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LAST YEAR, i lost my phone on the road, and my famiy and I tried to locate it separately but couldn't, so I gave up searching for it. My parents refused to buy me a new one themselves 'cause they thought I was irresponsible.
I FOUND MY PHONE, JUST NOW, IN MY MUM'S DRAWER while I was searching for a ruler to do my homework. SHE HAS BEEN HOLDING ON TO IT, FOR A WHOLE FRIGGING YEAR, and didn't even bother to tell me that SHE FOUND IT.
I can't even BEGIN to describe all the feelings that I'm going through right now, but why would she do that?! I had asked her, countless times for a whole MONTH after I lost it if she had found it or not. But NO, she didn't even let out a peep.
I am so pissed off at her right now. I don't know what to even say to her wen she come back from picking up my brother.
if i were to guess, i think you did not even lose it.
if i were to guess, i'd say your mother hid it all the time.
that's... just... how do i say ABSURDO(portuguese) in english?
that's the only word i can think of for what your mother did to you.
That's messed up, man.
You guys are probably right.
I swear, I have the most dysfunctional family ever. :nrv:
Ahaha, that's just funny. Usually when I lose my phone, it's always in my dressing gown.
Maybe you did lose it, and your mum found it and decided to teach you a lesson. Well either way, you've got it now, stop being angry, so back to texting your peeps
Pretend you found it in your drawer and see how her face looks as she goes like, "What wasn't that with me?!"
xemoxrockerx wrote:
Pretend you found it in your drawer and see how her face looks as she goes like, "What wasn't that with me?!"
But seriosuly, you should clam down and talk with about it. Good way to start? "WELL, MOM, I CLAMED DOWN NOW, AFTER I FOUND MY PHONE IN YOUR DRAWER. WHY!?!?!?!" (That's what I do, works great -_-)
... Clam down?? Are you using fish puns. Cuz I got loads of fish puns.
I just need the right...
Opor-tuna-ty 8D
Whale, I'm reelly glad you enjoy my porpoise-less glubbing.
LOL!! I kid you not, my stomach hurts with this laughing
Heehee, yay, I made you laugh, otter-wise I might've looked pike a floundering guppy.
(( We should get darky to use fish puns in the rp because her dad's poseidon and stuff! XD ))
I am taking notes, haha!
Oh my cod, do it Darky! XD
I reelly shoald tank you for listening to my bass-ically terrible puns.
hahaha! Oh my cod!!!!
Heh, and all this happened just cause somebody wrote "clam" instead of "calm" lol.
Muahaha! Fish puns everywhere!! Join the insamanatee!!
Oh god lol!! :aomd_mdr: (this laughing. Im just saying cuz everyone uses it as crying)
OMG! This is just LOL! :D
Oh my God LOL emo! Laughing like a hyena right now. xD
Was it a nice phone? She wanted it then~
Well, if it's regular for you to lose important stuff, then she was probably teaching you a lesson and then she forgot...
If it's not regular... It's just crazy!
I lost my bus pass a while ago and it's not usual for me to lose important things like that and I explained it should have fell off my jacket pocket since it was a different one and I usually put it there (the jacket I usually wear has straight down big pockets so nothing gets lost eheheheh) so she understood. To my sister, that loses stuff all the time, she lost her school card one day and my mom just said "Good for you, next time be more responsible" and I ended up finding it in her jacket (it has a hole in the pocket so it was really inside the jacket) and my mom scolded her more for being lazy when searching. So it depends.
But still....
1 year..
Dang it
You would easily find a new one on the street xD
Well... intersting story.