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lol so this is super random. But I recently ordered a new swimsuit from Rey Swimwear and it came in this week and I LOVE IT. Love love love. It's so super cute. Can't wait to go swimming!
If you're looking for a super cute, modest swimsuit, Rey is the place to order one! I'm so not a bikini-show-off-everything-have-no-respect-for-myself kind of girl, so I like to have a bit of coverage in a swimsuit. This is so perfect and I'm so happy with it! Planning to take B swimming next week with a girlfriend and her baby son - yay!
Aww that is so cuute!
My parents are actually taking my sister and I to Wal-Mart to get a new swim suit tonight. So excited!
That's such a nice swimsuit! It's very simple and black but it's still really cute. The little dots at the top give it a really nice touch.
I always liked the pin up swimsuits, either the one-piece with dots or sailor-themed ones and also the ones with high-waisted bikini pants. But I've never really stumbled upon one like that in any shop. Besides I live far away from any sea :(
Whoa, I don't mean to start an argument or anything, but why does wearing a bikini mean not having respect for oneself? I myself don't wear bikinis, but I don't feel that people have no self respect when they do.
I just feel that wearing tiny bikinis really encourages guys to see women as objects and not as the wonderful people that they are. It leaves nothing to the imagination.
"Modesty isn't about hiding ourselves. It's about revealing our dignity." is a quote taken from a video on the evolution of the swimsuit by Jessica Rey, the girl who designs the swimsuits at Rey Swimwear. I'd post the link but we're not supposed to post outside links. If you Youtube search "The evolution of the swimsuit" it'll pop up.
I don't want to be seen as an object by guys, and I certainly don't want some old guy or creeper or really any guy other than my husband to imagine what it would be like to be with me because I'm encouraging his visual thought processes by revealing so much of my body.
My opinion. It doesn't mean it's the only opinion out there. But food for thought.
I agree with you actually, snortmort. I think that it's personal freedome, but in the end, I prefer not being judged by how I look but how I am...
That aside, I love the swimsuit! So cute!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (21-06-2013 02:53:31)
Thanks, darkelf :)
I was just coming back to edit my post, because I remembered that I saw an Etsy shop that sells super cute retro/pin-up style suits, like what Rhea had mentioned.
Rhea: again, I can't post an outside link, but if you go to the website, and search for a shop called "RedDollySwimwear" she has a whole bunch of super cute swimsuits in that style. I thought about ordering one myself, but they were mostly a bit too low to satisfactorily cover my chest. But I thought you might like to take a look at her shop! :)
Last edited by snortmort (21-06-2013 02:57:11)
For me, I wear bikini to open up more. I'm very why about who I am and how I look so it's to actually help me personally. (I also feel pretty wearing one which says something because I have so much self hate about how I look.)
On that topic...I got my new bikini. It's light blue covered in yellow strawberries (yeah) but it's adorable and it gets me out of my comfort zone in 2 ways. 1) how I look 2) I usually wear blacks so it's a color I normally don't wear...and very bright.
snortmort wrote:
I just feel that wearing tiny bikinis really encourages guys to see women as objects and not as the wonderful people that they are. It leaves nothing to the imagination.
"Modesty isn't about hiding ourselves. It's about revealing our dignity." is a quote taken from a video on the evolution of the swimsuit by Jessica Rey, the girl who designs the swimsuits at Rey Swimwear. I'd post the link but we're not supposed to post outside links. If you Youtube search "The evolution of the swimsuit" it'll pop up.
I don't want to be seen as an object by guys, and I certainly don't want some old guy or creeper or really any guy other than my husband to imagine what it would be like to be with me because I'm encouraging his visual thought processes by revealing so much of my body.
My opinion. It doesn't mean it's the only opinion out there. But food for thought.
Either opinion is plausible. Either way, it's on the guy for thinking like that. Or anybody. Anybody can look at a girl in a bikini as an object instead of having self control and looking the other way. It's not the person wearing the bikini's fault. *shrug*
@snortmort - Thanks so much for the info! Those swimsuits are absolutely lovely! I'm actually starting to feel motivated enough to loose some weight and buy myself one of them :D
And about the whole respect and lack of it while wearing bikini I personally agree with Harajuku. I think it's not my or any women's fault that some men (not all of them) are savage beasts that can think only about one thing. These kind of men think of women and treat them as objects all the time and my outfit won't change it. It doesn't matter if I wear a skimpy bikini or a burka, they still think I'm just a stupid girl that should know her place, preferably in the kitchen.
