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Added and Screenshot taken, Hollymoua
I added to the gifts due to the fact that I found out I had more certificates than orignally thought to have
Last edited by bloodyemos (23-07-2013 01:54:48)
Wow, that's a lot of gifts. Anyway, I can take a screenshot now, but you've already taken one. Do you want me to take it, or are you fine?
I'm fine, Spi. Thank you though.
Okay! :)
Hello, may I still join the contest? I'd like to participate with my princesstamina doll.
I'd also like to enter if it's still possible (:
Thank you & good luck to everyone participating!
Last edited by reminusa (01-08-2013 23:08:27)
Both added
Weeell.. Here you go... Not that great but yea. :]
I know that I am late but I haven`t been at home. Is there any chance that I could join?
I'll allow you to join, Angelin.
I'm done!! Had enough to buy a few items! Hope you like!
Thank you for reminding me, Bloody! Here is my entry :)
Here's my outfit. You can see it on my main at her bedroom.
Last edited by darkelfqueen (03-08-2013 20:14:10)
Hey guys! So i'm posting the winners tonight with their blingees. All participation blingees will be given out within the next week (due to time and school starting).
In first place.......*drum roll please*.......
spiderwick9 pictures
In second place.......
Online Photo Editor
In third place........
fairykisses pictures
Please let me know what gifts you will like. I will try my hardest to get the votes out to you guys within the next week or so.
Thank you everyone for participating!
Last edited by bloodyemos (10-08-2013 04:45:01)
Congrats everyone! :D
Congratulations girls! (:
Last edited by reminusa (10-08-2013 19:02:04)
Congratz everyone!! Congratz on first spi!!
Wow, thank you!
For the gifts I guess I'd like these:
Thank you, again, and congratulations to everyone!
Last edited by spiderwick9 (11-08-2013 17:08:58)
Thank you so much and sorry for being so late! Also congratulations to the winners! Good job, girls :)
May I ask for these?
Can I please get this gift -->