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"Oh no you don't!" I said, smiling, "I walked these streets every day. We're fine!"
Looking up-ahead I saw the apartment building, "Besides we're almost there."
I blinked a little at the building and said, "okaaaaay..."
I saw my mom standing outside, smoking. Of course.
"Well, that was quick." She said, when we got there, "Lily, you can sleep in your own bed.." She pointed to Dante, "You boy, couch."
Oh the love! I gave her a smile and said, "Good to see you, too."
Rolling my eyes, I walked into the apartment. Not seeing if they where following or not.
"Well there's the kitchen, living room. Only two bedrooms and one bathroom. Hope you handle that pretty boy." I said, giving Dante a look.
The apartment:
"...I am going to be very well...Thank you for caring. Oh and..." I put the suitcase down and took the cigarette from her hand and threw it away, "No smoking while Lily is around...Got it, ma'am?"
I smirked, "One for the pretty boy."
Rolling my eyes at the two I looked around, "Wow.. It's clean."
Mom raised a eyebrow, "Ya, without your lazy father here helps. So I'll be off to work, until late tonight. Don't get yourselves killed."
With that she shut the door hard.
Smirking, I said to Lily, "Lovely woman!" I went to open the windows and get the smoke out of the rooms, "How're you feeling?"
"I'm in my old home that I ran away from, with my mother who hates me! Oh plus I have to go to my best friends funeral soon!" I let out a breath, "I feel just peachy." Walking over to the windows I put the bars down, "Safety reasons."
I gulped, "...Uh...How about we stay in a hotel?...And go directly to the funeral?...That would be much much much safer."
"We're fine here. The owner of this building is the leader of one of the big gangs. So don't have to worry about anything." I said, shrugging, "Just don't go out at night."
"Oh I'm not going anywhere without you," I said throwing myself on the couch, then made her sit on my lap and brushed my thumb against her cheek saying, "Don't worry, okay?"
I pushed him down, so we where laying down on the couch, then took a picture of the tiny table.
"This is my little brother," I said, smiling.
Last edited by ilovem12 (17-02-2013 02:50:48)
I looked at the picture, "...He's adorable...You know?...I wish you'd have a boy."
I laughed, "Most fathers want a son... Though I swear, you leave this child with Kane alone, and I will hurt you."
Chuckling, I said, "I want you to have a boy, so maybe he'd look like your little brother...If you have a little girl, then I'd be very happy, too. She'd be beautiful just like her mother." I, then, whispered in her ear, "And believe me...If Kane or anyone else comes within three meters of the baby, I'll wipe them off the surface of the earth."
I laughed, "Oh I bet..." then I got a sick feeling in my stomach, "What if it is a boy, and he looks just like Siv...? I'd still love the baby, but.. People.."
"Who cares about people?...He's still going to be my son for all I care...And if anyone dares to say anything about him, I'd make their lives miserable."
"I'll do some searching around Rome for places...maybe we'll get married in the temple of Venus or something." I said eating some of the shrimp the wait had brought us as an appetizer.
"Rest rest rest." I said just to toy with Val. "I missed messing with you."
(Oh the joys of Kane around children....I'm gonna have a blast there)
Sighing, I nodded, "Thank you...For doing this...Whatever you want just name it..."
Smiling to him, I said, "And I missed you messing with me...Did that even make sense?"
"...Not a bad idea...I'm sure I can get the help of some dyrads and nymphs to deocrate the place."
"...I just want you to relax ... Everything would be more than perfect. Just wait and see. Even better. Say after me! Everything is perfect with party dude. Come on, say it!"
(Lol! Kane rocks!)
Last edited by darkelfqueen (17-02-2013 03:06:25)
"It'll be a beautiful, historical place."
"Makes perfect sense to me."
Rolling my eyes, I shook my head, and started for the kitchen. The smell of smoke still lingered.
"Want some cheese balls? Hot pockets?" I asked. … 18#p182518
Last edited by ilovem12 (17-02-2013 04:36:09)
”hot pockets? What are those?”
”and that's all I care about...think I could try walking,around now?”
”Only the best for my queen”