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I thought it'd be cool if we girls here discussed fashion and asked questions about it. Really just getting style advice from other players.
An example would be like:
Hey, I have a date on Saturday night to the movies. Should I dress casual, or a little dressy? Skirt or jeans? What kind of makeup should I do? How should I wear my hair? Etc.
You guys would quote this person's text and write your input. Of course, you can write about your own problem and reply to multiple people!
So if anyone wants to help me out here ;) I'm thinking about changing up my whole wardrobe this summer so I have a fresh new look for junior year! I'm trying to go for a bohemian grunge kind of look, and try to get more natural tones and rich colors in my wardrobe like reds and browns. I have stretched ears, love wearing combat boots, highwaisted shorts, like putting on red lipstick, and I have natural curly blonde hair. Got any ideas for my wardrobe? :)
Let the style advice begin!
I never saw this before....O_O
Fashion sound like your along the line of my type of styles that I'd love to have.
Galaxy leggings are amazing.
I say a few simple but flowing skirts would look amazing and a few shorts. Not daisy dukes but not knee length either.
I'd find flowing shirts or tight fitting sphagetti straps to look amazing and would look great with your hair.
Maybe spice things up with a belt or with one of those hippie type of bands for your head. You'd totally look great.
How about going for a sort of Boho Chick look? That way you would be wearing lots of bright colors and tops and skirts that are free and flowy. :ok: