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Hey Guys,
I'm doing a project which I want to show how the world is just like one community.
If you want to be part of it that would be fantastic, I need as many people as possible.
What you need to do:
1) Film your feet as you walk, about 10 seconds worth of footage
2) Send the video to my email address (
3) Within the email please write the following;
- Name *Last name optional*
- Country you live in: If you live in the US please give the name of your state.
- Write your nearest city or town as well, if I get more than one person from another country.
Thanks, please as many of you as possible
Oh I can totally do this :) Sounds like fun!
Thanks guys, the quality doesn't even have to be good. Just email it to the address as soon as possible and I'll do the rest :norm:
That's actually sounds like a really cool project! Sadly, I can't really take part in it but.. send me the link of it when your done!~ <3
Would you prefer it to be inside or outside?
snortmort wrote:
Would you prefer it to be inside or outside?
Either inside or outside.
You can be, bare foot, high heels, slippers, trainers, anything up to you :) It's literally, film urself walking for 10 seconds and send it to me, its that simple. :aomd_smile:
Do you have to do it on a camcorder or a webcam?
ivy020 wrote:
Do you have to do it on a camcorder or a webcam?
Film however you want. It can be bad quality or good quality, doesn't matter. As long as u are able to send me it, it doesn't matter
I,think you can count me in!
I'll definitely do it when I get the chance!
I'll definitely do it. :D
K, I just sent mine to you through SkyDrive (Hotmail). I hope it works - let me know if you can access it. It was too large to attach normally to an email.
Last edited by snortmort (06-06-2013 21:52:53)
snortmort wrote:
K, I just sent mine to you through SkyDrive (Hotmail). I hope it works - let me know if you can access it. It was too large to attach normally to an email.
It's downloading onto my laptop now. It should work. Thanks :) I now have two video clips to work with and start the opening credits to the project!:norm:
Awesome - please let me know if I can see the finished project sometime! (Youtube?)
snortmort wrote:
Awesome - please let me know if I can see the finished project sometime! (Youtube?)
It will be on youtube don't worry
Can I send you mine? if it's not too late?
sani wrote:
Can I send you mine? if it's not too late?
It's never too late. I've literally only gotten 2! So far... 20 seconds of footage and 2 countries. So far... not enough. Now having to reach out over other stuff.
I just filmed two videos to send to you, you can decide which one you want. There's some sound, which you can cut out because my sister is singing silently in the background. I'll send you the email.
I hope it's okay if I filmed it inside my house because it's nighttime here, but if I need to i can film it in the morning if my dad lets me and I can make it outside.
Last edited by shiva (14-06-2013 07:14:21)
shiva wrote:
I just filmed two videos to send to you, you can decide which one you want. There's some sound, which you can cut out because my sister is singing silently in the background. I'll send you the email.
I hope it's okay if I filmed it inside my house because it's nighttime here, but if I need to i can film it in the morning if my dad lets me and I can make it outside.
Your footage was perfect thank you!!! :love:
Todoshi - this is a pretty old post and submissions aren't being accepted any longer - Picalill already made her video back in June or something.
(Pica - would it be possible for us to see the end result?)
Its still open. I literally only have 5 videos. I need many more. People said They'd do them haven't sent them to me. It's annoying. I went to loads of forums and stuff, nothing happened. I got caught up in filming a film anyway. Busy bee. I still have the files and I plan to do it. Just need more videos
I'm filming tomorrow a music video and I was featured in the newspaper today so.
Last edited by picalilll (26-10-2013 18:10:44)