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Happy Birthday, Icefoxes!~ <3 Send us some cake! :P
Happy birthday :D
Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday Icefoxes, ♪
Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you! ♪♫
Here's some cake :3
And happy unbirthdays to you all! Once when saying that to someone I accidentally said have a very unhappy birthday. Oops. But thank you everyone for not saying that XD
~:norm: <3
Oooh! Yum! So details!! What did you do? What flavor was the cake? What did you wear? :D
It's not even noon yet XD But I'm in meh pj's and waiting for my parents to wake up so I can make them go get me a cheesecake XD
Good plan!~ (PS. Don't forget to send me some. I am in your closet)
What do you want most?
o.o *checks closet*
I want a cheesecake. :3
(Pssst. Check under the bed. Nope, Closet. Nope, Bed! Bed or closet? That is ze question! O.o *nods head wisely*)
LOL!~ :D
Last edited by malu (14-07-2013 19:11:17)
Lol have a very pleasently happy birthday :)
And send me some cake too ^^