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Speaking of her, I haven't seen her in a while.
I can understand that, Rare. You'll find your accepting one day.
Yeah. She's kinda busy with work at the moment. But she's all good. I'll tell her that she should stop by for a while.
No... She'll get bored and go do something else. She has the attention span of an ant, but likes to be active (which I like about her)
But then in saying that, I get concerned for my mental well-being. Guys. I found my new second favourite SnK blog.
49 The guy creeps me out! He reminds me of...someone...He creeps me out?! Who is that?
*ehem* I do have a short attention span too...I tend to work on tons of things at the same time...Which can be good at times, but ends up exhausting. My family thinks I need to teach myself to narrow it down a bit.
It's Jean Kirswhatshisname and he's a total babe. But SnK is terrible on him. Oh man. If Eren wasn't so precious, Jean would be my favouorite.
Oh don't get me wrong. I do too. (That's why I failed year 11 last year) But
Risca can't sit in front of a TV for more than an hour.
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