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I've been curious for a couple of days about the Fashion Show Music. If you listen to the song, in the middle of it, a girl says something. I'm not sure the what the sentence was but here's my guess:
1. Take a bow
2. Sit down
What do you think she was trying to say? :quoi:
It is probably something said in French, because what it sounds like in English is "Shake your .... " and that is a little.... odd?
It is the same music as used on the French version.
It sounds french..
And to me it sounds like Sache Bon..
Which translates to: Good to know.
But that's just me.
xcherri101 wrote:
It sounds french..
And to me it sounds like Sache Bon..
Which translates to: Good to know.
But that's just me.
That's more plausible than what it sounds like en English, especially as it is a French game.
Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing this up. :ouf: