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I was wanting to see what the quest gifts were so I clicked on one of them and it asked me to confirm; so I said 'ok' and it took me to the quest. I looked at the gifts, decided I didn't want to do that quest, and backed up a page and realized that the quest that I just clicked on had disappeared. I repeated the process for several of the quests, and the same thing happened. This normally wouldn't bother me since I had done all but one of the quests anyways. But, I started the quest I hadn't done, and made it to the choice step, and I picked one of the endings, but accidently hit the back button. It took me back to the replay quests page, and since the quests I clicked on disappeared, I can no longer access the quest I was doing, and therefore can't complete it. If this could please be fixed, I'd appreciate it. The quest I was doing was 'Gossip Dollz' and my browser is Firefox. Also, it appears to not be doing this with the 'Steampunk' quest, and it won't let me go to the replay page to check the 'Top Model' quest.
Same here. I had sumbitted a ticket to feerik. (And my browser is Google Chrome but still, I won't work.) I hope feerik will fix this soon since we only have 13 days (I think) :sad:
I'm having the same issue D:. I can't procceed with the Erasmus quest.