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118 oh still 7 PM...That's why I don't want to fall asleep now!
That 2nd one is pretty
118, okay I thought it was late in your area.. But it shouldn't be because you leave in the US and I leave in Canada, so the time is not very different. It's 8:30 pm over here.
119 *narrows eyes at you girls* I can't believe you tricked me! NO! NOOOOOOOO!
Then again, I like looking at dresses!
Yeah...for some reason I'm famished.
119 Evil evil you! I knew you knew my mom!
I think we all know your mom *evil laugh* *quiets down* *politely says* Now go look at some wedding dresses, my dear
119 ... O_O ... Now I'm scared....*narrows eyes* did you girl introduce that guy to my parents? I want the truth...NOW
My lips are sealed!
I did like the song you wanted me to hear...more like loved it
119 ....Don't make me come over....
really?! I loved it too! A friend of mine came over to me with a stupid grin on his face and told me he had a song I'd like...and voila!
Come on over! was great <3
119 ... I will hit you if I do!
Glad you did!!! Made me day!
gaaaaahh tired!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (10-07-2013 03:02:40)
I dare you to :p
Same. My sister and her friends had me up till 1 am and u woke up at 9
119 ... I seriously,wanna come to kentucky...not kidding!
Oooh...I woke up at 5 but walked with ny brother all day in the sun for.paperwork and farmers' market nd so on...
But you know what scares me the most....
I might get tanned...NOOOOOO
Last edited by darkelfqueen (10-07-2013 03:11:05)
Then come!
What's bad about being tan? I love it.
Sounds like you had a fun day
118, rare you wasn't on our side: the raspberries?
You can't betray us! *takes next flight to your house* How dare you
Happy day one of Ramadan to those who do. I had to go to work but was fine. I didnt pass out...
Bloody... Im really sorry i didnt call last night. Its not that i forgot i left my phone downstairs and didnt come until 11.00. And the times are really late for us to do stuff now. 8.30 is when we can eat dinner and 10.00 is when i start my summer homework. I get home from my job at 5.00 (today was 6) and then i go to sleep till 7. Then help my mom with dinner. Tell me what times i can call you, I'll probably on the weekend earlier than usual. Like 6 or 7.
Last edited by angelfire (10-07-2013 10:54:28)
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