you worried?"


"Only for your safety."

I kissed him, "You won't ever stop being so cheesy." He chuckled, "Um...Wanna pass time? 20 Questions?"


"Sure. Why not? Um...favorite ice cream?"

"Chocolate and lemon ... Favorite time of the day?"


"Dawn. How many kids would you like to have?"

"Well, concerning the way our life has been. I think Eva is enough...Ideally, I would have liked 2 or 3. Out of curiosity, what about you?"


"Ideally with our life I agree that Eva is enough. Outside of that, I always wanted a big family. Which do you prefer, Vans or Converse?"

"I don't like either of them, but if I have to choose, then converse. Pepsi or Cola?"


"Cola. Favorite cookie?"

"Chocolate Chips ... Favorite Car? "


"Horse and Chariot. I miss those. Today, i'd say an old Chevy Truck or an Elcamino. Favorite song?"

"I always wanted to have a chariot, too. They're so majestical and noble. Favorite song ... Tough choice. A Dangerous Mind by Within Temptation..."I trailed off as I read the text from Sarrie: Bad News. Sorry.. All sort of bad news popped into my mind, so I quickly texted her, "What happened?"


"If we don't kill her, Leo will but Leo will never forgive me." I continued to bawl into his chest.

"You did your best. She knew our life was dangerous before adopting him."


"She knew the extent of hers. She still won't forgive me. I need to call her."

"No! She might be in trouble and calling her now might put her life in danger."


"Blaze. It's Leo. She'll kill for not telling her right away."

"Yeah...It's Leo...Maybe text her? But I think that will make her focus less on her situation. I think she might not think straight."


"She'll leave and come home. That's what she'll do. I'll text her at least." I picked up my cell phone and texted her: Bad news, I'm sorry.

I sighed, "I can't wait to see her back." I said sarcastically.


"Blaze, we know she's going to pissed. If she tries to attack me you have to promise me you won't hurt her. Hurting her is hurting me."

"You're the only person in the world I can make such a promise to." I said frowning a bit. "Bit if hurting her will stop her from hurting you and her further, I should do it."


"Blaze, I may be tough and can take pain but Leo can take way more than so hurting her will tear me apart. Stupid soul sharing. Should I tell Val, too?"

"Since we don't know if she'll be back before Leo does or not, I think she should know in case she comes back after Leo returns...To defend herself." I hate that stupid soul sharing.


I nodded. I texted Val the same thing I texted Leo. "I feel like my worlds crashing down."

I nodded and saw Rose returning with a full pack of werewolves, "Why don't you take your new friends and kill your old friend?"


I received a text back. I typed: Shadow...dead


Val's face faltered. "What's wrong, Siren?"

I felt like I was going to be sick. I tried to answer Matt, but I couldn't, so I showed him the text.
I felt tears streaming down my face. And the only thing I was able to get out was, "Leo trusted me."


I held Val as she cried and blamed herself. Sarrie cannot watch children. was all I thought.


I sent another text with the explanation: Night

Through tears, I texted her, "Eva and Elric?" I hid my face in Matt, "I hate myself. I'm awful. What would Leo say? She trusted me. I was the first one other than Sarrie to help her and trust her and now I failed her. She lost her child... I..."

I became restless as Sarrie texted Val back and forth. Luckily, it doesn't seem like Leo read the first text. I decided to stand up and walk around the room. I felt like burning something...anything.


"I want Leo here before we bury him. She needs to see what happened to him. I thank you for your gratitude." I texted Val: Perfectly fine. Shadow wandered off after Night had gone completely nuts. She's allied herself with evil.

I called to Blaze. "Can you make him a gravestone?"


"I know Val. I know. She's not fit for kids. We shouldn't have fully trusted her."


I received a text from Sarrie. Better late than never to read it. "Bad news...I'm sorry." What could she mean? I texted her back: What?

I was kinda relieved to read the text, but I felt anger seep through me. Night! I'll kill her with my own hands.
I whispered, "No...It's not Sarrie's fault. It's mine. I shouldn't have left the kids alone...And Night's...She's so dead. I wish I could just lay my hands on her."

I nodded and stormed out of the house finding a huge marble like rock. Using my flames, I started melting, shaping and Carving it. I carved one of the unneeded parts into Night and then burnt her head off.


I texted Leo back first: Little Shadow

Then Val: Leo will have her revenge. I just told her why I'm sorry


"Don't beat yourself up over this, bad timing."


