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149 lolz sorry. Needed that cliffy. Saffi it's on dollz cafe.
So I'm dieting to lose two sizes...or three. What I do is I eat one meal with proteins, fats, bread, etc. the rest of the day it's only fruits and water. Worked miracles...also no fried food!
I could probably do that diet. I think I may try it.
148, me too i'll try it. Just to loose 1 size or two.
I need a few but anything will do
148, I don't really need too. But loosing few sizes will be good I think.
148 yeah it actually,makes your appetite less too..and lots of water makes you get rid of any let you know, I did break the rule twice and ate fries and fried chicken.
150, I generally don't have a lot of appetite. I am quite sure that I might break the rule by eating fries or fried chichen.. :ouf:
The fried part will be my issue and that's just because I have to eat whatever is made for me at dinner.
I think I'll skip breakfast, fruit for lunch, whatever for dinner. I will have my morning cup of coffee but skip the pop a day, leaving me drinking water all day.
151 lolz. No try to hold on... Fried food is the WORST for your body! Also try to eat vegetables instead of fruits, then fruits do have sugar...But fruits also have more water in them which could be beneficial, so a good balance is better.
My mom didn't get veggies so I'm stuck eith fruits :ouf:
I did e-mail you
That sounds easy enough. I think I'll try it :3 of course not this month...ramadan is the only time in the whole year we ever eat fried foods. I make sure that happens.
Last edited by angelfire (11-07-2013 00:56:58)
152 lolz. Our family just keeps the same habits during ramadan but we change the times. We might make basboosa though. Not sure if you girls ever heard of it...I for one love it, but seriously am trying to totally ignore it since it's so sugarry!
you did, bloodsy?! Gonna see!
Really? Wow
My mom makes basboosa all the time. Just not for the month. Its usually when there's a party or we want something sweet for school. We normally make kenafa ( do you know what that is? ) and baklava and this thing called qata'if which is like samosa but it has nuts in it and you dip it in boiled sugar and water after frying.
152 I know ALL of them! And boy do I love them ALL....We try not to make them too much to avoid gaining weight...Not that it helps since I always eat chocolate... Anyways...I LOVE THEM ALL!!! You're making me cry here!!! Qataief is my second favorite. My aboslute fav is basboosa!
Emailed back Bloodsy!
Last edited by darkelfqueen (11-07-2013 01:05:49)
All I know is baklava
I'd rather not eat
152, Good, you?