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I slightly get the feeling that the symbols come up after 3-4 clicks, when I think it's usually 5-6. I'm not complaining at all, on the contrary! :good:
Have I just been completely oblivious to the other sign-collecting events, or has there been a change??
What do you think?
For me, it seems to vary. Sometimes after 3-4 clicks and sometimes after closer to 6. Maybe you had a lucky hunt. :applau:
Yup! Lucky but slow :)
Just like Historygeek said, to me it varies from 3-4 clicks to 6 clicks :ok:
Well, it didn't take me too long. It took me half a day to find them all but I mostly found them in the Message system and the My Video's bit.
I just clicked around on the menu above :)
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Pages: 1