My son.. I felt like crying. I texted: Tell me everything. NOW.

I could never forgive myself for this. I ran to Henry.
"Henry, please make sure Luke is safe, I'll be right back." I said, Henry looked up at me.
"And where are you going to?" He asked, raising a eyebrow.
"I'm getting us revenge." I replied and took off towards the woods. Where my wolf form took over. I smelled the others they where close.
"Rose?" Lily, one of the female wolves said, shocked, "What are you doing here?"
"I came to regain my position." I said, we where both in wolf form, "I've come to declare my right as pack leader."
A growl started and stepped forward Siv, the new leader.
"I am the pack leader now." He said, growling, his claws out.
The wolves came up from all directions. If I lost the fight I was dead.
"I killed Jack!" I growled back, "and I'm the next in line!"
Our bodied crashed together. His black fur on my light brown. Lashing out, biting clawing. I missed, a greenhorn move, and he pinned me to the ground.
"I win. Die." He growled. I snarled. I bit into his neck hard. The first one to yelp, run away, or die, lost. He yelped like a new born puppy.
My pack circled around me.
"Pack!" I shouted, "Sebastian Morgernstern has declared war on all us werewolves. His lover, partner killed a little boy. Innocent blood has been shed! FIGHT WITH ME!" I hollered.

I was laying down in the grass as Henry cleaned my wound.
"Henry, is Night really gone?" I asked, he nodded.
"But son, my family isn't completely gone, and neither is yours." He replied, "It's a match made in Heaven."
I knew he was talking about Rose.
"Where is she?" I asked. Henry stopped what he was doing.
"Uhh hunt-" He started, then from in the horizon I saw a pack of 20 wolf or more. Rose was in the lead. They ran down, slowly all, changing into humans.
"Charlotte, meet our new friends" Rose said, smiling, "And our revenge for Shadow."

I walked up to Blaze after what he said.
"Because if we go right now, Sebastian and Night will be waiting for us. We leave on the next full moon. At night." I said, and walked off.
Luke came up to me, "Uh Rose, WHAT THE HELL?!"
"Meet my pack," I said, smiling, "This is Siv, second in command, and Lily third in command. The other officers went with Sebastian when I killed Jack."
"Cause they probably didn't want to feel Rose's wrath." Luke replied smiling. I smiled back.
"Charlotte!" I called, "The werewolves will let us stay with them if we need to. It's a old stone mansion in the woods."

I walked over to Sarrie.
She was either going to A) kill me for saying this B) Thank me C) Kill me over and over again and storm off.
"Sarrie, if you don't mind, the pack wants to give Shadow a funeral. We could dig the grave and everything." I said calmly to her, "I'm so sorry."
My stomach felt like I was going to throw up.

"Did she just thank me?!" I thought, "Okay, everyone has gone officially nuts."
Then my stomach did a major flip and I puked on the ground. Lily walked up beside me.
"Come on, it might have been poison or something." She said and helped me get up.
She lead me to far part of where everyone was.
"How long has this feeling been going on?" She asked.
"For about three days, todays the forth." I replied, "Just a little flu, don't think I'm not up for this."
She sighed, "No I have never doubted that."

Part 18:


Matt and I came back...wet and kinda cold...We saw Rel watching some cartoons with the kids. Actually, scratch that, the kids were actually watching him more than the cartoon. Seriously the guy is amazing with kids.

After taking a quick warm shower, I sat on the bed thinking. Two things I needed to think about.

Now, Wayne...Why wasn't he in his peaceful sleep. Something must be up...Something must be troubling his soul and we need to find that out. He's Matt's friend after all.

And then, there's the more pressing trouble of Sarrie. I don't like leaving her with Sebastian. He could take advantage of her in her weak state. Who knows what she might end up doing?


I went to make sure everything was going alright in the house. Rel had the kids. He's growing on me. I thought. Saddie was cleaning. I relieved her for the rest of the night. I haven't seen Leo or Damien. They must have taken off to the first room. I entered my room and saw a confused, thought filled look on Val's face. I sat down next to her. "Penny for your thought?"

"You owe me a fortune then...There's a lot in my head." I smiled to him, then sighed, "Sarrie is back with Sebastian..Valentine's son...who could do anything with her. We can't take her away from him since she'd die and we can't kill her because she'd kill Leo. What if he uses her? To hurt any of us?"

And as if on cue, Eva came in pale, "Auntie Sarrie is bad...She hurt Toby. He came and told me to tell you she did. He wants us to be careful and to help his sister and Rose."