I could go on and on, but let's get back to the swimwear topic. In my country it's rather normal that women wear one-piece swimsuits for indoor swimming pools and bikinis for outdoor ones or to the beach. The reason behind it is pretty simple - they want to get a tan! And it's definitely easier to do when you're wearing less :)
Ha, I guess the whole tan thing is part of why I wanted a suit that covers more also. I worked on a farm for 11 years and we always worked so hard on our tans, but one summer I got a second degree sunburn that blistered and all kinds of gross and painful things. Also, my mom recently had a form of skin cancer on her nose from it getting burned so often, which was pretty scary. So, since that summer/my mom's condition, I've been really trying to be careful with my skin. I usually use SPF 50-60 sunscreen lol. If it's one form of cancer I can actually do something to prevent, then I'm certainly going to try to fight it off! :)
But of course, I do understand the desire to get a nice tan - it's no fun being pasty white all summer either!
I decides I'll post pics of my new swimsuit *yeah!*
Bloody, it's such a super-hiper-cute swimsuit! The pattern and the frills are so sweet! I'm sure you're looking great in it :D
Snortmort, I know what you mean. I'm very pale and burn easily so I try to keep myself away from sun. And a sunscreen is my all-year-long best friend.
Oh my gosh! Snort Mort, I'm a big fan of Rey Swimwear, and the lady who designes them.
Nice, Spider! I didn't think anyone else on here would have heard of them. I only heard about them a few weeks ago when a friend shared a blog post on dressing modestly, and there was a picture from their website on it.
Bloody - that is a cute suit!
omg so cute!!! Makes me wish I actually had a swimsuit. Oh wait, I have summer camp coming up! That's means my mom's gotta take me to get one sooner or later. :3 Well enjoy your adorable swimsuits as well as the rest of the things that summer brings!
omg, I rhymed
Aaahhh so cute! Damn I wish it was easy for me to pick bikinis or any kind of swimsuit...
When it's a normal swimsuit, it tends to get large on the tummy and the shoulder strings and it falls off -_-
If it's a bikini, I have a big butt, really, my life song should be "I have big butt and I cannot lie, you other brothers cant deny!". And to get the panties that fit my bum, the upper part will be too big for my breasts! It's not like they are small but usually, A-B cups are for small butts. The minute you have a big butt, the bra goes to a freagging D or something and I'm like, no...
The only ones I've had that fit me, one was from Mont Blanc but then the bra clasp broke and the other was bought at a local store, it is rainbow colored (not even joking, I'm a unicorn!, and it's probably the one that STILL suits me! The pantie part is brazilian style (If I use regular looking ones, it looks like my butt is 1metre high) which makes it even more fun~! Though I wanted to buy a new one : c Which is a shame since I live like 10minutes away from the beach
Oh and Bloddy, that one is sooo cute!
This one is sooooo adorable! I love how they are simple enough to look like slim tops
Last edited by janghyunae (28-06-2013 14:01:51)
Omg, Jang, I have the exact same problem! My butt is rather big and my boobs are pretty small, so buying any kind of swimsuit is a real challenge. I usually have to find stores that sell bras and panties separately. The problem is that the swimsuits are usually pretty expensive when sold that way :/
And that swimsuit is perfect! The style and the colours are absolutely adorable! I like it so much that if I had it would probably wear it instead of a top with a cute frilly skirt. I'm in love XD
Jang - is that one of the suits from Rey? It's super super cute!
Snortmort and Bloody, your swimsuit/bikini are so pretty! It reminds me that I need to buy a new swimsuit/bikini..
@Rhea: High five! I'll try... If anything, I'll just buy two from a cheap store and mix-match them ayee!! I absolutely love light mint with lavender, it looks so soft and it goes well with any skin color actually!
@Snortmort: Yeapz, the swimsuit is from Rey alright!
First of all, your swimsuit is SO beautiful, Snortmort! (super cute design and great colour, I love black!) :ok: Second, I think that one should wear what suits perfectly to you and feel comfortable with. It also has to do with the culture of a country, I remember that in Brazil women wear extra tiny bikinis and men don't look at them like wolves about to attack a slice of meat! In contrast, Argentinian boys are like ready to attack you verbally if you wear something tiny.
@Andy, here it's the same but we start to get used because "hey, maybe that wasn't for me".
Also, over this week I saw a lady that had a bikini in which the upper part was a bit larger and bigger than usually and it actually resembled the one I had chosen from Rey ahah