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Aw, you're leaving Rare, how long?
I'm going on holiday to the land of Doctor Who, Game of Thrones and Benedict Cuccumbersnatch.
I'll be back on September 15. Believe me... I'm getting really sad about leaving.
IM GONNA MISS YOU :pleur: :pleur: :pleur:
Battle of the Labyrinth, Amary. If you go back two pages, you'll see my reactions towards the end of the book. School starts in 2 days and I know that they have The Last Olympian!
Ahhhh, gonna miss you too, Rare :l
@bloody: gonna try to do the tutorial thing you asked for. But after exams. Which is like this week. ((Argh. Dangit all these exams.))
Great! Thanks. I understand exams (I hate them). Like I've said, school starts so I'll start getting busier and all.
I want to read more manga but I can't. I gotta help out know. I've read 4 manga this morning. 2 D. Gray-Man's and 2 Claymore. I have 1 Claymore left and 2 Fruits Basket's...then I'm out of manga.
Thanks... The more I think about it, the sadder I'm getting. So no more discussing it! Ill say my farewells on Friday and be sad then, not now!
If you like Claymore, you'll love SnK. :V
71, Good morning girls! :)
I wanna watch SnK so bad.
Mornin' Saffi
I wanna read a bunch of manga, cosplay, role play on MSPARP and tumblr but math exams and chinese exams and just. Ugh.
Why am I thinking of all the things I wanna do when I can't/aren't supposed to do them
I know the feels. When ACT times comes around, you'll hardly see me. I'll have to study, study, study.
Morning Saff. I decided to draw something for these two perfect people on Instagram, so I can finally start the tutorial you asked for. I hope I can get it done be tomorrow night.
I actually got called that Attack on Titan girl at school today. I was not angry at all. <3
I still hate Luke even though people like him for dying a true hero's death. ;-;
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