I was shocked. Sarrie isn't a killer is she? "Go back and watch tv, Eva. Mommy and I need to talk." She did as she was told. "Sarrie killed Toby. Why?"

"I'm not sure...I mean I know he wants Rose and her baby, but Toby? And how did Sarrie even do it? Kill an innocent ten year old?! That's crazy." We sat in silence, "We need Rose, Luke and the others leave the house they're in. If Sebastian got to Toby, he can get to anyone over there. "


"That's what I can't grasp. The how. It's so unlike her. What happened to Blaze must have hit her hard for her to be able to murder an innocent, ten year old boy like that."

"But that means we need to act fast...Who knows who else she might end up killing....Actually... I think we should kill Sebastian. He's the one playing around her. If he's not around, she's not bonded to him, right?"


"Except that if their bond is string enough, which it seems like is, wouldn't that kill Sarrie? And weren't you just there? We also have to tell Leo sadly."

"Well...we were all shaken by what happened and I was sick...And do we have to? Leo could do something crazy. And I'm not volunteering this time to calm her down...The baby has been through enough."


"It's her sister Val. We have to. I wouldn't want you to go anyways. You've been through enough. The babies only touched the surface. I'm worried for both of you now."

It's good then he didn't know I let her slap me..." Fine...Let's tell her. I hope Damien is awake. We need someone to stop her from doing anything crazy." We went over to their bedroom and knocked, "Leo..Downstairs! Now!"

"I say respect her wishes. But yeah.." I trailed off, not wanting to think about the danger she had put herself in.


"Do even know what Sebastians capable of? He can murder an entire family with one word or a flick of a wrist."

"I know." I say turning away.


"Promise me you won't die or get yourself in trouble? If you do I have no idea what I'll do."

"I'll try my hardest to keep both of us alive and I promise I won't get in trouble if you don't want me to, or if isn't necessary." I say turning around to face her and cupping her face.


I touched his cheek with the back of my hand. "How did I get so lucky with you?" I said quietly, more to myself than to him.

I smiled at her. "You just sort of got stuck with me." I slid my hands down and wrapped them around her waist, bringing her closer.


"And with that, I'm happy." I kissed him softly but passionately.

"Well, Val had left me tickets for our destination. Wherever that is. And transformation potion.  They're really serious about the secrecy I think. Let's go then."

"Let's try your skiing idea." I say after thinking over it.

"Sounds good to me. How about we head to Switzerland? To a little place I'd like to call home?"

The trees parted as the shadow fell upon them. The birds flew away in fear, animals hid under rocks and fallen trees. The very forest held it's breath, waiting for it to pass. The wind howled loudly and blew everything out of place. When it was finished the shadow was gone.


"Then we need to go shopping. If you've been feeling sick before Gero's and can feel it kick then it'll be coming soon. Come on. Good thing I got the money and the space." I said as I headed for the van.

I smiled and said as we got in, "I noticed something. I never rode anything you were driving except for the bike. Feels weird getting into a van." He gave me a look and I only laughed.


"I only own a van because I needed a decent way to get parts in and out of here without people seeing. That's why there's not seats back there." I gestured my hand  towards the back. "Baby's R Us or do have a place in mind?"

I shrugged, "Baby's R Us... I only know local ones in Paris. So, you moved your bike in here using it?"


"I rode that up actually. The parts for it I put in here and anything this old lug nut or the el camino needed to keep them in high maintaince."


"That's why you were able to fix dad's car so fast the night we met. You sound so experienced with cars and mechanics and all."


"One of the perks of being a really old guy. I still miss the chariots though. Those were the best. I wonder how my farm is doing...."

"You have a farm?! Where?" He looked at me surprised by my interest, "What? I've always been a city girl. I have always wanted to see a real life farm."


"In Greece. I don't go there often because it reminds me of home but I still visit and make sure it's taken care of."

"That's good," I said caressing his hair. By then we'd arrived at the store, "I haven't been in a babies' shop since Alex was a baby...Actually I haven't seen a baby since Alex was a baby. Gale was born while we were away."


"It's been 10 or so years since I've actually held and I've never had to shop so this is a new experience for me. It doesn't help to think about Alex but if it helps, Eva said he's happy and he loves you."

I smiled slightly, "Yeah...I kinda talked to him in Paris. I felt like a weight's been lifted off of me." Smiling wider, I then said, "Now, for this little one, we need a crib, clothes, diapers, toys...Um...I think these are the main things."


