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#1 12-07-2013 20:49:12

From: Attitude City
Registered: 2010
Posts: 2879

My new piercings!

So about a week ago, I got my ears pierced. I had them done before, but they had closed up when I was little, so I had to get them redone. Now, I have to spend about 3 months with my new pink earrings in all the time. (And yes, I did choose for them to be pink.)
I have to clean them a lot, but at least I will always be fabulouso.

tumblr: sirpepperston

#2 12-07-2013 23:01:51

Registered: 2011
Posts: 394

Re: My new piercings!

I hear you, man. I don't know how different it is to deal with freshly pierced ears compared to nose rings since I got my ears pierced when I was 2 years old. Just keep cleaning them. It'll be worth the trouble when you don't have scars from infections.
I did get my nose pierced last March and I had stretched ears until I made a deal with my mom to let me pierce my nose if I downsize my ears.
Contrary to popular belief, my ears did shrink back to normal size (I stretched to a pretty "small" size: I stopped at 0g) and my nose piercing had a little trouble healing for a while but it was fixed with washing it twice a day with salt water.

Stretched ears

And nose hoop. (and my dog)

Last edited by harajukukiki (12-07-2013 23:22:55)

#3 13-07-2013 00:09:26

From: The world I created in my head
Registered: 2010
Posts: 21425

Re: My new piercings!

Yay! Peircings!

I've had them since I was like...One. My left ear used t get pretty damaged when I was ten. For some reason it just always gets all yucky and bloody. I had to wear pure gold earrings else they go back to being bloody.
It's better now though so I can wear cheap earrings which is great :)

Just make sure if you ever take earrings off, wipe the little pointy part thing that goes through your ears with Alcohol. It's just to make sure that what happened to me doesn't happen to you XD Or you can also use Vaseline.
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#4 13-07-2013 00:13:54

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: My new piercings!

I'm gonna get the holes that I've had pierced twice (5 months and 5 years old) redone soon. They'll be done at home though. I do have one ear piercing already and can't wait for this one. Mine were done a second time and little bit higher but due to the major bleeding it did for about 2 months I had to let them close :(

Now just if I can talk my parents into a nose ring or snake bites....whivhll never happen and due to my career choice, will never happen.

(By the way, you're pretty harajukukiki)
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#5 13-07-2013 02:00:22

Registered: 2011
Posts: 394

Re: My new piercings!

bloodyemos wrote:

I'm gonna get the holes that I've had pierced twice (5 months and 5 years old) redone soon. They'll be done at home though. I do have one ear piercing already and can't wait for this one. Mine were done a second time and little bit higher but due to the major bleeding it did for about 2 months I had to let them close :(

Now just if I can talk my parents into a nose ring or snake bites....whivhll never happen and due to my career choice, will never happen.

(By the way, you're pretty harajukukiki)

Thanks :D

I convinced my mom to let me get my nose pierced by telling her there are no serious veins or anything like that on the nostrils and that if I ever wanted to take it out, the scar would barely show up. That's what my mom was concerned about; the piercing going wrong or having a noticeable scar. Maybe you could do further research on that and convince your parents :D
Are clear nose rings an option for your career? I used to wear one when I'd volunteer at a day care where they didn't want volunteers to have "scary piercings" and for dance competitions.

#6 13-07-2013 02:23:02

From: Toradora!
Registered: 2012
Posts: 38246

Re: My new piercings!'s a medical career and I go to a medical wouldn't fly
Soldier to Be Following Enlisted, My Heart
Tumblr: The-Steampunk-Paradox|Snapchat: KatInsanity1102

#7 13-07-2013 08:26:43

the undying
From: Homeworld
Registered: 2011
Posts: 3429

Re: My new piercings!

you can hardly see the clear nose rings. We have to wear them at school, or wear a bandaid over our nose.

I like piercings, just not on me. I haven't worn earrings for a good 3 years and my holes won't close up. Jewelry just gets in the way for me.

Just don't go overboard with them, okay? A few if my friends were really pretty until they got too many piercings.
          * The wind is howling...

TUMBLR: reynir|            INSTA fierce.scarlet

#8 13-07-2013 13:52:54

Registered: 2012
Posts: 235

Re: My new piercings!

Tssshhh I haven't bought anything for my ears in soooo long! I first got my first earrings when I was 4 but at the British College we had to take them so they ended up closing again and eergh it hurt so bad! At around 10 I pierced them again and at 14 I pierced the second row. Later on I managed to open the very first holes again although they are only a couple of mm away from the others. So basically I could use two sets of earrings on the zone of the first piercings eheheh

But I want more but I just dont find time to go and do it...

@Rarity: If your holes were used for more than 3 months, it is very hard for them to close up again. And earrings dont have to be big.

My earring set, as an example, are really simple. I have small rings, little stars, little "jewls"-like-things, and little balls. Then I have only 2 pairs that are bigger. Ones were my aunt's present: they are made of gold with a little clear jewl that hangs on the bottom and the gold part does these little spikes as if it was a star and the jewl is on the middle. They have around 1.5cm of height, not much. The other pair was made by a very close teacher and it basically consists of a string with clear beads and an origami tsuru at the end in recicled paper, they are probably 5cm long. I usually use the small ones because they are more comfortable...

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