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Hey Guys,
I have started my own youtube channel. Well a second channel and I want to do things properly.
What I need help with is a avatar!?
Those of you who know me, I am very bad at arts and I need a little profile picture thing.
My channel name is called BringBackBananas and I'm looking for something cute and adorable as well as awesome.
You can do what you like, please if you can help me. I am stuck for ideas and I'll really appreciate it! You will be credited on my channel for you amazing work.
Thanks Guys,
i'm not very good at drawing(fruit), but based on the channel's name...
i'd use a cute bunch of smiling bananas as an avatar.
one smiling like this :3
and the other like this :fete:
and another one like this ^u^
(and so on)
in different shades from yellow to green
and a bunch of brown dots
and stick limbs with round white gloves on the hands
and colorful sneakers on the feet...
something like that...
My channel is at youtube/BringBackBananas
Literally, so far its all colour and cutesy. I also have a tumblr blog set up as well.
I'm giving you all freedom to come up with anything. It doesn't even have to do with bananas, its just called that because I'm obsessed with yellow and things of the banana kind
Working on my new video. The topic: Music :) Should be fun
Last edited by picalilll (05-05-2013 16:43:11)