"Let's go then." We walked into the store. "Any idea on the gender?"

"No...I have a feeling it's a boy, but that's just a feeling. Let's keep everything gender neutral for now."


"Then yellow and green everything it is! Oh, and orange, black, and purple. Purple can be a manly color." I saw a really pretty onesie. "Val, what do you think?" Who knew baby shopping will be fun?

"Awww cute...Little headphones. Baby rockstar. I'm in love..." I exclaimed. We ended up finding a lot that we liked actually. Almost in a rainbow of colors including one that was pink...just in case...And it waaaas cute. I couldn't just ignore it.
Anyways, off to cribs.


We had a hard time finding the right crib but I think we came out all right with the musical notes one.

After a long baby shopping trip and after buying some stuff for Eva from other stores and a few toys for Elric, too, we made it home with lots and lots of bags.

Those actually took us time before we finally finished unpacking them all. After unpacking everything and a million thanks from Eva and Elric for the toys, we decided to sit back just talk.


"What was your life like before you met me? Just curious."


"Well...My dad tried to hide I was his daughter till I was like 14 or something. Afterwards, when the cat was out of the bag, I ended up as a tool for his fame. The more famous I got, the more fame he got as a single father of a disturbed daughter and sympathy for how hard he was trying to get me back on track. I was fed up with that and I started becoming in real life what he pretended I was in front of paparazzi. I actually joined a gang for a while. I did anything he hated except for smoking and drinking.
I didn't really have friends. I hung around with a couple girls. Karin was one of them. We partied. Snuck out. Ran away a couple times. It was a life of trouble really. Paparazzi were the only ones enjoying it."


"Trouble can always be fun." I gave her devilish grin. "Sounds like hell though. I guess I was your angel."

I smirked, "It was fun for a while, then just started getting boring and dangerous.  And you bet you were. I told you on the first night, 'I never imagined my guardian angel to be a biker.' "I winked at him, then added more solemnly, "I'm lucky I met you, Matt. You really have no idea. I think I'd have done something crazy that night if you didn't help me. I had lost all hope."


"I'm also lucky to have met you. I've never loved a woman like I have you. I could have continued being a zombie walking the earth."

I kissed him and then chuckled, "Sorry...It's just for some reason, I told myself in my head you'd have been the cutest zombie ever to walk on earth. I guess I'm crazy...about you. I love you, Matt."


"Maybe but I'd still have been a zombie. I love you to Valerie Devney." I returned her kiss with one of my own.

Last edited by darkelfqueen (04-04-2013 21:22:53)


#246 23-02-2013 02:45:39

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

It's been a while since I wrote a fanfic but here goes nothing!

Kane's Childhood-Part 1

"What do you think you were doing?" my father yelled at me. It was 1528 and I was only fifteen years old.
"I was just trying to experiment with my abilites, father." I replied.
"By blowing up the entire barn? That was a lot of money wasted, Michael." I hated when he called me by my first name. I hated my father, this house, the money, everything. My family names every first-born son Michael. It became a tradition to do so.
"Sorry, father." I said without a hint of being sorry in my voice.
He sat down at his desk and sighed.  He started to rub the bridge of his nose. "Michael Kane Ashford, I know you've heard this before but I shall say it again. You come from a very powerful and rich warlock family. We have an image to uphold. Why can't you understand that?"
"To hell with our image." I muttered.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, father."
"That's what I thought. Go work on your studies in your room for the remainder of the day."
"As you wish, father." I then bowed and left. Gustavo, my father's private butler led me to my room. "You do know I know the way, right?"
"Yes young master, but Master Michael ordered me to escort you so you don't take any detours." he explained.
"Humph." Did I mention my father was one of those first-born? He was and that's why everything and everybody has to be perfect.
Once we got to my room, Gustavo left...but not before locking me in. I sighed. My father has no faith in me.
I grabbed the grammar book off the book shelf and started reading about the correct uses for commas. After five minutes, I threw the book across the room.
"I hate this! Why doesn't he see I'm not like him?" I yelled. I started to light a stack of papers I found on fire. I sat there and stared at them as they burned. When they became ash, I picked up the fire. It never hurt when I picked it up bare handed.
"You're my only friend ain't you, Lady Fire?"
"I will always be your friend, Kane."
I smiled. People say I'm crazy when I say fire can talk. At school I was known as the "Fire Whisper." it got so bad that my father pulled me out and started to homeschool me. I didn't mind the names because I knew the truth. My father was just trying to preserve his beloved image.
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#247 23-02-2013 02:58:52

From: Maine...
Registered: 2010
Posts: 12088

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I feel bad for Kane now </3 I love him though, he's awesome :3
"I'm pure at heart, it repels the dirt" - Mortal Instruments
My photography: … 33&p=1

#248 23-02-2013 03:01:25

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

I love kane...I love him so much.


