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Granted, but then by doing that you change the laws of something and everyone dies.
I wish for all the Harry Potter books.
Granted, but they were an edited version so now the only events in the storyline are the ones shown in the movie.
I wish it would rain cake.
Granted, but then the cakes were too big -- bigger than the earth itself, it was humanity's end.
I wish Pikachu was real.
Granted, but he kills you. Best I could come up with :ouf: .
I wish I could meet Chapstuiqe
Granted, but before you could speak, a giant guitar fell on him.
I wish I had a Unicorn.
My dear Chappy... dies??? NOOOOOO!!!!
Granted, but then it stabs you with it's horn.
I wish I could remember how many books I've read.
Aww! Unicorn stab me? :'c
Granted but then you get a major headache.
I wish for some lasagna.
Granted, but you didn't know it had poison in it and you ate it without any second thought.
I wish there was a world of fantasies.
Last edited by kaybecr (19-06-2013 12:13:13)
Granted, but you never get to see it. MWAHAHA! Yeah, that was pretty desperate.
I wish I could like in a anime!
I'm going to assume you meant that you wish you could look like you were from an anime.
Granted, but people stare at you wondering whether or not they are dreaming because anime people aren't in the real world.
I wish Ookami-san and Her Seven Companions had more than 12 episodes, that's way too short!!!
~Why isn't it longer?! :non:
Granted, but then it gets waaaaaaay toooooo long and you get bored of it.
I wish I had a panda!!
Granted, a MICROSCOPIC panda for you! It looks like a dust particle that a light breeze might be enough to send it flying to God knows where. :ok:
I wish I had more free time.
(Woops... bad typo back there, sorry about that... :ouf: )
Granted, but you use it all up.
I wish I could own my omd clothes in real life.
Granted, but then something goes wrong and you only get one outfit. You wear it everyday and then you get so bored of it you throw it out and a few years later it's in fashion again cause a monkey wore it.. So sad you threw it away. :/
I wish I had my own Library.
Granted, but it gets burnt down in a fire.
I wish I could go in and out of books and real life.
Granted, but then you get trapped inside a book!
I wish that Freed Justine from Fairy Tail is real <3
Granted, but he does not know how the real world works, and he gets killed immediately. (I don't even know if that is a valid ruin because I have no idea who he is.)
I wish I didn't have summer homework.
Granted, but then you get really stupid because you didn't do it! Shame on you! *wags finger*
I wish I was a dragon rider.
Granted, but then their were no more Dragons left for you to ride on so what's the use of being one.
I wish I had sharp eyesight, sharp enough to notice the tiniest details.
Granted, but then your eyes break.
I wish I could meet Anna Nalick.
Granted, you magically appear before her inside her house and you were charged for a crime of trespassing private property.
I wish vegetables were chocolatey in flavor.
Granted. but then there are only 10 of them left and before you could eat it, your sister did.
I wish for some new anime.
I don't have a sister thou.
Oh, how I wish that too! ~
Granted, but the anime wasn't to your liking.
I wish I was good at making handcrafts.
Haha! LOL. :D
Granted, but then you become too good that all your friends get jealous and leave you.
I wish I had superpowers!
Granted, but since you are a newbie you accidentally set the earth on fire and everyone turns into mutated, jumbo lime green cannibal chickens.
I wish I could marry COLLINS KEY! <3