#249 23-02-2013 05:49:02

From: Hogwarts
Registered: 2010
Posts: 29741

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Aww. <33 You made me like Kane even more <3

DARKY!! Is Malu and Tellis's wedding scene around? Oh and In Part 48, It's Malu not Matt! :D


I'm trying to find more scenes that are lying around..
Here are some quotes I saved. It isn't much help though..

I sighed. "OK. I'm not gonna sugarcoat this. It sucks. One minute your all just a very big happy family and the next thing you know your child is almost dead. Oh when your prego, It's worse. You vomit all morning, you eat like you just came home from fat camp and you look like crap. But other than all of that. It's great. Its.. an amazing feeling.. being a mom.."

"I wouldn't mind seeing this all over and over and over again."
- Malu and Tellis's second wedding.

"Calliem Lockhart. Bask in my glory!"

"Really? You wanna poke mama bear right now?"

"Have you gotten so angry that you chased a bear with a bat?"

Oh and I found Aly and Zo's History. Oh and Damien's too.

She comes from a family of high-class warlocks, with a half sister(Aly De`Laurentis) that she despises. She's very outspoken at times, and very charming. Shes intelligent and courageous. Her father deems her worthy to carry out their family name. Her mother was killed recently by a werewolf. She has two best friends; a warlock named Malu, and a vampire girl(Celesta).
She is now married to a Vamp called Charlie Logan is living in the Carribean. She is a bit mental and adopted a half angel half mundane/human girl called which they named Catherine/Cathy.

She looks exactly like her mother after she turned 17. She hates herself because whenever she sees herself in the mirror, it feels to her as if she's seeing her mother. Her father died rather suddenly, and her mother married Theroy Descourde`s after some time and had one daughter(Zoye). She loves her half sister, except when their mother died it was as if an invisible wall had sprung up between them, cutting her off with Zoye. She barely talks to her, let alone look at her. She's timid and shy around people except with Zoye, and she was devastated when Zoye cut her off from her life.

Raised in an Italian warlock family, he's a multi-billionaire extraordinaire, until Malu robbed him that is. But he quickly reclaimed his fame and money. He still loves Malu and wants her, but he still can't forgive her for robbing him clean off of his family inheritance. And so, after he found out that Malu was sharing her soul with a petty Vampire, he couldn't stop himself from confronting her, trying to win her back.
He is a crazy obsessive stalker with a veery hot Italian accent, many countless tattoos (Malu's nick name 'Jade' is one of them) a six pack(squeals like a fangirl) and he shaved his chest hair when Malu left, though now he's considering growing them back since Malu likes it that way(lol!!).
Oh and BTW, he's a multi-billionaire extraordinaire, again. KThanksBye.

Trying to recreate some scenes.. There are a few lines that I remember.

Part 1: Amary as Zoye wrote:

"We aren't as bloodthirsty as you are, Malu!"

Remember the scene where Damien and Shade have a little argument? It was on the way Malu, Blaze and Shade were going to rob a bank. They were talking about something about being a loser.. I think..  I don't remember which part it was. All I remember was wanting to kill Amary..

Amary as Damien wrote:

"I didn't think I was a loser when she was kissing me back."

This is a scene I remember Malu and Tellis had after Vio died. It's not the exact same one but all I could remember.

"I like spearmint toothpaste?"

"Hm.. Minty stuff.. Tell me more."

"Uh.. I like sweet stuff?"

I looked around the room full of candy. "I can see that."

Last edited by malu (23-02-2013 07:16:42)

Snapchat: amalmooon
Insta: mal.mooon

#250 23-02-2013 18:22:19

The Mod Squad
From: Where everything else meets
Registered: 2012
Posts: 51772

Re: The Mortal Instruments RP Fanfics

Yes Malu! I have two weddings actually Cerunia and London. I still have a lot others, too. I just am trying to go through the documents I got in order so as not to forget anything.

And thanks for noticing that typo O_O!

:new: Added a scene from Part 52 (Lily calling Val Miss Proper A LOT! lol) :new:


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